Friday, February 19, 2010

Child rapist caught via DNA

From NY1:

An alleged serial rapist was arraigned Thursday in Queens, after police linked the suspect's DNA evidence to at least two sexual assaults, including one on an 11-year-old girl.

Rosales pleaded not guilty in Queens Criminal Court to two counts of first-degree rape, and charges of sexual assault, robbery and burglary. He now faces up to 50 years in prison.

Officials say they obtained the DNA after Mauricio Rosales, 32, of Woodhaven was arrested and convicted of petty larceny in November, in connection to stealing money from the restaurant where he worked.

According to the Queens district attorney's office, back in 2000 Rosales allegedly snuck into a house near 86th Avenue and 98th Street in Richmond Hill and raped an 11-year-old girl at knifepoint in her own bedroom.

The other incident in 2003 involved the alleged rape and the robbery at knifepoint of a 19-year-old woman in her Queensboro Hill driveway.

In 2004, Brown indicted Rosales as "John Doe," using the two incidents' matching DNA in the hopes that the suspect would one day be arrested and to avoid the statute of limitations from running out.

Sources say Rosales's DNA was also a match with other cases, but that the statute of limitation ran out on those cases.

Brown said that about 46 percent of convicted criminals are required to give DNA samples, and that he is urging the state Legislature to require anyone convicted on a misdemeanor to submit a DNA sample.


Anonymous said...

46%! It should be 100%. This would be money well spent. Let's put criminals where they belong, in jail!

Anonymous said...


Cherokeesista said...


Anonymous said...

my best friend is the brother of the 11 year old who was raped. this man deserves to burn in hell for what he's put their family threw!

Anonymous said...

iknow this man . A very respectful , loyal , and very generous man . When i heard this news i felt like some one has punched me in the stomach and knocked the air out of me . He has two daughters and three sons . And this man would never steal . His boss is a liar . Really? He would steal from his work place where he could be caught and have no foundation from where to support his family. I think for the sake of his family he should be free. When i see the his 7year old daughter i feel pain. She tells me she misses him and says that she wishes her dad was with her.

Anonymous said...

Hey Anonymous 3/21/10:
why don't you ask how the piece of sh**'s DNA got into an 11 year old? respectable my ass. ship his wetback ass back to mexico. but not before bubba rips his butthole apart. at knifepoint. everyday. for 50 years.

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