Sunday, February 7, 2010

Halloran shaking up community boards

From the Daily News:

CITY COUNCILMAN Dan Halloran has no patience for community board members who don't show up to meetings.

In fact, the freshman councilman said he thinks board members with poor attendance should not be reappointed.

Halloran's stance has raised eyebrows as dozens of members submit their applications for reappointment next week.

"If you are not at these meetings, you are not representing the community," said Halloran, whose northeast Queens district includes Community Boards 7 and 11.

"This is not a consolation prize for being active in the neighborhood."

"People who have volunteered their time for 30 years are now being told to submit a letter and a résumé to [Halloran] and get interviewed," said a community board member who didn't want to be identified.

"It's rubbing some people the wrong way," said another source.

Attendance figures provided to Halloran by Community Board 7 show roughly 30% of the members were absent half of the time. He is still waiting for numbers from Community Board 11.


Anonymous said...

The man is 100% right. You join a CB because you want to see your community, residents and businesses get their fair share. To many of the boards have this problem & other elected officials should do the same. What difference if you have 30 yrs. or 1 yr. if you're not there then why are you on a Community Board. Some people just like having a title but don't take on the responsibility of what it really means. Clean them out & appoint people who really are concerned and want to improve their communities!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You join a CB because you want to see your community, residents and businesses get their fair share.


oh give me a break!

georgetheatheist said...

A new broom sweeps clean.

Flushing Phantom said...

Maybe some of those 30 year (LOL) CB "volunteers" were representing the developers' agendas instead of the community's all of these past years.

Might that be Mr. up-Chuck Apelian who is complaining anonymously about our freshman councilman's inquiries regarding poor attendance?

"Chuckles" (the clown) only cares what happens in his sequestered little cul de sac world...where his fine Tudor style home is located just right across the turn from John Liu's pricey colonial manse.

Time to clean house at CB#7 in particular.

Anonymous said...

Dump Kelty!

That gang leader has helped grease through too much over the Willets Point fiasco.

Flushing Phantom said...

P.S. (heh, heh, heh)....

Such "notables" like Tommy Huang once sat on CB#7.


He was ultimately dismissed for poor attendance.

Anonymous said...

Warming a bench ain't being in the game.

Pitch those CB losers out!

Anonymous said...

Dump the executive board!!!!

Gary the Agnostic said...

Don't complain if you don't attend.

Anonymous said...

Flushing Phantom:

Why don't you join CB 7 and help bring some ethics back to that board?

Flushing Phantom said...

I was asked if I was interested in joining the CB early in the game by an Assemblyman "primadonna" but soon realized that I have to "play ball"...rubber stamp things (?) and the like...and that did not appeal to me.

Anyway...after the board dealt with my honesty for a spell...I'd be dismissed on some pretext in a New York minute.

I'd rather raise hell privately...start investigations, etc.

Much better results thereof.

Do we really ned CBs since they're purely advisory?

A lot of money spent on little!

Queens Crapper said...

Same here.

Anonymous said...

I think with Halloran things may change.
New ballgame.

Anonymous said...

Flushing Phantom sounds like a chicken shit whiner. Go grow some gonads man!

Anonymous said...

Flushing Phantom sounds like a chicken shit whiner. Go grow some gonads man!

Thank you for providing another reason for abortion. I wonder how long you've gone through life as a brain dead zombie! Oops. Sounds like Evan at the keyboard being bored again!

Anonymous said...

My man Halloran finally making some moves.. I hope to see results and just not talk on this..

Anonymous said...

Go Dan go!
Kick all these do for nothings off the board.
Even more, they should get thrown off the CB's for inactivity.
Showing up aint even enough.
You should get out if you're not active enough.
Get some fresh blood in there who doesn't want to curry favors for building projects and whatever other personal gain that suits them.

Anonymous said...

Flushing Phantom you blutheirng idiot.

"Do we really ned CBs since they're purely advisory?

A lot of money spent on little!"

They hardly spend any money at all on CB's and they do so much for that pittance of a budget.
Take away the CB's and Bloomturd completes his facist hold on city gov't.

Anonymous said...

It seems as though that's what Bloomsnot is aiming for.

Anonymous said...

They hardly spend any money at all on CB's and they do so much for that pittance of a budget.
Take away the CB's and Bloomturd completes his facist hold on city gov't.

Hey jerkoff! You don't know CB#7 very well, do you? Bloomturd already controls the board indirectly. Go ask bovine Shulman about her Wallets Point Group greasing certain members of that board. Right Gene & Chuckie??!!?! Community boards are only viable if the members are free, independent thinkers and not subject to the whims of crooked elected officials and greedy developers.

