Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Drunken illegal alien set Brooklyn fire

From Eyewitness News:

A resident of the Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, building that went up in flames, killing five, was taken into custody for allegedly setting the fatal blaze.

Authorities say 29-year-old Daniel Ignacio was taken into custody Tuesday morning and was being questioned in Brooklyn.

No charges were immediately filed.

However, Ignacio reportedly made statements linking himself to the fire. No other suspects are currently being sought.

Authorities say that after setting the fire, Ignacio turned around and rescued some residents from the burning building, including a baby.

The suspect was identified by detectives who saw him on video helping the residents escape the flames. They have reportedly seen him around the building in the days following the blaze.

The current theory is Ignacio got drunk and set fire to a baby carriage in the front stairwell of the building. He then realized what he had done and began rescuing residents from the fast-moving flames.

The motive does not appear to be a vendetta, as detectives initially speculated.

And from the Daily News:

"He's been down on himself," the source said. "He was drinking all day, Friday into Saturday, went into the hallway and set a baby carriage on fire. He confessed, but he said he didn't think (the building) would go up like that."

From the NY Times:

Mr. Ignacio’s time in New York was reflected in different recollections; some remembered him as an occasional churchgoer who seemed a decent sort; others recalled that he had been arrested before, and deported.

The authorities confirmed that Mr. Ignacio was arrested in Brooklyn in January 2002 after a woman saw him leaving her window. He was caught with her wallet, a pink plastic comb and a pen.

Convicted of burglary, he spent 10 months in jail; upon his release, he was deported to Guatemala on Oct. 31, 2003, said Lou Martinez, a spokesman for the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency.

Investigators said they believed he had come back to the United States through Mexico about a year ago.

“Obviously, he is in the country illegally,” Mr. Martinez said. “Now that we know he is back in the country, he is considered an illegal re-entry after deportation and that’s a federal crime.”

If convicted on the arson and murder charges, he will serve his time and then be turned over to federal immigration officials “for removal proceedings or to be prosecuted federally,” Mr. Martinez said. “But that’s a long way away.”

I love my sanctuary city...


Anonymous said...

no excuses......execution quickly

faster340 said...

"if convicted on the arson and murder charges, he will serve his time and then be turned over to federal immigration officials “for removal proceedings or to be prosecuted federally,”

So we have to pay for him while being in jail? Convict him here and let him do his time in Guatemala. Let them pay for it!!!

Anonymous said...

Collateral damage, I tell you.

Look at it this way:

1. the shithole where these people come from life is cheap. They win.

2. Manhattan gets cheap labor. They win.

3. Brooklyn gets cheap seamstresses and cleaning ladies. They win.

4. The machine gets votes and a clueless community that fears those with power. They win.

5. The relatives of the machine gets jobs on taxpayers money satisfying the needs of the tweeded. They win.

You lose, but who cares?

When I buy a quart of milk from a cow that is milked, or a hamberger from a cow raised for its meat, no one bothers to ask the bovine's opinion.

linda said...

saw on the news that he was deported once before and came back. yeah love homeland security! what a joke this man is to even say he's not a monster..

Anonymous said...

Put his head on a pike and put it on the border of Mexico.

"You pass this head, expect to lose yours."

Anonymous said...

Glad my country works so well for you, mr. illegal alien, that you can commit crimes and not be held accountable.

Anonymous said...

charge him with capitol murder death row this way we know he will never come back

rexlic said...

It galls me no end to read of the endless outsourcing of this country's rich criminal traditions to foreign workers. Please only support those home-grown gangsters, thugs, firebugs and other scum who made the USA Number One in the world in people incarcerated!

Anonymous said...

Aw good old liberal logic. Because we have a lot of criminals here, we should therefore allow the criminals from the rest of the world to come here.

Stupid, stupid.

Lino said...

"Anonymous said...
Aw good old liberal logic. Because we have a lot of criminals here, we should therefore allow the criminals from the rest of the world to come here.
Stupid, stupid."

Congratulations! You win the "Stupidest Comment In-Thread" award.

Quite an achievement I must add.

Anonymous said...

Illegal immigrants committing the murder and arson that Americans won't commit.

Over the weekend some of the survivors of the blaze expressed astonishment that this could happen in America. They didn't factor in a drunk Guatemalan with an indifference to life.

Lino said...

" Anonymous said...
Illegal immigrants committing the murder and arson that Americans won't commit."

-You've got to be kidding...?

Try to remember that people actually -read- some of these comments and consider how they depict the mentality of Queens residents.

...Or just try thinking for a change!

Queens Crapper said...

Perhaps that was in response to the endless mantra that illegals do the jobs that Americans won't do which is complete horseshit.

