Thursday, May 6, 2010

Proof that the mental patients have taken over the asylum


On any other day at Live Oak High School in Morgan Hill, Daniel Galli and his four friends would not even be noticed for wearing T-shirts with the American flag. But Cinco de Mayo is not any typical day especially on a campus with a large Mexican American student population.

Galli says he and his friends were sitting at a table during brunch break when the vice principal asked two of the boys to remove American flag bandannas that they wearing on their heads and for the others to turn their American flag T-shirts inside out. When they refused, the boys were ordered to go to the principal's office.

"They said we could wear it on any other day," Daniel Galli said, "but today is sensitive to Mexican-Americans because it's supposed to be their holiday so we were not allowed to wear it today."

The boys said the administrators called their T-shirts "incendiary" that would lead to fights on campus.

"They said if we tried to go back to class with our shirts not taken off, they said it was defiance and we would get suspended," Dominic Maciel, Galli's friend, said.

The boys really had no choice, and went home to avoid suspension. They say they're angry they were not allowed to express their American pride. Their parents are just as upset, calling what happened to their children, "total nonsense."

"I think it's absolutely ridiculous," Julie Fagerstrom, Maciel's mom, said. "All they were doing was displaying their patriotic nature. They're expressing their individuality."

But to many Mexican-American students at Live Oak, this was a big deal. They say they were offended by the five boys and others for wearing American colors on a Mexican holiday.

"I think they should apologize cause it is a Mexican Heritage Day," Annicia Nunez, a Live Oak High student, said. "We don't deserve to be get disrespected like that. We wouldn't do that on Fourth of July."

As for an apology, the boys and their families say, "fat chance."

"I'm not going to apologize. I did nothing wrong," Galli said. "I went along with my normal day. I might have worn an American flag, but I'm an American and I'm proud to be an American."


Anonymous said...

I guess Americans have no rights. I thought we had freedom of religion, speech and expression. Way too much PC at this school. As long as the shirt was not offensive, the students had the right to wear an American flag shirt. These Mexicans should have said Thank You for all the US has afforded them. We are coddling these Mexicans way too much. Americans have rights. If they didn't like the American flag shirts, they should have kept it to themselves. Hope the parents sue the school. Send a message that these Mexicans can't control our rules, government and actions. Just disgraceful.

Anonymous said...

We are in desperate need of a countercultural revolution in this country-without one, this nation will surely be damned and doomed.

ew-3 said...

yup, the loonies have taken over.

have you heard about the mosque to be built right by the WTC? Approved by the loonies at CB1's Financial District Committee.


Anonymous said...

The next President of the United States need to make English the official language. This is way overdue. Next, he/she needs to revamp the Immigration & Naturalization Bureau. Americans have rights. Illegals do not -- and should not. It's time for the government to STOP cheapening our citizenship. AMERICA FIRST! Let Mexico and all these other countries take care of their own people instead of pushing their problems on America.

Anonymous said...

The Mosque in Manhattan, which will be close to the World Trade Center, where thousands of people died at the hand of Muslims, is being funded by the Ford Foundation and Rockefeller Foundation. Don't these rich folks have better things to do with their money? They would serve the public better by using their money to hire more police and firefighters and by helping the city become more secure. This move is counter-productive. The last thing we need in NYC is a Mosque. Maybe these foundations feel that this is a good move, so when the Muslims take over they will have a place to pray to Allah.

Anonymous said...

Deport them all including all the Mexican and Turkish horse carriage drivers that abuse horses and shit on this city

Anonymous said...

Fuck this. I'm going to wear the Dominican and Puerto rican flag.

Anonymous said...

On one hand, I can maybe see how these guys were possibly making an anti-immigrant statement, and maybe trying to throw it in the face of the Mexican-American kids. Again, I obviously wasn't there, but I could certainly believe, especially with people's hackles up over immigration lately, that the principal caught word of one group of kids taking something (possibly) the wrong way, and wanting to defuse the situation.

On the other, man up Nancy. Why the hell should wearing clothing that represents the flag of the country to which you belong threaten a group of fellow citizens? Or pull threats of suspension?

Sigh, indeed. This is going to be taken as an example of something it most likely isn't and both sides will run with it and on and on with the partisan name calling and wharrgarble.

I really hate the current environment of screaming match hair pulling. Please, let's take a breath.

Queens Crapper said...

Actually, you are missing the point on both counts. We have something called the 1st amendment in this country.

Anonymous said...

"I really hate the current environment of screaming match hair pulling. Please, let's take a breath."

No, scream louder. This country has gone way too far in one direction and there needs to be a massive pushback. Kids were booted from school bc they sported American flags. If displaying an American flag is EVER a provocative act, get the frig out of this country.

