A nonprofit housing-development group run by politically hooked-in Queens pastor Floyd Flake operates like a slumlord, furious tenants charge.
Flake, who lost a bid to develop a video-slots operation at Aqueduct Racetrack, is facing a firestorm of criticism from angry residents of decrepit buildings owned by a firm tied to his Greater Allen AME Church and overseen by his son, Harold Flake.
In 2006, the Allen Affordable Housing Funding Development Corp. took over three city-owned rental buildings in Jamaica with the promise of sprucing them up.
The city Department of Housing Preservation and Development gave Allen Affordable title to the buildings for $1 and provided construction loans to renovate them.
One of them, a two-story building at 163-19 109th Ave., was so structurally unsound that the Buildings Department shut it on Feb. 26, 2009. No work has been done on the building, and Allen's company said it is seeking additional financing.
In the other two buildings, the remaining tenants complain that conditions have gotten worse.
A Post inspection of the buildings found:
* The three-story, 12-unit building at 107-05 Sutphin Blvd. is a shambles. A leaky roof has caused damage, and interior walls are worn away.
"The conditions are deplorable," fumed Frederick Jones, the last remaining tenant.
* A leaky roof at 89-06 138th St. is causing severe water damage.
doesn't shock me at all. Rev. Flake endorse Bloomberg for $$$ to his non-profit org that generate high salaries for him and his cronies. God should strike this "reverend" down.
Funny how they're all "Reverends" isn't it? Some things never change.
Feeds da Hongree.
Clothes da Nekkid.
("7 come 11")
Rolls da Dice.
[x] Male
[x] Not of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin.
[x] White
I guess his last name says it all!
Shifty ass jive turkey!
Here come da rev. Here come da rev!
Here go the rev. maybe to jail?
Flake is the Queens hybrid of Harlem 4 Paterson, Dinkins, Sutton and Rangle who until recently demonstrated being above the fray - just barely. But it falls about quickly after only a loose tread or two come loose. It appears all of Queens Dem politic factions are tied in such a way that these folks live to gather power and abuse power and through their networks thrive until someone falls.
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