Tuesday, May 4, 2010

CB7 calls "emergency meeting"...in a trailer

"There's going to be a meeting about 3 of the 5 Willets Point businesses being fast tracked into College Point. The meeting will be held Thursday May 6 @7:30 PM. Meeting will be at College Point Corp Park Office (Out house) On Ulmer and 26 Ave. This has been called by CB7 as an emergency meeting. It's going to be crowded. Thought you might like to know. Take care.."

- Pope of College Point

"My friend called CB7 today to get time and place of the meeting. They put her on hold for a while; asked who she is, who she represents, what her name is, and so on. Even so, they only told her the time of the meeting. Until she explicitly asked, they did not tell her that the meeting is not at the usual Union Street venue, but in the CPCP trailer. It is clear that they want no one to attend this.

By the way, why rush to sacrifice City-owned CPCP properties to relocate businesses, when there is no assurance that the development for which they need to relocate can proceed?"

- Watching in Whitestone


Gary the Agnostic said...

This has to violate the Sunshine Law. Even if it's some kind of emergency, there's no justification for doing a meeting like this in a place that limits participation by the public.

Anonymous said...

You think the Union Street meeting place gets crowded??? Well this place holds about 1/8 the amount of people...at best. Also, parking is extremely limited. One of the funniest things about this EDC facility is the condition of the streets right outside! Caution advised!

And once again CB7 shows itself to be an organization of the tweeded, by the tweeded, and FOR the tweeded. How does this get stopped? Who's responsible? This "secret" meeting does not bode well. One thing I know for sure...if Claire is there, hold your breath!!! Phew.

Anonymous said...

As I understand it, CB7 meetings MUST be held at the Union Nursing Home where all the other meetings are held, barring extraordinary circumstances. Any other meeting place must be justified, and must be accessible by mass transit.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous above seems to be up on the laws.. I'm not.. can someone who does know the laws and what not contact Cuomo or the DA or something.. because this is some criminal bs. Bitterman is hired by the CB and can only be fired by the CB.. can we get her out of her position please? Thanks

Anonymous said...

"My friend called CB7 today to get time and place of the meeting. They put her on hold for a while; asked who she is, who she represents, what her name is, and so on.

Haven't you heard? Everyone has an agenda counter to that of CB-the voice of the people-7. Oh behave!

Anonymous said...

Sambucci and the other 4 Willets Point businesses that agreed to move to College Point are now in limbo, because they do not know when the move will happen.

Should they make repairs to their current locations, or save funds for the big move?

I'm not sure whether to sympathize or criticize these 5 businesses.

Anonymous said...

Bitterman is hired by the CB and can only be fired by the CB.. can we get her out of her position please? Thanks

Misdirected anger. The REAL culprits are Apellian and Kelty. They're the ones that should go!

Marge said...

"Sambucci and the other 4 Willets Point businesses that agreed to move to College Point are now in limbo."

Sambucci JUNKYARD is moving to the Point? oh cone on . . .

Anonymous said...

It's a trailer? With wheels? Let them have their meeting, lock the door from the outside, hook it up and take it away!

The Shadow Knows said...

More covert CB7 meetings that are more than likely illegal and yet they get away with it. I wonder why? Did anyone ever find out what Ackerman got from Shulman's group? Why isn't it public record? It's our money, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

So, anyone going to the "secret" meeting tonight???

Anonymous said...

An angry mob will be there. Pitch forks and touches.

Anonymous said...


Does her ass taste so good that you have to keep on kissing it?


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