Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Some expect challenge for Quinn

From Gotham Gazette:

There is no question, said Baruch College's School of Public Affairs Dean David Birdsell, that Quinn's tact has been more conciliatory than her predecessor's, Gifford Miller. Given Tuesday's results, that approach might pose a challenge for her now.

"When the animosity pumps up and the benefits erode you're going to have more direct opposition to the mayor and more vigorous opposition to the mayor," said Birdsell. "It does pose a political problem for her own caucus."

Birdsell said he would be "really surprised" if Quinn did not see a challenge to her leadership now.

On the other hand, some of Quinn's veteran colleagues argue the council will be stronger in a new term with Quinn holding the reins.

"Any leader is always feeling the pulse of the members," said Councilmember Robert Jackson, who said he supports a second stint as speaker for Quinn. "No one," he added, "wants a coup."

Well, I do.


steve said...

I actually emailed council woman Leticia James expressing my disgust with her being okay with the lapdog keeping her position. I picked her because she was very vocal during the term limits fiasco, and I thought she would be LEADING the discussions to oust her. She actually wrote me back personally very shortly after which was refreshing. However, she essentially said the same as Jackson, that there is no support for a coup. I argued back and forth a couple times with her, but she seemed pretty set in that belief. It's un-fucking-believable if you ask me....

Taxpayer said...

When did the democratic election of a replacement for an incumbent anywhere in the US become a coup?

It's an election to replace the incumbent.

We don't have royalty. We have no people entitled to be elected or to be retained.

Dump her!

Anonymous said...

Bring back Gifford Miller.

Snake Plissskkin said...

Naw, this gang will of dead enders will stick with her.

Now that they have spawned a permanent grass roots oppostion that will get stronger with each passing year, and the ire of the public whose inch deep support will evaporate with pumped up taxes and fees and deflated services, they will stick together on their sinking ship.

The next four years will not be pretty as the RE market falls, the middle class flees, the 3rd world floods to the clubhouse light (a bit like moths at night?) and ...

well enough for now.

Anonymous said...

Since she didn't endorse Bloomburg, maybe he might object to her being the leader. After all, he needs someone who is loyal and she is not. Pray that public outcry forces the council to dump her as leader. Give someone new a chance. New leader = New Ideas.

steve said...

"Since she didn't endorse Bloomburg, maybe he might object to her being the leader. After all, he needs someone who is loyal and she is not. Pray that public outcry forces the council to dump her as leader. Give someone new a chance. New leader = New Ideas."

Come on now. She basically endorsed bloomturd. And both you and he know that she pulled the lever for him....

Anonymous said...

damn, James and Jackson. THE PEOPE DON'T WANT QUINN, DON'T THEY GET IT!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The pay to play is already going down! Quinn is promising favors left and right to keep her position. I'm wondering what she offered L.James! I thought that sister was strong. She's running around pretecting Quinn!

Yep, L. James really did a turnaround and is licking Quinn's pussy. Fucking idiot. James should be ashamed of herself after I stood by her in all the atlantic yard rally and term limit rallies. James is a fucking idiot. Fuck her

steve said...

I ask that all of you contact her expressing how you fell about this matter. Her email is Ljames@council.nyc.gov. She does read them herself I can assure you. In fact, contact multiple council members if you will. I plan to contact some more...

Anonymous said...

Crowley for Speaker!

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