Thursday, February 4, 2010

Now that's just nasty!

Ever get upset over finding bird poop on your car right after you had it cleaned? Well wait until this guy or gal gets back to theirs. They won't even be able to drive it to a car wash without first hand cleaning the windshield...

Miss Heather, you've outdone yourself yet again!


Gary the Agnostic said...

Someone has to be putting tons of birdseed out there.

Anonymous said...

For this blog's namesake, I hope the car is in Queens.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking that car has been abandonded?

Anonymous said...

Was hizzoner seen in the whereabouts?

Stop feeding Bloomberg and maybe he'll stop crapping all over us.

Anonymous said...

this vehicle can be a reward to the mayor from the QUEENS CRAPPER website, for the shitty job he has done.

Anonymous said...

Happened under the # 7 correct?

Anonymous said...

Happened under the # 7 correct?

You know it, son! Or right under the LIRR overpass by the 112 pct in Forest Hills!

PizzaBagel said...

That's George Costanza's car -- but where's Georgie Boy? He was such a dynamo!

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