Anonymous said...

I think there is much more to this than the boys parents are reporting. Did these kids customarily cover themselves with the American flag all the time? Or did they just choose to do this on Cinco de Mayo? It seems to me that if they chose this one day to do it then they are misusing the American flag to incite others. American flag bandanas? I doubt these kids wore this gear on any other day. To do this, especially a week after Arizona seems a deliberate provocation and I think the administrators were right to call them on it. Wearing the Mexican flag on Cinco de Mayo is no different than wearing green on St. Patricks day.

Anonymous said...

Live Oak High School
1505 East Main Avenue
Morgan Hill, CA 95037

*Nick Boden - Principal ext. 40102

*Miguel Rodriguez - Assistant Principal ext. 40105

*Kim Lemos - Assistant Principal ext. 40106

Queens Crapper said...

"Did these kids customarily cover themselves with the American flag all the time? Or did they just choose to do this on Cinco de Mayo?"

Irrelevant, as either way, freedom of expression is protected under the first amendment.

Queens Crapper said...

"Wearing the Mexican flag on Cinco de Mayo is no different than wearing green on St. Patricks day."

Wearing the American flag while in America is also standard.

Anonymous said...

"I think there is much more to this than the boys parents are reporting. Did these kids customarily cover themselves with the American flag all the time? Or did they just choose to do this on Cinco de Mayo? It seems to me that if they chose this one day to do it then they are misusing the American flag to incite others. American flag bandanas? I doubt these kids wore this gear on any other day. To do this, especially a week after Arizona seems a deliberate provocation and I think the administrators were right to call them on it. Wearing the Mexican flag on Cinco de Mayo is no different than wearing green on St. Patricks day."

Please give me the day and time I am allowed to wear anything resembling the American flag. As an AMERICAN, I dont want to interfere with the sensibilities of citizens of any other foreign nation.

Anonymous said...

NOBODY is stopping people from acknowledging their Mexican heritage on May 5. But people are deliberately trying to stop AMERICANS from wearing an AMERICAN flag in AMERICA!!!! Worst part of all this is that there are tards that defend it.

Deke DaSilva said...

On one hand, I can maybe see how these guys were possibly making an anti-immigrant statement, and maybe trying to throw it in the face of the Mexican-American kids.

Really? So, explain to me what this was all about:

I suppose it's OK for Mexicans to wave the Mexican flag in the United States on May Day, because they are simply "expressing their pride".

But, Americans sporting the American flag in the United States is "bad" and "ray-cist", because we might hurt the feelings of those sensitive Mexicans, no?


I actually own a tie with Fleur-de-lis designs on it, and was considering wearing it yesterday. I should have. The symbolism would have been completely over the heads of the typical dull Mexican (is that redundant?); the smart people would have gotten the message, and known where my allegiances lie!

When the riots come, I look forward to meeting many of my fellow Americans on the streets!

Anonymous said...

Wearing the Mexican flag on Cinco de Mayo is no different than wearing green on St. Patricks day.

"Everybody" wears green on St. Pat's day, but only mexicans celebrate 5/5 and only PRs drive around with the PR flag all over their cars during the PR parade.

And you still haven't explained why these boys were punished. I rarely say this, but I hope they sue.

Anonymous said...

Americans have the right to display the American flag in a dignified and patriotic manner every day of the year.

I just don't approve of these kids coming into school wearing American flag do-rags on May 5, just to incite others. I don't see much difference between that and American flag underwear. I oppose both.

Deke DaSilva said...

I just don't approve of these kids coming into school wearing American flag do-rags on May 5, just to incite others.

Really? Any other days/times that you consider inappropriate?

Are these days OK?:

Martin Luther King Day?
February - Black History Month?
September 11?
Day of Ashura? (Shiite holiday)
Diwali? (Hindu holiday)

Why not simply ban the American flag everyday? I'm sure there's bound to be at least ONE person who will be offended, so rather than risk offending ONE person, maybe we should offend MOST Americans instead?

Anonymous said...

I just don't approve of these kids coming into school wearing American flag do-rags on May 5, just to incite others. I don't see much difference between that and American flag underwear. I oppose both.

Why would a Mexican-American be "incited", and to do what? Aren't they suppossed to be tolerent as well?

Anonymous said...

Would an Irish-American be offended if someone wore a shirt with an American flag on St. Patrick's Day?

Would an Italian-American be offended if someone wore a shirt with an American flag on Columbus Day?

Would a Christian be offended if someone wore a Star of David on Good Friday?

To any reasonably minded person, the answers to the above questions are no.

If the answers are yes -- SEEK MENTAL HELP!!!!

