Sunday, November 8, 2009

Woodside Muslim proud of Texas massacre

From the NY Post:

The soldiers at Fort Hood had it coming, says a radical Muslim in Queens who travels to mosques around the city spreading anti-American hate and has sent a "Get Well Soon" message to the major behind the Texas massacre.

"An officer and a gentleman was injured while partaking in a pre-emptive attack," Yousef al-Khattab wrote on his Web site, called "Revolution Muslim." "Get well soon Major Nidal. We love you."

In the twisted logic of al-Khattab, who was born Jewish in New Jersey and converted to Islam in 2004, the 13 slain and 38 wounded Army victims gunned down by the radical one-man sleeper cell were "terrorists" who deserved to die.

"These people are soldiers in a volunteer army," he told The Post during a sitdown at a Woodside, Queens, cafe. "They expect to see combat. They know the danger."

"Rest assured the slain terrorists at Ft. Hood are in the eternal hellfire," al-Khattab writes on his Web site.

When will our politicians denounce this? Should we hold our breath? Or should we just be thankful that we are so vibrant and diverse?


Anonymous said...

Does he live in Woodside? That shows you how bad this neighborhood is now.

The Pakistani car service drivers who solicit passengers on 61st should be on a watch list.

In August 2004, a building on 62nd street was shut down and everyone with in a few blocks was evacuated from their homes. There was a bomb threat and explosives in the an apartment building.

It is close to Jackson Heights, home base for Al Queda.

Wake up stupid Americans as you cry for illegal immigrants. You should be crying for Americans.

georgetheatheist said...

When Timothy McVeigh blew up the Murrah Building, they said he was influenced by th Turner Diaries.

When will we admit that the Koran, the book that influences these maniacs, is evil as well?

Anonymous said...

sorry George the Atheist -all religion was created to subjugate woman. There are those who say it was created to subjugate the poor and working class. what I'm saying is that it's not just Islam that is the problem.

Look around Woodside and count the ugly red neon cross's on the scamming Korean Churches. which do not have permits from the DOB!

BTW, why are the Koreans so mixed up w/ real estate in Queens county to the point their bag boy works for the DHCR? Chan Jo. anyone every deal with this piece of crap?

Anonymous said...

queens is lost..they let the floodgates open in the 70's and now its gone. it was a great place to grow up in and i am proud to have come from there. but i am also glad i am not there anymore. kinda like the older italians, irish and jews who grew up in the bronx when it was nice. they have fantastic memories of living there but we all know how the bronx turned out once they left.

Anonymous said...

It's funny that no one can stop him and he gets billing in the NY Post. and his photo.

Does he operate out of the former dentist office turned mosque on 62nd street & 39th Avenue in Woodside?

Why is this mosque allowed to advertise with big signs both an income tax service and a tutoring business? On a residential street where male mosque goers block sidewalk and don't move to let women walking down the street pass by?

Did they every put in for any conversion to commercial space?

Maybe this guy should be sent to Iraq if he likes it so much there.

georgetheatheist said...

Koran 8:12 "Smite ye above their necks and smite all their fingertips of them."

Koran 9:5 "Then when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolators wherever ye find them..."

Koran 9:29 "Fight those who do not profess the true faith..."

Koran 9:73 "Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home: an evil fate."

Koran 4:144 "Believers, do not choose the unbelievers rather than the faithful as your friends."

Koran 47:4 "When you meet the unbelievers in the Jihad strike off their heads..."

Koran 5:51 "Believers, take neither Jews nor Christians for your friends. They are friends with another. Whoever of you seeks their friendship shall become one of their number. Allah does not guide the wrong-doers."

Koran 98:1-8 "The unbelievers among the People of the Book and the pagans shall burn forever in the fire of Hell. They are the vilest of all creatures.

Koran 76:1-5 "For the unbelievers we have prepared chains and fetters and a blazing Fire..."

Et cetera.

Anonymous said...

Inciting folks to kill is much more a danger - not a religion but a mean of hiding behind one.

The Koran is interpreted, thus the so called Imans hide behind it saying their word comes from the book of the Koran - in fact it's their own words and ideas to advance to their advantage.

Thus this thug, criminal is using the same path Hitler forged to advance his ideas to destroy entire societies - don't be fooled this jerk is a danger to you.

Saudi Astoria said...

Ask Peter Vallone why he lets illegal hookah smokers drive out residents in buildings who are voters, taxpayers and (roll the drums) citizens.

Thank the Queens County Machine.

Anonymous said...

BTW, why are the Koreans so mixed up w/ real estate in Queens county to the point their bag boy works for the DHCR? Chan Jo. anyone every deal with this piece of crap?

Very interesting. Can you please elaborate?

