Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Immigrants not filling out census

From Eyewitness News:

City leaders are worried because a vast number of New Yorkers aren't filling out their census forms - especially those people in immigrant communities.

From Jerome Avenue in the Bronx, to Jackson Heights in Queens -- time is of the essence for community activists and census workers.

They're begging residents to be counted, because so far, the city's numbers are not even close to what they should be.

"There are some parts of the city where only 17 percent of the households have completed the census -- 16 to 17 percent, that's pretty bad," said Commissioner Fatima Shama, Mayor's Office of Immigrant Affairs.

And the problem is the worst in the immigrant communities, but only some people realize how important it is to fill out.

During the last census in Queens, the federal government actually stopped immigration raids. But that's not the case this time around. Which is why there is still some concern in the community.

When was the last immigration raid in Queens? Please... The Mayor's Office says it's even worse than that:

The New York City response rate as of today (3/24), by county, is as follows:

* Bronx County – 2 percent
* Kings County – 6 percent
* New York County – 7 percent
* Queens County – 6 percent
* Richmond County – 16 percent

Some neighborhoods that have had a particularly low early response rate to date include:

* Most of Jamaica, Queens – less than 2 percent
* Lower East Side, Manhattan – less than 2 percent
* A portion of Ocean Hill, Brooklyn – no forms returned
* A portion of Soundview, Bronx – no forms returned


Anonymous said...

maybe if the census was written according to the Constitution, Americans would fill it out. Who wants to tell Big Brother your age or race, etc.?

Cherokeesista said...

I filled mine out:) checked other and wrote AMERICAN:) Sent it out ASAP:)

Anonymous said...


cherokeesista said...

Because I wanted to:)I am AMERICAN and proud of it:) Why ya asking?

Anonymous said...

I filled out AMERICAN also.

georgetheatheist said...

The message, dated March 15, of the Director of the Census Bureau says "Please complete and mail back the enclosed census form today." However, on the form itself, it says "The Census must count every person living in the United States on April 1, 2010".

So if I read it correctly, why the jumping of the gun? So what if you've already been counted and die before April 1?

Anonymous said...

Why would some illegal fill out a census form, duh?

We in Queens are going to get royally screwed not getting our fair share for all those 500,000 illegals living in Queens. However those 500,00 illegals will use Hospitals, food stamps, Sanitation, fireman and Police services and use public transportation all for not paying any taxes!

I wish I could find another country as good as this one to do the same! Try doing this in Mexico - they would htrow you in an asylum!

Anonymous said...

Why would they? They know they have it good living "off the grid" as it where.

No paper trails. No names. No addresses.

Pay me in cash please, so i can send 90% of it right out of the country via Western Union.

Why worry about the future of the city when i will be "back home" living in retirement soon?

I had a friend who was helping out in Haiti, but they landed in D.R. and drove.

All through the countryside, you see small shack homes but every 3rd or 4th is a mansion no more than 10 years old.

She was told that many of those are currently empty. Their owners are in places like new york and own supermarkets, taxi companies, etc. They send all their money down here to have a huge house built, and as soon as they have enough, they leave the US and retire back in D.R.

...in other words, money taken out of the system.

Deke DaSilva said...

I filled out AMERICAN also.

Please, don't try and "game" the census form!

You're only helping members of the "tweeded" class by doing so.

See here:

Two general forms of resistance to these questions have been advocated:

1. Idealistic -- Answer "Human Race" or "American Race" or leave the questions blank.

2. Cynical -- Identify yourself as a member of a legally protected minority even if you are not, or your claim is far-fetched (e.g., "I'm African-American because my ancestors left Africa around 50,000 years ago") in the hopes of legally entitling you to affirmative action benefits.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but both attempts are likely to be counterproductive. In general, the people who benefit from disparate impact / affirmative action have spent a lot more time thinking about how to rig the system in their favor than you have about how to game it in yours. They've anticipated your every move.

