Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Pols look for solutions to LIC parking issues

From NY1:

Parking in Long Island City can be a major headache for people who live and work in the area, but local politicians are working on some solutions.

Wasn't everyone supposed to use public transportation in this commuter-friendly paradise?


Anonymous said...

Again I say...

Where are the 24/7 business? Why not give tax breaks to business that hire 2nd and 3rd shift workers??

There is never ever a problem finding parking in LIC after 6pm and holidays and weekends because NOBODY is at work!

Can anybody think outside the box anymore in America?

Anonymous said...

Here's an idea... stop building high rises in the area.

Anonymous said...

Here's a solution: don't tear down the largest municipal parking garage in the area and replace it with a twenty floor tower that will bring hundreds more vehicles to the area.

Anonymous said...

They wanted more businesses. Well, they got them. Along with the traffic they create.

Anonymous said...

Here is a solution: get some Brownies in there and ticket the illegal parkers. The problem will self correct. I promise.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't everyone supposed to use public transportation in this commuter-friendly paradise?


They do, but the problem isn't people from LIC. Its the people from other areas of queens where the public transportation sucks and people from LI who want to drive into the city, but are too cheap to pay the toll and pay for parking in the city. They would rather steal free street parking from local business and residents who need them. For anyone who works in manhattan and lives in LIC a car is worthless 5 out of 7 days of the week. Also the earlier posters are right - parking becoms a non-issue once the leeches from other areas leave after their work day is over. simple solution is residential parking permits to keep the rif raff out.

Anonymous said...

Yeah? Well then why did the residents from One Hunters Point and Arris Lofts bitch about not having street parking?

Queens Crapper said...

"For anyone who works in manhattan and lives in LIC a car is worthless 5 out of 7 days of the week."

What about for those who don't work in Manhattan? A car is then generally a necessity because public transportation to the rest of the 5 boroughs sucks.

Anonymous said...

Last Anon poster: Can you read? I just explained why!

Anonymous said...

Self-centered morons tend not to understand that if the so-called "riff-raff" is kept out, those businesses die.

Anonymous said...

"They would rather steal free street parking from local business and residents who need them."

If it's "free", it can't be stolen.

"simple solution is residential parking permits to keep the rif raff out."

"riff raff"? you're an elitist who very very likely didn't grow-up in queens, and now you want things your way, and to hell with the others. and you probably vote for the Dem tweending machine because you don't know better.

Anonymous said...

What about for those who don't work in Manhattan? Tough luck I guess. I would estimate that greater than 90% of the people who live in the towers work in Manhattan. When I moved to LIC I did so in part because it had easy access to seven different subway lines. If you choose to live somewhere where the transportation sucks that your choice, but don't bitch about it after the fact.

Anonymous said...

Of course they're elitist. They have names for the buildings they live in instead of addresses.

They live in a transit hub, between a tunnel and a bridge, then complain there is too much traffic.

You gotta love their stupidity.

Queens Crapper said...

"If you choose to live somewhere where the transportation sucks that your choice, but don't bitch about it after the fact."

I said they may work someplace where the public transportation sucks which necessitates a car. Not live where the transportation sucks. And on many occasions, we have seen the transportation in LIC suck. With that bridge closed on Borden, the buses constantly being rerouted for one project or another and train lines out for several weekends in a row.

Anonymous said...

Still not sure I follow your point. I just said 90% of people who live in LIC probably work in Manhattan. What part of Manhattan doesn't have access to public transportation?

Regarding subway service interuptions that's the beauty of having 7 subway lines. When one goes down you walk down the block and there are 6 other to choose from. Sure its a bit inconvienient, but you are never standed and dependant on a car like you are in other parts of Queens.

Anonymous said...

10% of the tens of thousands in the towers is still a lot of car owners, perhaps as many as there are in other neighborhoods east of there.

And why would tower people need street parking when there is parking at their buildings?

Anonymous said...

"Regarding subway service interuptions that's the beauty of having 7 subway lines. When one goes down you walk down the block and there are 6 other to choose from. Sure its a bit inconvienient, but you are never standed and dependant on a car like you are in other parts of Queens."

You would never know that from the hissy fits that were thrown when the 7 train was out. Plus, the neighborhood is not self-sufficient and the area requires people from outside in order to sustain the businesses there.

Queens Crapper said...

"What part of Manhattan doesn't have access to public transportation?"

Not everyone works in Manhattan, is the point. Why is that so hard for you to understand? There are thriving businesses in all five boroughs.

Anonymous said...

If next to no one owns a car there, why would LIC need residential parking permits? As another commenter pointed out, those who do have cars generally have parking on site and shouldn't be parking in the street in the first place. They should do like they did in Manhattan and make Vernon parking available only to commercial vehicles during the day.

Anonymous said...

All of these issues were brought up before the towers were built and were summarily ignored. Now we must deal with the aftermath.

Anonymous said...

Boy you guys are dense. Let me explain again. There is enough parking in LIC for LIC residents. This is evident on weekends and after business hours during the week. The problem is the hords of people from other areas coming in and looking to park in LIC and then hop on the subway. Every morning I can see them circling the block looking for a spot. Unless you are looking for a spot right outside your door generally there is never ever a problem finding parking in LIC after 6pm and holidays and weekends. So why so you need residential parking permits and more metered parking? To keep those outside people from taking up the parking that businesses need.

Anonymous said...

I agree Vernon parking should only be available only to patron of the business. they shold not be overflow parking for some guy who lives in long Island who is to cheap to pay parking in Manhattan.

