Friday, May 7, 2010

Charges dropped against snowball throwers

From the Daily News:

Four Bronx youths accused of hitting an off-duty cop with a snowball are out of hot water after the Bronx district attorney's office dropped all charges against them Tuesday.

The buddies were horsing around during a February blizzard when Officer Adonis Ramirez was struck in the leg with a snowball.

The foursome, aged 17 to 22, soon found themselves ordered to the ground and charged with weapons possession, attempted assault and other crimes.

They said Ramirez, a seven-year veteran who was in street clothes, drew his service gun and failed to identify himself as a cop.

The police countered that the men taunted and chased Ramirez "in a threatening manner" and pelted him with snowballs.

The Bronx DA's office decided to let the case melt away.

"The charges were dropped on all four defendants because of insufficient evidence," said Jillian Osorio, a spokeswoman for the Bronx DA's office.

The four buddies celebrated by having lunch at a local deli.


Anonymous said...

What a stupid waste of taxpayer $$ to keep these kids rapped up bc of the pride of one officer.

Anonymous said...

Maspeth Mom says.

It is wasted money if they learned a lesson from it. It was a silly thing that they did - but hopefully they and parents as well used this story as a teaching tool for their own kids.

Anonymous said...

I have to question the judgement of a policeman for pulling a weapon on snowball throwers. I hope he gets a command discipline. In the meantime, what a shame poppa can't use his belt anymore.

Deke DaSilva said...

The "Snowball 4" - sounds like a good name for a boy band!

These guys probably sing no worse than any of the other crap on the radio!

Give them a recording contract!

Anonymous said...

Looks like they are posing for a rap album cover. Thugs.

CJ said...

It was a snowball thrown at a soldier that precipitated the American Revolution. Was it not? A lot worse than that is coming.

Kevin Walsh said...

They assaulted a person with snowballs. I suppose no one believes there's anything wrong with that. You hit someone with a snowball in the wrong place, in the eye or ear, and you can mess them up seriously.

These mooks should have paid for their actions.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Kevin. You're so earnest.

Anonymous said...

Leave the boys alone. They're adorable. I bet they know how to make a delicious snow cone.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait until next winter when they throw snowballs at the local gang banger/drug dealer. Maybe the cop they assaulted this year will rack up some hefty overtime vouchering their property and identifying their bullet-riddled corpses in the morgue.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"Looks like they are posing for a rap album cover. Thugs."

Where would anyone come up with that other than their skin color? Could it be their neatly pressed white shirts? The tie one of them is wearing? Their dress slacks? Their fresh haircuts? Is that what reminds you of thugs? I never like to accuse someone of racism, but come on...

Anonymous said...

Charges were DROPPED. They were not CONVICTED of throwing the snowballs and if the District Attorney had sufficient evidence they should have PROSECUTED.


Marge said...

Look at the ages of these punks - 17 to 22!

A little too old to be just "horsing around" I think!

It was an assault plain and simple. How stupid can these guys be though? They're lucky they didn't get shot.

Queens Crapper said...

22 years old is still college-aged. And we all know college-aged kids are mature, and never horse around.

Marge said...

I guess I'm supposed to feel sorry for these jackasses and believe that they are just too stupid to know their own strength. No - sorry I believe they were "wilding".

Anonymous said...

Charges were DROPPED. They were not CONVICTED of throwing the snowballs and if the District Attorney had sufficient evidence they should have PROSECUTED.
They ADMITTED repeatedly to throwing the snowballs at the victim, but their spin was that they were just having some innoccent, good clean fun, and their carefree ways were taken out of context by the big bad meanie cop. Aw shucks. The only reason the DA's office didn't vigorously pursue this is that they tend to concern themselves with more serious offenses. Anywhere else, these morons would have been skinned alive and forgotten about.

Queens Crapper said...

"They ADMITTED repeatedly to throwing the snowballs at the victim, but their spin was that they were just having some innoccent, good clean fun, and their carefree ways were taken out of context by the big bad meanie cop."

They admitted no such thing. They admitted to throwing snowballs at each other with one accidentally hitting the cop in the leg.

Where did you hone your reading skills?

Anonymous said...

Channel 7 eyewitness news, when the story broke. They said they were just playing around, one overthrew a snowball, nearly hit the off duty cop, and then they all threw at him, thinking that he was somehow playing along.

Queens Crapper said...

You mean this?

No mention here of repeatedly hitting him with snowballs.

Anonymous said...

"Let's jump him." Sounds like harmless fun to me.

Queens Crapper said...

Supposedly said by one of them in Spanish although only one of them knows Spanish.

I am going with the kids in this one. The officer has lost all credibility since there are a bevy of cameras in the vicinity as shown in that news story. Videotape should have been presented as evidence against them if what Ramirez says really happened. Obviously they showed something very different and that is why the charges were dropped.

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