As far as I can tell, the best thing you can do for yourself and your loved ones is to answer these questions honestly. If you are white and non-Hispanic, and you put that down on the Census form, then the quotas for protected groups will be smaller than if you try to be clever and put down something else.

In a world of official and de facto disparate impact quotas, numbers count. And by diminishing the size of your group, you just make things worse for everybody in your group.


Answer the race question correctly, don't give the "Tweeded" any more power than they deserve!

Auntie Invasion said...

illegal aliens feel that they can break the law because we Americans are victimizing them. They are told not to answer the census by paid staff of non profit organizations like LaRaza.

the logic goes that the USA is victimizing illegal aliens first by calling them illegal aliens. This is typical of perpetrators, to hear them tell it, they are the victims.

they are taking our jobs and taking over our neighborhoods, but they're the victims. Let's see their entire family is funded by US government benefits, they have new model cars, off the books employment and SBA minority start up loans for business's, but the average American is victimizing them?

georgetheatheist said...

Whites should put down "Solutrean" for race and ethnicity.

LibertyBoyNYC said...

Filled out "American" too! Thought I was the only one.

Whites don't get "aid", anyway, George. Might as well poke the hornets' nest with the stick a little more!

LibertyBoyNYC said...

pardon...that was for "deke".

Anonymous said...

There is no reason for illegals to fill out these forms. They work on a cash system and send anything extra to "their country." Only the stupid Americans fill it out and send it back. Illegals are not going to jeopardize their status here. They love riding the gravy train at our expense. As for lost funds for NYC -- let the Federal government formulate an equation where they send big cities with lots of illegals extra cash to take care of them. After all, the government has turned a blind eye to all these criminals and hasn't secured our borders, so it is obvious that they want them here. If this is the case, then let the Federal Government send the big cities a check.

georgetheatheist said...

Brilliant suggestion, Anonymous.

Sanctuary Cash for the Sanctuary Cities!

cherokeesista said...

I am Tsalagi and White:) But I AM AMERICAN FIRST!!!! Why should the color of my skin or my ancestry have anything to do with the way money is alloted that pissess me off and as for illegals they are Ghost living in our Country freely, breaking the law!!!! doing whatever the hell they want and getting away with it!!! DEPORTATION!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm asking because the census is NOT supposed to be about race; it is supposed to be only a head count. Why would one race be more important than another? Oh, I forgot - this is NYC. Whites don't count anyway.

Anonymous said...

I'm asking because the census is NOT supposed to be about race; it is supposed to be only a head count. Why would one race be more important than another? Oh, I forgot - this is NYC. Whites don't count anyway.

Anonymous said...

When I filled out the form, the main concern was if you were Hispanic. The form really only cares about the minority count. The government already knows that there are millions of them here illegally and are counting on them to rake in the big bucks and political seats. They can't vote and are only here to make money to send home. The politicians love them. Looks like the census will bite them in the ass. The illegals aren't filling them out. Next they will pay illegals to fill out the forms. Wait for it.

Anonymous said...

The Census WAS ALWAYS about race, but it is true, this time, it is blatantly about identifying illegal Hispanics, which it will fail miserably to do and prove a total waste of tax payer money to do so. 6% fulfillment rate for Queens County has to be an all time low as far as I can remember and no wonder. This county has turned into a haven for illegal aliens, all brought about by the hopes of our polticians to gain more votes, but here's the rub, their plan for cheap labor to fill the pockets of their big business buddies has horribly back fired on all of us and we are now stuck paying for their social services because none of these elected officials have the ethics or courage to CLOSE OUR BORDERS.

The floodgates are open and it's a shame that this has happened to this once great country. It is blatantly obvious that we cannot afford to take in all of these unskilled, non-conforming, social services bleeding, tax evading, cash based economy freeloaders.

Anonymous said...

Nuthin' like the census to bring out the worst in the haters...

cherokeesista said...

Anonymous said...
Nuthin' like the census to bring out the worst in the haters...