Angelica said...

I don't understand how anyone could possibly think this is NOT wrong and fucked up. It doesn't matter if they were doing it in opposition to Cinco de Mayo or not, nobody would EVER question an immigrant for wearing their home country's flag because that would be "discrimination". But we all know school administrators are a bunch of PC bureaucrat fuckfaces anyway. If it's going to be a crime to be American in America, then they can take their "diversity" and shove it up their ass.

Anonymous said...

It would be good if all of us could celebrate Cinco de Mayo. The battle victory kept a foreign power from re-establishing a foothold in North America. Who knows, we could all be speaking french right now if not for that victory. Cinco de Mayo is a lot of fun and we could all use a party holiday in early May when the weather is great. The Canadians should join in also, a North American holiday !

Klink Cannoli said...

Did everybody catch this at the end of the article?

"The five boys and their families met with a Morgan Hill Unified School District official Wednesday night. The district and the school dp not see eye-to-eye on the incident and released the following statement:

The district does not concur with the Live Oak High School administration's interpretation of either board or district policy related to these actions.

The boys will not be suspended and were allowed to return to school Thursday. We spotted one of them when he got to campus -- and, yes, he was sporting an American flag T-shirt."


Very nice. This is how things should work. Now I only hope both Vice Principle and Principle lose their jobs for using such poor judgment.

Deke DaSilva said...

The battle victory kept a foreign power from re-establishing a foothold in North America.

So I suppose we should just lay down our arms and let the foreign power from the South that's invading us right now to simply take over?

Who knows, we could all be speaking french right now if not for that victory.

Parlez-vous Espagnol?

The Canadians should join in also, a North American holiday !

I'm sure the Québécois would be absolutely thrilled!

Anonymous said...

Seems like the 1st amendment takes a back seat in schools, in terms of dress. I can remember dozens of times where a kid gets sent home for having a mohawk or whatnot, supposedly because it could cause a distraction to learning or whatever. I don't agree with it, but there it is.

Again, I don't know if this varies state-to-state or what, but just last week a kid got sent home for having a "line" cut into his close-cropped hair. I hope you'd send the same amount of vitriol towards the school for violating that kid's 1st rights.

Anyway, if the principal felt that some kids were taking the flag-wearing as a slap in the face - REGARDLESS OF WHETHER THEY'RE UN-AMERICAN IDIOTS FOR FEELING THAT WAY - he may've felt compelled to try to prevent a fight.

Looking at an issue from all sides doesn't mean one's missing the point.

Anonymous said...

"The battle victory kept a foreign power from re-establishing a foothold in North America".

Not long after, the French helped the North win the Civil War.

Klink Cannoli said...

Anon (whoever 2) wrote: "The battle victory kept a foreign power from re-establishing a foothold in North America. Who knows, we could all be speaking french right now if not for that victory."

That's some interesting revisionary history there, my friend. The French did indeed lose the battle at Puebla, but they sure did win the war after capturing Mexico City. In 1864, the French placed Emperor Maximilian I on the throne in response to the dead beat Benito Juárez because he decided not to pay his country's debts to France. Such a noble and virtuous reason for war for this president, eh? No wonder the Mexicans don't celebrate this as a matter of pride.

Anonymous said...

Kids should not be wearing bandanas and t shirts to class anyway. If they had proudly worn American flag lapel pins yesterday no one would have complained.

Anonymous said...

Americans take pride in their country. As for the foreigners who settle here, most of them call their mother country their country. Well, which is it? If you love your country so much, that is where you should be. If you come here, learn the language and assimilate. To all the Mexicans, why not protest in Mexico and try to make things better for your people? Why should America cater to you? Expend all your negative energy protesting the US by going home and fixing the Mexican economy.

Anonymous said...

I'm ready for the new American Revolutionary War, now!

Klink Cannoli said...

Anon (whoever 1,2, or 3) wrote: "Kids should not be wearing bandanas and t shirts to class anyway. If they had proudly worn American flag lapel pins yesterday no one would have complained."

I'll agree with you there. But what makes you so sure the VP or P wouldn't have asked to have the lapel pins removed, if that was the case? Because it's less obvious than a t-shirt?

The point is the VP and P made a critical error in judgement and have been called on it by both the boys parents and the school district council.

Klink Cannoli said...

This is how our government was designed to work. An inverted triangle. Power rests in the people, not the elites.

Anonymous said...

RE: klink C., i agree with your comments 99%.
the 1% is because of the following: "EYEING TIME'S TABLE" who's who shows up for mag's annual dinner.N.Y.Post,Wed. 5/5/10. by Keith J.Kelly.

