Monday, February 1, 2010

Show us the money, Mike!

From the Neighborhood Retail Alliance:

The mayor unveiled his $63 billion budget, and the NY Times describes the picture as, "grim." Many sacred cows are on the chopping block: "Declaring grimly that the city’s finances were “between a rock and a hard place,” Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg unveiled a $63 billion budget proposal Thursday that would eliminate 20 fire companies, increase the cost of truck parking on Manhattan streets by 25 percent and close swimming pools and a 24-hour center for the homeless. The budget would also slash funding to libraries, reduce the number of caseworkers who deal with H.I.V. and AIDS, and eliminate nurses in elementary schools with fewer than 300 students."

The mayor, never one for a way with words, nevertheless captured the proper spirit of the moment in his own laconic manner: “The bottom line is we don’t have any money,” he said." Which brings us to the question of the proposed development of Willets Point - and an issue we have raised in the past.

If the city is flat broke, and is willing to jeopardize public safety by closing twenty firehouses, than how can its chief executive contemplate the expense of a speculative condemnation of the businesses at Willets Point? Bloomberg needs to be forced to confront the fiscal realities that the city faces. Every responsible elected official, when confronted with the question of moving forward at Willets Point - and especially those who have signed on as enthusiastic supporters-needs to respond to the Cuba Gooding demand of: "Show me the money."

And Bloomberg needs to tell the public - that will soon be clamoring for the restoration of services that it holds dear - how much this project will cost, and where will the money come from to pay for it. These hard economic times demand that the city scale back some of its grandiose development dreams. A moratorium on the Willets Point project now makes more sense than ever.


faster340 said...

There goes Bloomturd with another round of Sim City...

We play Sim City the video game. Bloomturd the Billionaire plays Sim City the reality game.

Anonymous said...

bloomberg is madoff with our money and diverted it to his family, friends and developers. This man belongs in jail with Quinn and the FEDS does nothing.

Anonymous said...

Well, its more than Bloomberg folks, you have to to all the way up to Albany and Washington.

All three are facing big deficits, yet they continue to support the real estate industry (and the developer's lavish life styles) while hospitals close, students go to school in shifts, and they encourage the tweeded to flood your communities to keep you off balance as you compete with them for housing and jobs while they live on your taxes.

ACT UP! The only thing you can lose are your chains!

(do it in front of the cameras to maximize your impact)

georgetheatheist said...

Are there any James O'Keefes in this burg?

Anonymous said...

Also blame Shulman, Parkside, Apelian & Kelty!

They helped to give the Willets Point project the green light.

( you think they got some "green" for that in return)?

It has already been suggested naming it "Wellington Pointe" perhaps(?)in exchange for all of the campaign contributions arriving weekly from Taiwan.

(LOL) maybe Mr. Comptroller Liu should be looking into this.


Don't you think that he and cousin Tommy Huang & Sons will be benefiting from all of this?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Tommy Huang's son Henry Huang will be getting a piece of this along with TDC.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Tommy Huang's son Henry Huang will be getting a piece of this along with TDC.

How's it huanging?

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