Thursday, May 6, 2010

Hiram's guy in hot water

From the Daily News:

A foul-mouthed former aide to disgraced ex-Sen. Hiram Monserrate cussed out a city cop and tried to bully his way out of an arrest by flashing a fake police placard, prosecutors said Tuesday.

Wayne Mahlke, 48, was stopped at a red light near the Queensboro Bridge just after 9 a.m. when he saw NYPD Officer Denise McDonald on patrol.

"Why don't you do your job, you fat b----!" Mahlke shouted in what prosecutors said was an unprovoked verbal onslaught Sunday. When the 19-year NYPD veteran asked for his license, Mahlke tried to maneuver his 2009 Honda Civic past her but she stopped him by stepping in front of his car, prosecutors said.

Mahlke then pulled out an official state Senate business placard and a forged police placard, trying to pull rank, they said.

"You don't know who I am," Mahlke reportedly told her. "I'm higher ranking than you. I work for Mayor Bloomberg."

She was having none of it.

Mahlke was charged with failing to obey a police officer and possessing a forged police placard. He also did not have a valid driver's license, police said.

Mahlke, who lives in Elmhurst, says he has been unemployed since his former boss was ousted from the state Senate in February - and rejected by voters a month later.

Monserrate's career imploded when he was found guilty of misdemeanor assault for slashing his girlfriend's face. Now Mahlke faces up to seven years in prison for his alleged abuse.


georgetheatheist said...

The bigger they are, the harder they fall.

Visit the Grand Canyon State:

[x] Male
[x] No, not of Latino, Hispanic, or Spanish origin
[x] White

Anonymous said...

Send the scumbag to jail and give this cop a raise. Hiram, the quicksand is suckin you in.

Anonymous said...

This guy is a jerk!! First of all, I would never have worked for the sleaze ball Monster-rat and secondly, if I did, I'd never admit it. Just show you license and be done with it, unless, of course, you had something to hide. There are a lot of unemployed people out there and they don't curse and name call the police when asked to show their license. Grow up and stop being a cry baby. You owe this police officer an apology.

Anonymous said...

Maspeth Mom says...

What a nasty person! He is unemployed and with that attitude and an arrest on his record - looks like he is going to stay unemployed.

He should apologize!!

Anonymous said...

A nasty creep. Still what provoked the alleged outburst in the first place? More to this story for sure. It may be a case of bad meets worse.

Anonymous said...

He looks like one of those Treblinka guards they keep putting on trial.

Anonymous said...

I do give him credit for telling her, "Why don't you do your job, you fat b----!".

If there was video of that it would be one of the funniest videos ever.

Anonymous said...

Douchebag Wayne Mehlke can't bet a break. Before Hiram, he worked for disgraced pol Ada Smith. And for an openly gay dude, he's not very attractive.

Anonymous said...

Douchebag Wayne Mehlke can't bet a break. Before Hiram, he worked for disgraced pol Ada Smith. And for an openly gay dude, he's not very attractive.

Anonymous said...

48? He looks more like 68. working in politics is stressful. at the end of the day a job's a job. how many of those who left comments work for complete idiots?

Anonymous said...

What a mess. Hissy fit.

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