Anonymous said...

Can Dan get rid of Gene & Chuck?

Anonymous said...

And on that topic... If Frank Gulluscio lives in Howard Beach, how does he get to sit on a Community Board based in Forest Hills? How is this legal?

Queens Crapper said...

He's the district manager of CB6, he doesn't sit on the board.

Lino said...

"georgetheatheist said...
A new broom sweeps clean."

Yeah, fine..except that Hollerin' Halloran is not a broom..nowhere near it. He is a newly (and narrowly) elected Councilman. He need to set up his fiefdom and network of those who'll support him if he is to be effective.

The other Council members may give him a pass on this one or, he may find it hard to bring home the bacon for his constituents.

Just a personal opinion, alienating those you must work with is not good policy. It is stupid.

Good luck Bayside.

Queens Crapper said...

Yes! He should keep the dead weight on the community board. Why upset the apple cart? Things are working just fine the way they are, aren't they?

Lino said...

"Queens Crapper said...
Yes! He should keep the dead weight on the community board."

Look, these boards are retail, macro level politics. The people that "serve" are your neighbors, customers etc. A heavy handed attempt at purging them will be seen as an attack on -all- the (mostly Democratic) members and the institution may react by stymieing Halloran.

At the very least Halloran's call for "new blood" will be seen as trying to pack in more Republicans.

He's is a newcomer from a minority party --not in a safe enough position to make these sorts of moves without help from across the aisle..which he probably doesn't have..that may be why this story leaked in the first place.

Flushing Phantom said...

Now I'm quite sure that up-Chuck Apelian is posting here!

Is it true that "Chuckles" scopes QC on a regular basis since he's forced to keep abreast of what's being said about him or his cohorts (LOL)?

And my gonads are just fine!

Iit's spelled "blithering" other fool.

Flushing Phantom said...

Don't district managers make about $85,000 a year apiece (plus staff expenses, etc.)?

Do they earn it however?

Do the math....85 Gs etc. times how many CBs in NYC?

That would go a long way to pay for a lot of library, school and firehouse cuts.

Now I'm in for hell from the peanut gallery out there for tellin' it like it really is (LOL)!

Anyway with the new 311 system and a NYC directory I make my own calls...don't need any CB.

By the way...doesn't CB#7 rent their space in a Wellington Chen building?

TDC is in the running for the Willets Point project which went before their board.

Might that be a conflict of interest?

Anonymous said...

My, my, my,
some apparently don't seem to like the Flushing Phantom's finger pointing.

But they can't silence a ghost.

Erik lives under the sidewalks of Main Street.

Queens Crapper said...

A heavy handed attempt at purging them will be seen as an attack on -all- the (mostly Democratic) members and the institution may react by stymieing Halloran.

The only members he could 86 would be the ones that Avella appointed, which isn't many, as the board are split between multiple council members. And if they were such friends of the Dem party, Marshall would keep them on.

Furthermore, if you miss more than 3 meetings you are supposed to automatically be off the board.

Anonymous said...

"Iit's" spelled "blithering" other fool.

Don't you think you should check YOUR OWN spelling before posting? Just sayin'...

Who's the fool now?

Anonymous said...

3 meetings!?!?

Ha! That should wipe out almost all of them.

Flushing Phantom said...

That was a slip of the finger on my keyboard...a mere happens...not a deliberate ignorant spelling error like yours.

Keep on "bluthering" (LOL) and have a good day!

Anonymous said...

The Community Boards were once part of the Department of City Planning. Remember they were once actually called Community Planning Boards.

They do little planning now but plenty of plotting it seems.


CBs are now required under the city charter to phone in constituents complaints via the same 311 number that the constituent could have phoned in himself (or herself).

So who needs an expensive middleman?

Dump the whole damn CB system!

Unless, of course, you want to hold onto the illusion of having a say in government by voicing your opinion during the CB's public participation portion of their meetings (laughing).

It's all just a sham to pacify the voters.

Grow up...there is no Santa Claus or tooth fairy.

Anonymous said...

how did (I luv it) "Chuckes" (LOL) Apelian and John "little" Liu-Liu manage to get that vintage lamp post put in by NYC (?) in their tony cul de sac?

Anonymous said...

I don't know, sounded great but now I think KelTy (your classic school yard bully) and Chuck (just classic) have bullied Dan as well. He won't question them , even when Chuck Clarifies what a Developer means by "affordable housing" to the community at cb7 last night. Can you say VESTED INTEREST? If the presentor can't explain what he means, then can we really trust them to build? And how much will they make in kickbacks and "business leads" ?

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