Sunday, February 7, 2010

Paterson to resign this week?

From Business Insider:

This past week, a rumor emerged that the New York Times is working on a huge bombshell with plans to "Spitzerize" New York governor David Paterson.

We've now heard from a single source familiar with the goings on at the Governor's office that the story will likely drop on Monday, and that the governor's resignation will follow.

We've not yet confirmed the timing of the article or the governor's future plans.

Via NY Magazine


ew-3 said...

So Christmas 2010 comes a little early.

Anonymous said...

lol, espada was sooo close to being gov right now.

Anonymous said...

Does that mean that Richard Ravitch then becomes Governor? Yet another person who was unelected.

Lino said...

With the priority of keeping republicans out of NYS office, it's best that Patterson leave the scene clear for a more electable candidate.

Anonymous said...

We need someone different like Pataki who
tried to use tax payer money for a private plane to Virginia or working with the CFR on climate change so corporations can make lots of money off supposedly helping to make things cleaner.

Would love to see Patterson go but dont except much difference from either side.

PizzaBagel said...

"Bombshell"? "Spitzerize"? Does that mean Paterson was "Client Ten" or is there something even juicier? Considering his early admission of infidelity it wouldn't surprise or shock me. That lunch-pal gal, maybe? And we could do worse than Richard Ravitch, I guess. (See above.)

Anonymous said...

No story ran, did the Times kill it?

Anonymous said...

I not sure what else can be brought public that could force Patterson out unless it was a criminal act disclosure. Otherwise his bimbos or his wife's bozos or his son's gambling or even his Dad selling out Harleem won't affect him - he will remain in office until Dec 2010.

Now that the Dems have done such a sweeping good job of ruining the State, let call for Pataki to come back and save us from being a laughing-stock state!

Anonymous said...

With the priority of keeping republicans out of NYS office, it's best that Patterson leave the scene clear for a more electable candidate.

So we can get another honorable Dem. like Spitzer? LMFAO. We should have elected Faso.

Anonymous said...

We can only hope...

Lino said...

"So we can get another honorable Dem. like Spitzer? LMFAO. We should have elected Faso."


You seem to be misinformed, the candidate will be Andrew Cuomo.

Ridgewoodian said...

Huffington Post is speculating that it's a sex scandal. I hope it's not a sex scandal.

Can we make a new rule, please that, so long as:

1) They don't break any major laws;
2) They don't allow their dalliances to affect their carrying out of the public business;
3) They haven't obnoxiously trumpted themselves as paragons of "family values"

who politicians boink, where, and how, is a matter strictly between them, their various significant others, and their divorce lawyers. I swear, if any politician ever got up and said, "what I do with my penis and/or vagina is none of your damn business, so back OFF," I'd vote for them early and often.

Anonymous said...

Is there anything other than Democrat or Republican? They seem to be owned by the same people, kind of like two factions of one party. It does work well with dividing and then conquering the unASSuming mASSes.
There's a lot of buzz about a third party emerging but the Supreme Court did a nice job helping the entrenched powers that be drown them out with alot of money. Everything is connected by the way.

Anonymous said...

we sure need another Clinton administration failure for NYS governor. was not A. Cuomo ,HUD secretary,who enabled the sub prime loan mortgages to be disbursed to "buyers" with no jobs and no assets?

is he not another tax revenue give a-away artist to the free loaders ,in the democratic party ? his motto is spread your wealth......

nominate Betsy Mc ,she exposed the obamacare scam.

Anonymous said...

I'll take Ravitch over Paterson (and definitly over Espada) any day, and believe me - I have no love for Ravitch.

Anonymous said...

Now here is a shot in the dark - and please dont respond if you dont know who he is (and that does not mean surf the internet and make a decision on a picture)what do you think of Dan Squadron? He seems to be in the right place on a lot of issues.

Anonymous said...

"You seem to be misinformed, the candidate will be Andrew Cuomo."

I'm not misinformed. I know the Democrat candidate will be Cuomo. My comment was simple: we don't need another Democrat, and certainly not one who is anointed well before the election, like Spitzer was. He was a Deomocrat, right? As I said, we should have elected Faso.

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