Former Republican vice presidential candidate and best selling author SARAH PALIN was the subject of a
ANDY SANDBERG routine when the "SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE" cast member asked everyone in the audience to cover their ears except Palin. He then screamed to her.
"YOU MUST GET OUT OF HERE! All these people are ELITES!

Palin's eight (going on fifteen) year old daughter ,PIPER is a delightful and smart youngster.some one in Alaska knows how to educate.
her dad and governor mom are great parents and excellent representatives for American families.

i had the pleasure of spending time with the family
this week.

btw, B.O'Reilly and Glenn Beck were honored as well.

you can now spread your venom,lino, the liberal loyalass.

Babs said...

What happened in Calif. will not stay in Calif. unfortunately.

Arizona's decision to stand up for themselves and for the rest of us has obviously brought everyone out swinging - that's not necessarily a bad thing in my book anyway.

BUT the students KNEW they were inciting a riot - I don't care what they say. The students celebrating Cinco de Mayo KNEW also that tensions were/are hot rignt now.

If the school administration did nothing and a fight broke out - the nation would be calling for their heads today ANYWAY.

School administration acted responsibly and made the students' safety a priority. Keeping students safe is one of their jobs - and they did it.

Queens Crapper said...

Why would Mexican-American students want to fight other Americans for displaying the flag on their clothing?

Anonymous said...

The French help[ed the North win the Civil War?

Anonymous said...

If a HS student is incited to riot bc another student is wearing some representation of the American flag, then THEY are the problem.

Babs said...

I assume they saw their attire (worn on THAT particular day as opposed to the day before or the day after) as threatening to them.

I liken it to the old civil rights days when SOME African Americans wore Black Power armbands.

It's passive agressive behavior AND confrontational.

I am NOT saying it was right or wrong here - I AM saying that the students knew EXACTLY what they were doing.

Babs said...

Do these students ALWAYS wear or FREQUENTLY wear American flag t-shirts?

I doubt it.

Anonymous said...

Ok, Babs, please tell us what our children can and cant wear so as not to offend the sensibilities of minorities. I'll tell my daughter to remove her cross and I'll check her clothing for anything which might resemble an American flag.

Deke DaSilva said...

Why would Mexican-American students want to fight other Americans for displaying the flag on their clothing?

Hmmm....maybe it's asking too much to expect the Mexican-American students to properly behave. In fact, it's probably "racist" on our part to even think that they can act in a responsible way, without resorting to violence.

After all, their forefathers did lose a war to the U.S., and the fact that they/their ancestors have fled their miserable basket case of a country and headed north, clearly indicates who the superior country is.

Maybe we shouldn't expect them to conform to our culture? Perhaps we should change our culture to accomodate them?

Mexican-American students are obviously fragile, and sensitive to any slights from others - perceived or actual. It's best that we not upset their frail egos.

Maybe we should offer them all piñatas filled with candy as a sign of our tolerance and respect for diversity and multiculturalism?

Anonymous said...

The American southwest was largely Mexican American in culture and even to some extent language right up until the Okies started the white "invasion" during the dustbowl and depression years in the early 20th century. The Mexican "invasion" is actually a restoration of what existed there for centuries.

Babs said...

that's an awfully stupid thing to say - but, you are looking to have a confrontation with anyone who doesn't see things YOUR odd little way.

Wear your crosses and your flag pins - who the fk is telling you not to? - but, in the classrooms of our border states wherein tempers are hot right now - a teacher MUST create a safe environment for students. SOMETHING must have happened or appeared to MIGHT happen for school administration to respond the way they did.

Anonymous said...

I remember the days when you did not wear a flag as a tee shirt period. I would not mind seeing the flag displayed properly in front of people's homes and maybe on the lapel as a small pin where there is no question of possible intentional provocation.

Blabs said...

Haven't you heard? It's all about Babs!

Anonymous said...

Babs, you are resting on the presumption that an American flag is inflammatory. If it inflammatory as a t shirt then why is it not inflammatory as a lapel pin or on a flagpole? If these kids can't control themselves when they see an American flag, they should go back to Mexico.

Anonymous said...

Why bother reasoning with Babs? It's obvious she doesn't get it!

Babs said...

"Babs, you are resting on the presumption that an American flag is inflammatory. If it inflammatory as a t shirt then why is it not inflammatory as a lapel pin or on a flagpole? If these kids can't control themselves when they see an American flag, they should go back to Mexico."

you're resting on the presumption that the kids that objected were NOT Americans - if someone is of Mexican descent - that does not make them MEXICAN. For all you know their families could have been here longer than YOURS.

They certainly can celebrate Cinco de Mayo and still be Americans.

