Tuesday, February 2, 2010

So what's this guy running for?

From the NY Post:

A $750,000 personal campaign contribution that Mayor Bloomberg channeled through the state Independence Party during last year's mayoral election landed in the hands of a top aide, The Post has learned.

The aide, John Haggerty Jr., served as a Bloomberg "volunteer involved in some of the activities" of Special Election Operations LLC, a hastily formed company that hired 200 to 300 workers to do poll watching on Election Day, according to Ken Gross, counsel to the campaign.

But the company didn't register with the state Secretary of State's Office until Dec. 3 -- a full month after the election.

Haggerty was also the recipient of a separate, eye-popping $120,000 personal contribution from the mayor on Nov. 20, which went to a political committee he had formed a month earlier and registered at his home in Forest Hills, Queens.

Until yesterday, mayoral aides and party officials had refused for a week to say who was behind Special Election Operations.


Anonymous said...

first ,the Louisiana Purchase (Sen. Mary Landriue) and now the Queens County (for sale/gate).

call o'keefe for the truth squad quick.

Gary the Agnostic said...

We have enough criminals in this city already. We don't need O'Keefe.

Anonymous said...

would you settle for( obama terrorist trial) lawyer E. Holder or maybe former H.U.D.(sub-prime loan) lawyer, A.Cuomo ?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like money laundering to me.

Gary the Agnostic said...

Anonymous said...
would you settle for( obama terrorist trial) lawyer E. Holder or maybe former H.U.D.(sub-prime loan) lawyer, A.Cuomo ?

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Or what about competent Bush AG Gonzalez?

Anonymous said...

poll watchers? how much were they paying?

Anonymous said...

or how about Clinton A/G Janet (did i really burn 70 children and women to death at Waco,TEXAS ?) Reno?

Anonymous said...

He's kind of hot, can I meet him?

Anonymous said...

He's kind of hot, can I meet him?

Down, Evan, down boy!

Anonymous said...

"He's kind of hot, can I meet him?"

He's married, but his brother's available.

Anonymous said...

How can a campaign "volunteer" afford to pay 1.6M for his daddy's house?

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