Anonymous said...

this guys is an ex-jew...not even close to the car drivers in woodside.

i'm sure he's on every list they have now. i'd love to see him try to board a plane or rent a car.

Anonymous said...

What goes around................

JO said...

it's one guy in woodside... I can find white, christian people who said 'good' too. I really doubt that most muslims subscribe to his thoughts.

this post really turned me off to this blog.

Anonymous said...

He's in Woodside huh?...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No wonder this man is so extreme- as a convert, he is simply trying to prove how loyal he is to his new faith.

Just like Richard Reid, John Walker Lindh, John Allen Muhammad, etc.

If his sons choose to rebel against his chosen faith, he shouldn't be surprised.

Babs said...

To Jo -

BUT this idiot made himself public - so he is INVITING us all to comment.

He is thumbing his nose at the rest of us and laughing - since he has every right to say horrible things - THEN we can say horrible things back at him if we are so inclined.

Actually there will be those amongst us that will do MORE than comment I'm certain - he's made his own bed as the saying goes.

Anonymous said...

"queens is lost"

I think you're lost my friend and I hope you find yourself and peace one day.

"They" also opened the floodgates in 1870, and 1910, and 1960, and.....well let's just say it's happened alot over the years.

Singling out one era just makes you as useless as the gum on my shoe.

Babs said...

This ex-Jew from Jersey is nothing more than a homegrown nutcase who very likely would get messages from Mohammed in a fortune cookie from his favorite neighborhood take-out place.

As big an idiot as he is - he's smart enough to know EXACTLY what he can and cannot do. Can you imagine him speaking against the gov't in Iran for instance - no Ron Kuby type there waiting to defend him that's for sure.

Queens Crapper said...

You can find white Christian people who think what happened at Fort Hood was great?

Really? Please produce some for us.

georgetheatheist said...

"This post really turned me off to this blog."

Watch. You'll be back. Guaranteed.

Anonymous said...

why the fuck hasn't this piece of shit disappeared off the street yet?

Anonymous said...

He's not "just one guy in Woodside." He preaches at mosques throughout the area and turns people onto his way of thinking.

He is dangerous and must be stopped.

Anonymous said...

wow you're all racists

and point fingers to avoid looking in the mirror because it's probably too much to handle

Queens Crapper said...

I guess you assume all the commenters here are white.

So answer this:

How can we be racist when he is also white?

Anonymous said...

Goat f- - king camel jockey!

Anonymous said...

How come he's not wearing his diaper and fan belt head covering...the Musie/baldie ?

Babs said...

We're all racists?! the freak is a white American for Allah's sake!

I pity his parents - what shame - what an embarrassment! They are probably walking around their Florida golf community with Groucho Marx masks on so not to be recognized.

U. R. Disrespectful said...

Anonymous said...
Goat f- - king camel jockey!

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Anonymous said...
How come he's not wearing his diaper and fan belt head covering...the Musie/baldie ?


Anonymous said...

There we have what? You, the troll, wrote it and now are acting like the Archie Bunkers did. We're onto you.

Anonymous said...

We just don't get it do we? When the hell will our politicians wake up and finally denounce this cult that is running rampant throught western society????

U. R. Disrespectful said...

There we have what? You, the troll, wrote it and now are acting like the Archie Bunkers did. We're onto you.

Absolutely false! I was offended by the comments. Perhaps YOU are the troll, jerkwad!

Anonymous said...

When the hell will our politicians wake up and finally denounce this cult that is running rampant throught western society????

Maybe they are imbedded in the corruption?

Anonymous said...

You're offended by an anonymous comment on a blog?

Time to get a life or stop reading online articles.

Babs said...

I think many of the more religious in the Muslim community need to lighten up - get a sense of humor about life and about themselves.

They wear dish towels on their heads - come on, that's funny. The religious Jews wear potholders - also funny.

There are NO really funny Muslims from Palestine or anywhere in the Middle East - what's up with that?

Mr. Angry said...

Fuck this asshole. Let him go live in Afghanistan if he hates it here so much. Stupid fake Muslim wouldn't last an hour.

Anonymous said...

I feel if u think AMERICANS are TERRORIST then you need to go back to your country. America offers one extra thing when you come to this country, If you don't like it here then the same way you came in you can get the HELL OUT!!!!! Americans need to stick together and get rid of People like this so our country can be a better place.

Mike said...

This guy should move to the middle east

Once they find out he was a Jew they'll kill him

I wish NY had more people like the Minute-Men group from down by New Mexico.. they wouldn't stand for this

Anyone down for an organized protest outside this mans house?

Anonymous said...

He most likely took lessons from the Muslim who lives at 1600 Pennsylvania!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Throughout the history of this great country, the United States has opened its doors to all who seek a better life.