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Hater:) Who said anything about hate except you Darling:) did you fill yours out or are you a Ghost living underground sucking the system dry?

Anonymous said...

Who is a hater? Can't stand the truth? Why should an American lose a job to an illegal? WHY? that's not hatred, it's self-preservation, which is something libtards don't understand. If you don't care about yourself, all your phony caring about someone else who is illegal is crap.

Ever been mugged? Ever been turned down for a job you're qualified for so an unqualified affirmative action person or illegal can have it? Ever felt like you had no rights even though you were born here?

I know, why don't we just let the drug cartels kill more ranchers and take their land? I know, why don't you give your job to an illegal and how about your house and your credit cards and your clothes and your TV?

How 'bout it?

cherokeesista said...

Asshole:) Get a clue;) I'M AN AMERICAN:) Slappy Cakes!!! I Believe if your in the United States Illegaly Your Ass should be DEPORTED ASAP!!! You got the wrong person or your screws need to be tightened :) And I'm Not nor have I ever been a FUCKING LIBERAL!!!!!!!!!!! Red, White and Blue to the Bone!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes we have heard George. And the Chinese had maps of the Americas long before the Europeans thousands of years back. Do you know anything about the oldest written language in cuniform.

What your referring to from the Palaeolithic age is a small number of Norse (which you no nothing about my friend cause Norway has natives also in the Northern most region) and Irish\Scottish possibly who mixed with the Aborigines in this continent.

You can share that belief with the Mormons who have their own skewed version on white European revisionist history. The Mormons also also love their polygamy and secrets.

Anonymous said...

Yes George and the Chinese had maps of the Americas thousands of years ago. Do you know anything about the origin of cuniform.

The still debated Paleo age information is based on a small number of norse
(Norway has their natives in the northern region) and possibly Irish\Scottish who mixed with Aboriginals from this continent.

You should be happy to know you share the same skewed belief as the mormons who also practice polygamy with their skewed revisionist history.

georgetheatheist said...

Ignoramus. The great Solutrean white ancestors that were the original settlers of this continent during the Ice Age (prior to the arrival of the Beringians - aka "Indians") were not Norse. The arrived from present-day southern France-Northern Spain.

BTW April 20 is World Solutrean Heritage Day. Check out www.therightperspective.org for further info and to keep abreast of all the celebrations.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, why in the world would they? For what purpose-- to let the feds know where they are?

cherokeesista said...

All the FEDS have to do is stroll down Northern Blvd. Arrest and Deport, very simple:)Oh yeah check my driveway at night they love using it as their toilet:( Disgusting!!!!

Anonymous said...

BTW April 20 is World Solutrean Heritage Day. Check out www.therightperspective.org for further info and to keep abreast of all the celebrations.

Yes we know George cause you repeat yourself not realizing that the Solutrean theory is hotly debated and there is few Archaeologists who see real evidence of this besides a skull and arrow heads to mean zero when you forget the continents were closer then. It's white people lessing the Aboriginals in America again for their agenda. Read an archaeology journal instead of the Free Republic magazine there guy.

Again, the Solutrean's if there was a small number at all were not white people. Anthropologists and others will point out that the DNA during the Ice age was closer to African, Australian Aboriginal, and Indian as well northern Scandinavia. The people you mention from Spain? Have you gone to college George?

But this theory perpetuates among nutty white supremacists.

georgetheatheist said...

The Great Solutrean migration occurred via the last Atlantic Ice Bridge 20,000 years ago which linked the continents. The Solutrean culture is splendidly on display at the Caves at Lascaux in France and Altamira, Spain. These Franco-Ibero peoples migrated westward along the coast of the ice pack.

White "supremacy"? All Men are created equal. - Thomas Jefferson

See ya at Foxwoods.

Anonymous said...

I have chosen not to fill out the census. I want to make the Administration work a little bit to find out how many of us in my home should be taxed to death to pay for Obamacare.

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