I am not Irish - but, I wear green to work on Patty's Day for fun. I am not Italian, but I occasionally enjoy going to the San Gennero Feast - I am not Polish, but I go to the Riverhead Polish Day Food Fest in the Summer, etc.

The kids were looking for a fight - the school administration sensed that and responsibly responded.

The students are proud Americans - they can certainly wear their flag t-shirts TOMORROW and the day after that.

Queens Crapper said...

"you're resting on the presumption that the kids that objected were NOT Americans - if someone is of Mexican descent - that does not make them MEXICAN. For all you know their families could have been here longer than YOURS.

They certainly can celebrate Cinco de Mayo and still be Americans."

This is true. But then it would make no sense that they would be offended by the sight of the American flag on Cinco de Mayo.

Babs said...

"This is true. But then it would make no sense that they would be offended by the sight of the American flag on Cinco de Mayo."

Sorry Crappy - but, it WOULD make sense in a border state at THIS present time.

To walk down a street is one thing - if people believe they have something to say they should be and ARE able to demonstrate peacefully - BUT to do so specifically in our schools is dangerous for the student population on the whole.

Anonymous said...

Some asshole said: Kids should not be wearing bandanas and t shirts to class anyway.

Are you kidding me? Go to your local high school. When the weather is nice, 99% of the kids will be wearing t-shirts. What are you the fucking clothing police?

ew-3 said...

"The kids were looking for a fight - the school administration sensed that and responsibly responded."

Even though the district education people later said it was the principal and vice-principal were the ones that were wrong?

scares me that you are a teacher (IIRC)

Klink Cannoli said...

Anon (whoever 1,2,3 or 4. I'm losing count) wrote:
"The American southwest was largely Mexican American in culture and even to some extent language right up until the Okies started the white "invasion" during the dustbowl and depression years in the early 20th century. The Mexican "invasion" is actually a restoration of what existed there for centuries."

And they were ousted by a superior peoples. That's the harsh reality of human existence and societies. If you want to go back centuries for your justifications, why not a millennia or two. Let's give back to the Beringians or why not the Asturians.

What kind of sense are you taking? Nonsense?

Anonymous said...

I never like to second-guess teachers and principals who are in face to face contact with the children and who have a better idea of what their true motives were.

I would like to be certain patriotism was the reason for the shirts and not pure devilment. We've already had lunatics who attacked and killed an Ecquadorian man on Long Island just for chuckles.

Far be it from me to suggest we be cowards in our own country, but many so-called "patriots" are only patriots when it means bragging loudly and causing problems. You won't see them wearing their country's uniforms, serving on its juries, paying proper taxes or obeying its laws.

I'm all for respecting our flag and our country, and I do mean respect, not showing off.

QC Supporter said...

Crappy---You were warned about Babs. She(?)'s a waste of time.

Anonymous said...

"And they were ousted by a superior peoples."

Wow. That's pretty harsh. I'd say it's been more of an ebb and flow. The (at that time mostly white) Americans conquered the southwest but neve expelled the natives who continued living there in peace, then the (mostly white) dustbowl refugees flooded in during the depression and came to outnumber the latinos and now since the 1980's people from Mexico proper have been coming in and will soon outnumber the white colonizers. Personally I don't have a problem with any of it, it's just the natural ebb and flow of populations that's happened all through history. I don't see why anyone has a problem with it.

Anonymous said...

The FBI would have been called in if they wore the Gadsden Flag on their tees. You know those terrorist Tea Party people that the left is very very afraid of.

I display mine proudly in the rear window of my car as I scoot around Queens.

Klink Cannoli said...

Anon # 572961 wrote:
"Wow. That's pretty harsh."
"Personally I don't have a problem with any of it, it's just the natural ebb and flow of populations that's happened all through history. I don't see why anyone has a problem with it."

Of course it is. You can believe human nature is altruistic if you like, but to be honest to yourself you must realize it's just fantasy.

They key here, in this current century, is rights to property and sovereignty. When you have an ebb and flow violating both those Constitutional rights, you have a problem. The US is not special in this instance. Countless sovereign peoples have taken umbrage to such violations and many wars have been fought over it.

Babs said...

Ew-3, your poor reading comprehension skills can be improved with Remedial English classes.

Ew-3 misspoke I guess when he (she, it) said "Even though the district education people later said it was the principal and vice-principal were the ones that were wrong?"

CLEARLY - from accounts in the media, THIS IS INCORRECT. I quote below what is REALLY going on in Calif.

From FOX News:

"In a statement released Thursday, Morgan Hill Unified School District Superintendent Wesley Smith characterized the incident as "extremely unfortunate" and said the matter is under investigation."