Not once in the history has any one group granted entry start killing people because they did not believe like they did.

They came for the peace they did not find in their home country, or to make a better life for themselves and their families. After a generation or so, they assimilated into the culture of this great nation.

They did not kill innocent people, or make plans for Jihad (struggle?). Struggle against what? You are free to practice your own religion here. Just don't push your religion on anyone else. Live your life, let us live ours.

But this religion known as Islam, is not peaceful. It is a hateful religion, an intolerant religion, born from struggle, born from the sword. It is a violent religion. They even kill themselves.

Shia's kill Sunni's, Sunni's kill Shia's, why? Because one follows Mohammed, the other follows a follower of his, named Ali.

While they may be separated by who they follow, Wahabiism is what keeps them together. It is the violent branch of this religion that they both practice.

It is the stricter form of the religion, you know, the one that makes woman wear head to toe coverings, stay at home, no school, no education. Can't go out without a family member. If the girl screws up, there is the Honor Killing, where the father, or brother can kill her for whatever reason they want.

Wahabiism is pushed by the people of Saudi Arabia on everyone else. The Saudi Government, via it's Princes, and King have their subjects (slaves) learn this from pre-school on up to college.

Al Queda (Osama bin hiding) is a practisioner of this Saudi religion, as is the Taliban. Here they learn (taught) to hate the Jews and Christians from an early age. They call us Infidels by the way.

And do not for one minute believe anything you hear from any Muslim Representative that they are outraged at the savage murders in Texas. They applaud this behavior in private. They support it financially.

A friend of mine asked me this morning, where are the Skinheads and the KKK when you need them? He said it jokingly, but we both knew someone needs to.

For instance, every Friday, around noon, they congregate in their mosque to pray. This would be the perfect time to go introduce yourself to them.

Muslims in this country are a very dangerous bunch. Look at what they did in Spain blowing up the trains, and in England blowing up the Subways. Always killing in masses.

With Muslims, there can be no peace, there can be no living side by side in peaceful coexistence. One only has to look at Israel to understand this.

I compare the Muslims to the Borg in the Sci-Fi TV and Movie's. They come to assimilate you, resistance is futile.

Here is the funny thing.

Islam/Muslims believe in the same things as the Jews and Christians believe.

They believe in the singular god, they call him Allah. They believe in everything the Jews believe in such as Abraham, Moses, all the prophets.

They believe in what the Christians believe in. They believe in Jesus, and his mother Mary. As a matter of fact, there is an entire chapter dedicated to Mary (Maryim), mother of Jesus the Prophet. They believe in the Arch Angel Gabriel too.

If you read the Koran (Quran). You will find this all there.

So to me, it's a wonder that the Muslims believe in what the Christians believe in, believe in what the Jews believe in, yet they want to kill them.

Jews don't believe in Christians, or Muslims. Christians believe in Jews, but not Muslims. Muslims believe in both Jews and Christians.

There is a book called "The Art of War." In it, is says you must know your enemy. You must understand them so you can beat them.

Go read the Quran at the Library. Learn what your enemy is thinking.

Anonymous said...

You're offended by an anonymous comment on a blog?

I guess that we shouldn't express our distaste for the comments of certain contributors? Are you insane (or just an asshole?)

Anonymous said...

Why does he stay in this country if he hates it so much. Go home or DEPORT HIM....THROW HIM OUT OF THIS COUNTRY.


Anonymous said...

why are you giving this guy the publicity ? fuck him

Anonymous said...

Given the nature of the internet and comments on websites, I wouldn't spend too much time getting upset about them. People write inflammatory things to make others upset. It's been going on for more than a decade. Getting drawn into it just makes you look like a fool. Never understood people who felt the need to police the internet and denounce every politically incorrect thought expressed as words. It's a waste of time and energy.

Anonymous said...

Personally, I get a kick out of watching all the retards foam at the mouth whenever the names "Bush" or "Obama" are mentioned. That's the fastest way to get a thread off topic.

Queens Crapper said...

I second Mr. Angry's comment.

Babs said...

One of the Anonymouses here stated that with "Muslims there can be no peace" - I know enough of good non-violent hard-working Muslims to NOT believe this racist crap. There are Muslims are work - Muslims that own the local candy store and gas station. They have integrated themselves into American culture, and I LIKE THEM. They read the Koran as often as I read the Bible i.e. NEVER!

YOU are in America NOT the Middle East.

BTW - To all the Anonymouses in Queens Crap Land - pick a screen name, any name - so others can address you if they want to. You STILL will be "anonymous" you know. I hope you all don't drive the way you post.

Anonymous said...

"I know enough of good non-violent hard-working Muslims to NOT believe this racist crap. They read the Koran as often as I read the Bible i.e. NEVER!"

