Sunday, June 13, 2010

16-year old wrongful conviction overturned

From the NY Post:

After spending 16 years in jail on a murder conviction that was overturned this week, Jabbar Collins arrived home this afternoon to a hero’s welcome — but took time to land a jab at the Brooklyn District Attorney’s office that put him behind bars after withholding evidence.

"Simply because someone is named a district attorney does not mean that they’re incapable of mistakes or even intentional misconduct," said Collins, after being greeted by his family members who waited outside his mother’s Queens home for him to arrive.

"I’m thankful that justice was finally served," said Collins, 37, who rode home from prison in a midnight blue limo, wearing khaki slacks and a white tee shirt.

"I’m disgusted, to be honest, however today is a day of rejoicing. I had 16 years of misery and 16 years of sorrow. So today I just want to enjoy myself with my family. I don’t even want to think about it," he said.

Federal Judge Dora Irizarry on Tuesday overturned the conviction in connection with the murder and robbery of a Brooklyn man, and barred prosecutors in Brooklyn DA Charles Hynes’ office from ever retrying Collins on the charges.

Irizarry ruled that the DA’s office withheld key evidence from defense attorneys during the trial. Collins was accused of shooting Abraham Pollac, a Williamsburg rabbi in 1994.

Arriving at his mother’s home in Jamaica, Queens, Collins first hugged his 18-year-old daughter, who was there along with his two sons and his six brothers and two sisters and his step-father. He also met his four-month old grandson for the first time.

Asked about the first thing he plans to do now that he’s free, Collins said: "Go to church and pray and give thanks to Jesus."


Anonymous said...

He missed his daughter growing up.

Anonymous said...

ain't nobody do me like jeses..ain't nobody do me like the lord..ain't nobody do me like jeses..he'

Anonymous said...

So who actually killed the Rabbi? A double travesty, two victims. It just goes to show you the heavy responsibilities of a prosecutor--not only do they have to "win" but sometimes they have to not prosecute a case at all, even in spite of political pressure because the evidence is just not there.

I hope that the family of the victim lives to see justice done.

Anonymous said...

Let's see what this guy does with his new found freedom

Anonymous said...

Any comments from the death penalty advocates?

Anonymous said...

One would think the assistant D.A. who witheld the exculpatory evidence would be fired and brought up on charges.

But no, as of Friday, Joe Hynes right hand man was still on the job, persecuting black men.

When will Clarence Norman, Jr. be freed ?

ew-3 said...

This guy was never sentenced to death.
And, FWIW, this does not mean he was not guilty. He was freed because of a process error.
Not sure anyone would want to apply the death penalty on every murder conviction. But why are we still paying for the likes of the Son of Sam or Charles Manson to still be breathing.

Anonymous said...

He wasn't sentenced to death. He was convicted to murder. He could have been sentenced to death.

Anonymous said...

"He was freed because of a process error."

Process error? Witnesses recant their testimony and the DA doesnt disclose and u call that a 'process error?'

Anonymous said...

elmer "killer "burke never murdered any person after 1958. because he was electrocuted at "sing sing "prison.

btw ,he was not afro-american.

for more see:elmer trigger burke on google.

with dna and other science,wrong convictions will be lowered. some capitol crimes should only be "life" sentences when doubtful.

Anonymous said...

Joran van der Sloot walked free for 5 years after killing a girl and then killed again, this poor man killed no one and served 16 years.

What is the difference?

Their race.

Anonymous said...

When will Clarence Norman, Jr. be freed ?

when he does his time for stealing $5000, which should be

BTW = Hynes sucks, but Norman sucks more.

Anonymous said...

it is reported that Peruvian justice is swift and decisive.
if the vander slot case is not botched ,he may die this time.

Aruba officials botched the first case against vander slot. it appears that officials may have been bought off.he has a top shelf legal american defense counsel,Tacapino.

Anonymous said...

Re: Van Der Sloot...

Comparing the Dutch/Aruban and US legal systems is moronic. Not to mention there was little evidence.

Also, most Aruban cops are black.

Anonymous said...

Re:Re: Van Der Sloot...

Comparing the Dutch/Aruban and US legal systems is moronic. Not to mention there was little evidence.

Also, most Aruban cops are black.

A lot of NYC cops are black, but the prosecters are white.

The prosecuters in Aruba are white men imported from the Netherlands, including Jorans' late father.

These things don't happen in the Bronx, the one place where the prosecuter is black, in the Bronx when cops lie on the stand they get indicted.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, it'll be no time at all before he commits another crime, and I'm sure prosecutors will get it right this time. Just because he was freed doesn't mean he's not guilty.

To the anon that said Van Der Sloot will die in a Peruvian prison... wrong. There is no death penalty there. He'll spend up to 35 years there (since he admitted to the killing) in prison. A lovely Peruvian prison.

Anonymous said...

To the poster that said "it'll be no time at all before he commits a crime" let me tell you that it is 4 years later and he is a great man. I met him AFTER his release and I have NO DOUBT there is no way he did this or would do anything else illegal. I only wish I could make sure you see this so you can know how wrong you were.

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