"The Morgan Hill Unified School District does not prohibit nor do we discourage wearing patriotic clothing," Smith's statement read. "The incident on May 5 at Live Oak High School is extremely unfortunate. While campus safety is our primary concern and administrators made decisions yesterday in an attempt to ensure campus safety, students should not, and will not, be disciplined for wearing patriotic clothing. This matter is under investigation and appropriate action will be taken."

THAT means - in more simple speak, that the administrators WERE CORRECT if indeed they had good cause to believe that students MAY be in danger of a confrontation (which is what I have been saying). IF and only IF it can be proven that the principal acted on his OWN biasness and/or irrational fears - he is up sh*ts creek without an paddle.

Was English YOUR second language? . . . .just curious.

Babs said...

"You know those terrorist Tea Party people that the left is very very afraid of."

You know your a teabagger when -

"You shout down someone who is talking, because you believe they are trying to limit your freedom of speech."

Babs said...

please forgive my typo Ew-3-

"you're" NOT "your" in the above post.

Klink Cannoli said...

Two can play that game, Ms. Babs.

From the same Fox News agency...

"Eugene Volokh, a professor of law at the University of California-Los Angeles, said the students are protected under California Education Code 48950, which prohibits schools from enforcing a rule subjecting a high school student to disciplinary sanctions solely on the basis of conduct, that when engaged outside of campus, is protected by the First Amendment.
If the school could point to previous incidents sparked by students who wore garments with American flags, they could argue that the flag is likely to lead to "substantial disruption," Volokh said.
"If, for example, there had been fights over similar things at past events, if there had been specific threats made," he said. "But if [school officials] just say, 'Well, we think it might be offensive to people,' that's generally speaking not enough."
Volokh said the students and their parents likely have a winning case on their hands if they decide to take the matter to court.
"Oh yes, it's almost open and shut," he said.
Lis Wiehl, a former federal prosecutor and a Fox News legal analyst, said the incident appears to a "blatant" violation of the students' First Amendment right to free speech. She noted that inciting violence is an exception to a First Amendment legal defense, but Wiehl said she saw no indications that the students provoked anyone.
"Unless I'm missing something, this seems like a blatant violation of the First Amendment," said Wiehl, adding that uniforms are not required at the public school. "And they're wearing, of all horrific things, the American flag."

Article link...

Klink Cannoli said...

Oh by the way, the VP for the school is named Miguel Rodriguez. Interesting. The plot thickens. Bwa-ha-ha.

Anonymous said...

Bab's said is a babbling idiot and we should deport her ass to Mexico.....

Anonymous said...

RE:babeling babs...."you know you are a "teabagger " when...."

we patriots ,who oppose out of control government spending money we do not have, also resent people like you using the label "teabagger" instead of the correct name "tea party patriot".

will you explain ,in detail, the sick definition of "TEABAGGER",which you use in your comments ?

are you a disciple of the marxist masters of deceit?

Babs said...

"Well, we think it might be offensive to people,' that's generally speaking not enough."

We are now just rehashing the story using different words BUT saying the EXACT same thing.

If the school believed that students were IN DANGER of a confrontation their actions were justified.

Let's turn the story around - back in the 60s - people wore the flag sewn on to the seats of their jeans TO SCHOOL. CLEARLY this was an anti-war statement that infuriated those whose sentiments were different.

School administrators are NOT to be involved UNLESS students are in DANGER i.e. they believe a physical confrontation is about to take place. At that time, they MUST do whatever they believe is necessary to control the actions of those involved.

Years ago I was monitoring a test in a large auditorium when someone quietly walked in with a large swatstika painted in bright yellow paint on his large black knapsack that he wore on his back. He took his time choosing a seat for himself as he marched back and forth and up and down apparently searching for the "perfect spot". The other students were obviously distracted as they started whispering amongst themselves about this guy's demeanor.

I and the other monitors made the decision to remove him from the auditorium. We had him take the test in another room. The kid was extremely polite to us, and left the room without argument.

He had the right to carry the knapsack with the offensive signage - but his appearance interferred with the students' concentration.

Don't like it? - sorry it's too late to sue us.

you must have went to the same low performing school as Ew-3.

Let's try this AGAIN.

Anonymous said... it or leave it

(p.s. i'm going to buy a shotgun tomorrow)

Anonymous said...

Let us not forget...


georgetheatheist said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

In the late 1970's, American neo-Nazis wanted to parade with swastika banners through the village of Skokie, Illinois - a home to many survivors of National Socialist concentration camps.

The US Supreme court ruled that they had the First Amendment right to march since the display of the swastika was NOT "fighting words".