Queens Crapper said...

No, it appears you are the one that is dense. Businesses need the parking for outside people including themselves, deliveries and customers. Residential parking permits do not help any of them.

And there was a commuter parking garage at Queens Plaza that accommodated those from outside the neighborhood, but it needed to be replaced with a tower. So now you will have to deal with the fallout from that decision.

Commuter parking is always available at transit hubs and LIC should not be an exception because they decided to yuppify it.

Anonymous said...

Well I guess we will see.

Let's check back in a year and see what our elected official have done. Much like how we were able to get the MTA and the LIRR to bend to our will we will have our day on this as well. I'll bet a steak dinner that those spots mention in the video are turned into 2 hour parking that there are more meters on Vernon and that alternate side of the the street comes to LIC. The legistlation has already been introduced.

As for your comment about dealing with the fallout - I don't have to. I haven't owned a car in 8 years. Totally unecessary as I said, so I won't be affected by any so called fallout.

Queens Crapper said...

If you won't be affected and neither will the tower people because they don't own cars, then why would this be a victory for you? And why did you spend all morning commenting on this thread?

What a nut.

Anonymous said...

You got the MTA and LIRR to bend to your will? You mean they closed the train yard, shut down the fans and provided a shuttle bus to Manhattan while the 7 was shut down?


Nope, you certainly didn't grow up here because no one here talks like that.

Anonymous said...

Maspeth was more successful with their LIRR issue than LIC. They got them to open a new railyard in LIC just to accommodate garbage, which means passing through the Maspeth Railyard instead of loading there, which means no idling and no noise for them. They also got their elected officials to introduce legislation that will reduce noise at railyards statewide and are lobbying for new engines that will be quieter and less polluting.

What was it that LIC did again?

Queens Crapper said...

Not only that, but from what I understand, they are looking at moving the waste a different way to the Hell Gate which would mean it would avoid having to pass through Maspeth, Middle Village and Glendale completely. Now that would be a total victory.

Anonymous said...

I find the concept of residential parking permit a GREAT IDEA. People from Long Island should understand this concept very well since it is very common in their towns. Try going to the LI beaches this summer with your car and see how they treat your NON-PERMIT car. tickets and tow. What is good for the goose...

Peter said...

There are something like a half a dozen blocks that are reserved for Police parking only (signage reads no parking 8am to 6pm). That's a big part of the problem: officers who live in outer queens and nassau, who work at precincts in Manhattan, and choose to park on the streets here rather than take public transportation to work.

More cops on subways and busses is good for everyone.

Anonymous said...

"I find the concept of residential parking permit a GREAT IDEA. People from Long Island should understand this concept very well since it is very common in their towns. Try going to the LI beaches this summer with your car and see how they treat your NON-PERMIT car. tickets and tow. What is good for the goose..."

What a dopey lame-ass argument. As if the local residents from the Hamptons are communting by car to their Manhattan jobs and parking in LIC. There are so many things wrong w/ that premsie, I don't know where to begin.

Anonymous said...

I am a LIC resident for over 30 years and let me tell you things are bad. Here next to the Court House - even metered street parking is non-existent from Davis Street to Thompson Ave. Due to construction this parking looks like it will never get back. Some say on the weekends and on Saturday there is ample parking - that is a joke over here. On Saturdays both sides of the street are packed. Brownies and tow agents make their rounds hourly. I've seen at least 2 NYPD tow trucks (who ticket and tow) on duty at the same time, a brownie and an NYPD car issue ticktes in the same hour. The ticket agents come on Saturday and Sunday issueing tickets. It is a nightmare.

One problem is the Long Island commuters who eat up long term metered parking and many"free" spaces. It is difficult for business owners to lure customers if people can't even find hourly parking. And residents are screwed because parking is scace and if you wait for a spot or double park for a moment a ticket is issued.

People should undesrstand that there are homeowners (1 10 2 story homes) in LIC - not just tower people. Where is our residental parking? LIC homeoweners not only deal with the lack of spots, the harrassment by ticket agents, but the high price of insurace. If out of towners have to find parking then get a monthly pass. LIC should have first dibs on street parking.

- A Long Island City Native

Anonymous said...

Yea, Dan has been having this weird "Reform the Board/Protect the Boards" shtick.

Hey Dan -- All Your constituents might not live there, but many sure as hell pass through there on their way to work!

Anonymous said...

Agree with the last person. If you live in LIC you should have priority over people from outside for parking. If you own a business in LIC there should be ample short term parking spots to encourage people to pull of and come inside. Same is true for any other area of Queens. It's just stupid to think otherwise.

Anonymous said...

This happens in every neighborhood, especially those near the subway. And LIers are parking at Willets Point and boarding the train there, not circling the blocks in LIC to find parking there. You more likely to see people from neighboring towns parking there to hop the subway.

Is the City planning to replace the parking garage they tore down at Queens Plaza? If so, then this problem may be alleviated somewhat. But I don't recall this being much of an issue before the towers were built and before the parking lots that were there were replaced with condos.

Anonymous said...

"If you live in LIC you should have priority over people from outside for parking."

Why? What makes you more special than anyone else in the city? No one has this privilege.

Anonymous said...

The city should rebuild the parking garage on the empty lot on queens plaza north which is about two blocks diagonal from the original parking garage.

Some imbecile speculator decided to tear down the beautiful art deco factory that stood on that site and has left an enormous empty lot for a year and a half.

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