Anonymous said...

was it not the Clinton Administration (mostly liberal loyal asses like Lino) that enabled the incineration of 70 women and children at Waco,Texas ?

the A/G was Janet Reno,and i believe Eric Holder was a deputy at the Justice Dept.

BTW,did he not aid in the pardon of Mark Rich,the oil war profiteer and the Puerto Rican F.A.L.N. bomber terrorists?

LIno said...

" Queens Crapper said...
Perhaps that was in response to the endless mantra that illegals do the jobs that Americans won't do which is complete horseshit."

Well, since I run a business that employs these sorts of people, I might as well respond.

Fact 1) While there is little or no problem finding wait staff and managers, backbone staff are almost always immigrants.

Why, ask some of those young Americans why they don't apply for even the unskilled positions such as busboy-delivery-dishwasher.

Fact2)Even today with our economy in rut, we -only- see immigrants applying for these positions.

I recounted our experience at trying to staff a new location that opened a few months after 9-11. I wanted an all American staff and got nowhere with any of the grunt jobs, even with new, brightly lit and air conditioned prep and washing facilities..NO American kids followed through on showing for those positions. This isn't horrible work, I have done it and helped design some of our facilities to be easy and strain free.

There is no point in my chasing this issue around, I am sure that even in mostly white areas such as Maspeth you'll find all or most such work done by immigrants.


Anonymous said...

Immigrants are not illegals.

Anonymous said...


wouldn't you tell a white kid he was "overqualified?" that's what a lot of white people are told when they apply for grunt jobs.

just sayin...

Anonymous said...

why do you think that it is soooooo difficult for Lino to insert the word "illegal" prior to immigrant in his comments ?

do you pay in CASH?

do you insure your MOBILE DELIVERY "immigrants.
what is their injury rate? How many have been killed and crippled ?

are you a Limousine Liberal ?

PizzaBagel said...

“Obviously, he is in the country illegally,” Mr. Martinez said. “Now that we know he is back in the country, he is considered an illegal re-entry after deportation and that’s a federal crime.”

Bite your tongue! Don't you know that "illegal entry" is a politically-incorrect term? We should call it something like "unsupervised border throughput." Yeah, that's the ticket!

linda said...

Well, since I run a business that employs these sorts of people, I might as well respond.

well well, lino are you breaking the law!! are you paying the proper taxes into our government?? this is why the shit keeps coming into our country and sending money home!!

linda said...

Fact 1) While there is little or no problem finding wait staff and managers, backbone staff are almost always immigrants.

Why, ask some of those young Americans why they don't apply for even the unskilled positions such as busboy-delivery-dishwasher.

Fact2)Even today with our economy in rut, we -only- see immigrants applying for these positions.

I recounted our experience at trying to staff a new location that opened a few months after 9-11. I wanted an all American staff and got nowhere with any of the grunt jobs, even with new, brightly lit and air conditioned prep and washing facilities..NO American kids followed through on showing for those positions. This isn't horrible work, I have done it and helped design some of our facilities to be easy and strain free.

There is no point in my chasing this issue around, I am sure that even in mostly white areas such as Maspeth you'll find all or most such work done by immigrants.

well you must own a grease spoon that employs the illegals.. last time i headed out to TGIF or any other francise i saw AMERICANS with social security cards waiting on me. question why are you picking on maspeth when it's a diversed community?? are you suggesting that we call INS on the grease spoons here?? or maybe the IRS on you!

Anonymous said...

Phoenix Arizona just put a 2% tax on food to support these muther F_ cockroaches.

Faster: Guatemala doesnt jail its people who commit crimes in the USA.
They dont hard jail its own people -- only tourists with a family & money back home like Midnight Express

Anonymous said...

Lino, try paying the legal minimum wage and you could get white kids to work for you.. just sayin'...

Queens Crapper said...

It's funny, but my coworker has a second job as a cook at a restaurant in the Bronx. He is an American citizen originally from the Caribbean. There are also American blacks working in the kitchen at one of my favorite restaurants on Woodhaven Blvd. The busboys at several of the restaurants on Woodhaven Blvd speak perfect English, without even a trace of an accent. So I have to wonder why Lino thinks there is a shortage of Americans that seek work in food service, and if not Americans, then legal residents.

cherokeesista said...

LIno said...
" Queens Crapper said...
Perhaps that was in response to the endless mantra that illegals do the jobs that Americans won't do which is complete horseshit."

Well, since I run a business that employs these sorts of people, I might as well respond.

In your own words Lino, you are breaking the LAW and Contributing to the problem:( BUT YOUR MAKING THAT $$$$$$ aren't you, real Americans wouldn't work for the shit pay you give your illegal workers and your probably a piece of shit to work for anyway!!!

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