Swastikas were permitted to be displayed in the midst of Holocaust victims. The display ["fighting words"?] of an American flag in an American high school is banned.
[x]No,not of Latino, Hispanic, or Spanish origin
Visit the beautiful Grand Canyon State on your next vacation:

Anonymous said...

how tough is it to get a handgun license in nyc?

the end is near

Anonymous said...

Political correctness will be the death of America.

Anonymous said...

Now the American flag is being put in context with a swastika. If the students are in danger, remove the students that put them in danger - not the students that did nothing wrong. Why is that so hard to understand? Pathetic how sporting an American flag has devolved into a freedom of speech/public safety issue.

And Babs, please define a 'teabagger.'

Anonymous said...

This story would make the founding fathers roll in their graves.

"Cinco de mayo" is sensitive to Mexicans, so no one can wear an American flag (even though this country is not yet called Mexamerica).

Sabbath is sensitive to Jews, so no work on Sabbath for anyone; Jews might get offended.

Sunday morning is sensitive to Christians, so people should either be at home or at church on Sunday morning, or else Christians might get offended.

The Chinese New Year is sensitive to Chinese people, so no one should work during that time, or else Chinese people might get offended.

Anonymous said...

" it or leave it"

Now, it seems more like - love it, so leave it. The issue here is high school kids wearing American flags.

Biggest irony is the Left so concerned about the treatment of the American flag.

Anonymous said...

Cinco de Mayo is NOT an important holiday to Mexicans.

PizzaBagel said...

Flag Day -- that is, U.S. Flag Day -- is June 14th. This year it falls on a Monday, which is a school day. Those boys at Live Oak High School should go all out with bandannas, shirts, flag pins, etc. (Not that they should be excoriated for wearing American Flag-themed attire on any other day.)

Babs said...

"Swastikas were permitted to be displayed in the midst of Holocaust victims. The display ["fighting words"?] of an American flag in an American high school is banned."

Look teabagger - That's absolutely ridiculous. My post was on the use of "symbols" as a tactic of intimidation.

Our flag BTW should be treated with RESPECT - I don't know if you saw the t-shirt the kid was wearing. If you did, despite what he and his mother are saying, it is obvious - in consideration of the tension in that particular school - that he used the symbol of our beautiful flag in vain.

I have to remind you teabagger that our flag is a symbol of our shared American values - especially our highest common value which is freedom. It is NOT to used as a weapon or as a symbol of oppression towards ANYONE or any group of people.

ew-3 said...

Babs - from

The five boys and their families met with a Morgan Hill Unified School District official Wednesday night. The district and the school do not see eye-to-eye on the incident and released the following statement:

"The district does not concur with the Live Oak High School administration's interpretation of either board or district policy related to these actions."

The boys will not be suspended and were allowed to return to school Thursday. We spotted one of them when he got to campus -- and, yes, he was sporting an American flag T-shirt.

ew-3 said...

Further, I got my primary education in NYC when we had much higher standards then currently exist.
Even at Brooklyn Tech, where I went, despite the engineering, math and science courses, we still had to study Shakespeare and Chaucer.
Nothing like Regents exams in June to help a young student focus.
Although I suspect you would not like such rigorous standards.

Babs said...

"The district does not concur with the Live Oak High School administration's interpretation of either board or district policy related to these actions."

If that is their final answer - then I assume they arrived at that conclusion for all the right reasons - i.e. to uphold the law AND to keep PEACE in the school as well as the community.

I still maintain my opinion of the kid - he was hoping to incite a riot. Perhaps he will one day.

Brooklyn Tech was an excellent school - did you say you were expelled from there years ago?

Anonymous said...

photos of those boys in their "outfits" have now appeared all over the internet, they disrespected the flag by dressing up like that and look like a bunch of clowns.

If anyone doubted this was a cheap publicity stunt as opposed to a proud display of patriotism, just go look at them.

Anonymous said...

Babs, I dont think you even realize it, but when ever you discuss the American flag, you come up with things like, swastka, incitement to riot, symbol of oppression, weapon...

Why cant you acknowledge that there is some kind of problem by people who would be incited to riot at the site of an American flag?

Anonymous said...

Key word here: Mexican AMERICAN you made your homes here, we welcome you, but our flag takes preference over the Mexican flag, How dare anyone tell someone else they can't show the American Flag that is an out and out disgrace. And as far as apologys I say F#$k Em. I would never apologize for wearing the colors of MY COUNTRY.

Babs said...

"Babs, I dont think you even realize it, but when ever you discuss the American flag, you come up with things like, swastka, incitement to riot, symbol of oppression, weapon..."

teabagger - this is the FIRST time I have ever gotten into a discussion - or even MADE MENTION of the American flag - in any post I have made in the forums.

