Thursday, February 4, 2010

What the hell is SCA thinking?

From the Times Ledger:

Corona desperately needs another school, residents and members of Community Board 4 agreed, but they balked Tuesday night at the city’s plan to put it next to a firehouse, on a street with no sidewalks and on a property that would force out a local business that has been there for 28 years.

CB 4 voted almost unanimously against the proposal for the 612-seat K-8 school the School Construction Authority hopes to build at 97-36 43rd Ave. on a 40,000-square-foot, L-shaped lot that abuts both 44th and 43rd avenues.

Police Officer Jeanine Rivera of the 110th Precinct also warned that constructing a school on 43rd Avenue could pose a safety risk for squad cars, which often use the street as a main conduit from the precinct house to the rest of the neighborhood.

Rivera also pointed out the fact that the school would be located closer to a chicken slaughterhouse than the station house, where, “spring summer and fall, the smell out of there is ridiculous.”


Anonymous said...

the School Construction Administration staff has to be

are these education people shooting dope?

Anonymous said...

The School Construction Authority takes the "Authority"part of their name too literally.

linda said...

lol, so poor corona needs another school and doesn't like the location, oh well stop pumping out children.. when will they finally get it! other communities don't want to be the burden for there over population. get after the landlords who rent illegally..

Anonymous said...

to LINDA - the day IGNORANCE was handed out you went back for seconds, didn't you? That's all I can say regarding her comment.

Anonymous said...

Ignorant? I would say she's right on the money. Corona is a hotbed of illegal aliens living in illegal conversions and this has destroyed a once wonderful area.

Anonymous said...

Safety risk for Police squad cars? I think building nearer to the Police Dept to be ideal. The officers are probably afraid of losing their parking spots! Also Corona would not have to export all their children to Elmhurst schools as they have for the last 40 years - give these kid a break from long commutes far from their homes! Willets Point is also a good place to build a few mega schools without displacing businesses there. Use eminent domain to build schools everywhere they are needed instead of long bus trips to other neighborhoods.

Anonymous said...

why not deport the anchor baby pupils along with their illegal alien parents? less taxpayer cost for each pupil($19,000.00/per year plus the $40.00/per/day busing cost.

vote the right way next

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