Then I guess they are not Muslim, because Islam is a religion, not a race.

"YOU are in America NOT the Middle East."

That's telling this worthless piece of shit that's calling for death to America!

The funny thing is that when we all die we'll likely find out that we may all call by God different names, but it's the same entity. And then we'll wonder why the hell we fought with each other all the time.

Babs said...

Evener funnier last Anonymous -

as 2nd, 3rd and 4th generation Americans - we go Church (or Synagogue) RARELY if at all - perhaps on the holidays OR for a community fundraiser - SO this "my book says this" vs. "my book says that" is as SAD as it is LAUGHABLE. Many of us are more "spiritual" than religous and of course don't believe period.

Anonymous said...

There are many terrorists infultrated in this country. You would be surprised at who may be selling you your lotto ticket.

Anonymous said...

Bring back the Mafia and we'll see what happens. FBI is waisting their time hauling 80 year old mafia guys into court everyday. Time to focus elsewhere guys!

Anonymous said...

it's one guy in woodside... I can find white, christian people who said 'good' too. I really doubt that most muslims subscribe to his thoughts.

It's one too many guys anywhere - you are one too - Allah is going to reject you in getting into Heave and instead use you as a virgin for where you will wind up in - bend over Hassan and open your mouth!

Anonymous said...

Just what the peaceful Muslim communities need a dumb ass malcontent like this dope to make matters worse.

Maybe they should put out a hit squad to take care of him....kidnap him and send him off to Afganistan.

Anonymous said...

those "seven virgins" waiting for you suicide bombers in paradise (hee, hee) are really sheep!

Osama Bin Laden and his likes are just playing you.

Jihad's for jerks while their rich Saudi bosses enjoy heaven on earth.

D. Lamb said...

those "seven virgins" waiting for you suicide bombers in paradise (hee, hee) are really sheep!

Er. Now it's six. I got a little impatient. B-a-a-a-a-a! Can't pull the wool over your eyes!

Anonymous said...

The old self hating jew........too much guilt? Or just confused.The bottom line is most towelheads will never trust him.He will disappear in a few months.

Anonymous said...

this guy is a perfect candidate for the executive, white house czar, training program.

when malik nadal recovers ,will he become an executive at the White House ,Healthcare CZAR'S agency ?

did not the 1970's Weatherman terrorist, william ayers and his wife,become chicago advisors to the community organizer? this local terrorist gang was building bombs to explode at the Fort Dix , N.J. weekend social dance,when the bomb exploded and killed their own. the townhouse at 11th street/fifth was is not alligned with the other block townhouses!!!!!!

the pacifists among us, will allow more innocent citizens to be murdered ,unless the nation is made vigilant from the enemy within .the "state" media is already neutralizing the koolade drinkers.

see:wikipedia," weather underground"

Babs said...

The above is brought to you by the Joe McCarthy Foundation (all donations are tax deductible BTW).

Queens Crapper said...

He was a great Yankees manager!

Anonymous said...

I wish NY had more people like the Minute-Men group from down by New Mexico.. they wouldn't stand for this
the minute men are older guys who camp out in the desert at night, blast their theme song on car radios and shine flashlights at groups of people trying to cross over.
I'm not sure what that would do in Jackson Heights besides solicit beat downs but, sure, let them do their thing.

Anonymous said...

re:BABS......the more you blog ,the more you babel.

BABEL:a confusion of many voices or languages

maybe you belong on the TOWER OF BABEL? (abandoned when GOD confused the language of the builders.)

baboonery :behavior befitting a baboon.

PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN:Union of Soviet "Socialist" Russia, Sec,Gorbychev,......TEAR DOWN THIS WALL.......!!!!!!!!!!!

freedom for human beings from ,MARXIST/socialism!!!!

gov. arnold schwarzenegger said...

He vas a gret Chankee menecher.

Har-har. Ja, volks, anudder von.

Babs said...

Anonymous -

they have medication for what you suffer from.

Anonymous said...

[sarcastic mode on] This massacre is just related to islamic religion, isn't related to the easy availability of guns [sarcastic mode off]

Queens Crapper said...

Yes, because people in the army definitely shouldn't have access to guns.

Anonymous said...

And also gun massacres happen only in gun-free places, not in armed places (such as Fort Hood) where law-abiding people can stop lunatic guys...

Anonymous said...


mohammad ....terrorist.....mohammad...dead terrorrist
the devil is getting the hot virgin prepared.
he should have gotten the firing squad . burn in hell!!!

if it talks like duck,walks like a duck, is a duck.!!!!!

Anonymous said...

U.S.military base regulations require all guns to be registered and locked and stored, in the armory. they can only be checked out for target practice and cleaning.

Fort Hood has a population of 70,000 people,a small city that has a military police force,which is armed.

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