Anonymous said...

Babs, I agree with you: Wear your crosses and your flag pins - who the fk is telling you not to? - but, in the classrooms of our border states wherein tempers are hot right now - a teacher MUST create a safe environment for students.

But that could have been done by no festivities with school grounds on that day. The holiday is the holiday and could be celebrated outside school walls. Catering to one over the other is just out and out wrong. School is supposed to be for learning anyway not partying.

Anonymous said...

teabagger - this is the FIRST time I have ever gotten into a discussion - or even MADE MENTION of the American flag - in any post I have made in the forums.

Babs, that doesn't lessen the annoyance factor that you evoke! It's always about BABS!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

"teabagger - this is the FIRST time I have ever gotten into a discussion - or even MADE MENTION of the American flag - in any post I have made in the forums."

You seem to have fun making sexual slurs, and all points made reference to were in THIS thread.

Blobs said...

Babs, that doesn't lessen the annoyance factor that you evoke! It's always about BABS!!!!!!

Oh, just leave me alone already!

It's Friday, and I'm going shopping in Soho for a pair of strappy sandals and some cute accessories!

Then I'm having a few Cosmos with my girlfriends, and we'll bitch and moan about how we all can't get a man!

Just like Sex and the City!

Rick Monday said...

"The letters I've received from that day have run the gamut of emotions. They've been from children who were not born yet and had only heard about it. They've been from Vietnam veterans, including one yesterday. This soldier wrote that there were two things that he had with him in two tours of Vietnam. These two things kept him in check with reality. One was a small picture of his wife. The other was a small American flag that was neatly folded. The picture was folded inside the flag and in the left breast pocket of his uniform.

"He would be in mud for weeks and months at a time. Those two things were what he looked at to connect him with reality, other than his buddies, and some of them were lost in battle. He wrote in the letter, 'Thanks for protecting what those of us who were in Vietnam held onto dearly.'

"That means something, because this wasn't just a flag on the field. This was a flag that people looked at with respect. We have a lot of rights and freedoms -- not to sound corny -- but we all have the option if we don't like something to make it better. Or you also have the option, if you don't like it, [to] pack up and leave. But don't come onto the field and burn an American flag."

Read my story:

Babs said...

Isn't it time for your medication crackpot?

The REAL Babs said...

Isn't it time for your medication crackpot?

Who are you calling crackpot?

You're an imposter!

I'm the REAL Babs!

I don't have time to post all these silly blog comments!

There's too much shopping to do!

Friends and Family discounts at Lord & Taylor, Manolo Blahnik, Bergdorf Goodman, Bloomingdale's.......Oh!!! I could go ON and ON!!

A girl can only do so much shopping in 8 hours!!

Blabs said...

I am such a DIVA!!!

D. Truth said...

Babs said...

"Isn't it time for your medication crackpot?"

Babs, you're gonna have to make up your mind. Are you on crack or pot? Probably both! You add nothing to the Queens Crap discussions and your ego is overwhelming. Some of the trolls make more sense than you do! Thank you for providing..."Proof that the mental patients have taken over the asylum" By the way, that is what this topic is about and not Y O U !!!

Babs said...

"Babs, you're gonna have to make up your mind. Are you on crack or pot? Probably both! You add nothing to the Queens Crap discussions and your ego is overwhelming. Some of the trolls make more sense than you do!"

I see that "freedom of speech" exists in here only for those who share YOUR opinion. This is not the first time that you have tried to intimate me into not posting in here.

You certainly do NOT do the blog justice by only ALLOWING such hostility towards those who differ with you.

You should keep these juvenille comments to a minimun Crappy if you want to be taken seriously.

I won't be posting in Queens Crap at all any longer.

Anonymous said...

I am #100!!!

(cue balloons and confetti)

Crappy, is this a record?

Anonymous said...

I won't be posting in Queens Crap at all any longer.

I hope we can take you at your word. It wasn't your point of view but your obnoxious and incessant rants and lack of documentation on some of your statements. In other words, Babs, buh bye!!!

James P. Rodgers said...

"A hell, no, give ol Babs nother drink. I li-ike a good politicl. disgussn an es Friday night.


[Title]: Collector of Property Taxes

[Name]: James P. Rodgers

[Previous Occupation]: Election Pol Watcher; District Leader, Old Bowery Ward

[Political Affiliation]: clubhouse "Wet" Democrat and Gleason supporter.

[Notable Quote]: "Thank you ma'am. Paid in Full. Heres'yer Reciept!"

Anonymous said...

babeling babs, before you go tell us exactly what your pals in the village perform sexually in order to become a "TEABAGGER" ?

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