Thursday, November 12, 2009

Single mom getting hosed by DEP

From NY1:

When Amhalise Morgan does the dishes these days, all she sees is money going down the drain.

"I owe a total of $9,000," says Morgan.

Morgan, a single mother who owns a two-family home in Brooklyn, lives with her two children and two tenants. Her average water bill used to be roughly $200, until March 2008 when it suddenly spiked from $205 dollars to $3,348.

"They said, 'You know, that there must be a problem,' that I must have a leak, which I didn't," says Morgan. "I must have more people in my house, which I didn't. I had one person actually move out."

NY1 contacted DEP to try and get an explanation for the spike in Morgan's bills. When the station asked if Morgan's meter might be broken, a DEP spokeswoman said the agency doesn't believe it's a meter issue. They are not willing to send an inspector out to check Morgan's meter because the last time they did it was accurate and working, according to the spokeswoman.

The DEP representative went on to say that a substantial leak at Morgan's residence caused the enormous spike in her bills and the agency believes its subsequent repair explains the return to normal readings.

However, Morgan says she never had any leaks identified or repaired.


Anonymous said...

I'm not one to place blame on either party, but if you ever did business with the DEP you would know they're all a bunch of horses behinds.

Anonymous said...

NYC Water Board or NYC Waterboard ?

Anonymous said...

I"m willing to bet this woman has a leak. Just because she insists she never had one before doesn't mean there isn't one now.

Anonymous said...

why don't they send someone to inspect the meter before assuming she has a leak.. once that is ruled out then it would make sense to see where the problem is. i'm sorry but they should cut the bill, construction goes on in the streets why should it be the owners problem then to repair if it's going into their buldings. the streets are always being banged around by water and gas companies. i can see if there were no companies cutting up the street and banging the lines, then she would have to be responsible. i still believe the NYC water board should cut the bill and help her.

Anonymous said...

Construction outside the street has nothing to do with the water meter spiking. The meter is inside your building and records water usage when it enters your building... Perhaps her tenants installed a washer/dryer (w/o her permission) and constantly washes their clothes, or maybe her tenant have leaky toilets or faucets or maybe her tenant is secretly hosting more people than allowed.

Taxpayer said...

Anonymous said:
"Construction outside the street has nothing to do with the water meter spiking. The meter is inside your building and records water usage when it enters your building... Perhaps her tenants installed a washer/dryer (w/o her permission) and constantly washes their clothes, or maybe her tenant have leaky toilets or faucets or maybe her tenant is secretly hosting more people than allowed."

- - -

Or maybe. Or maybe.

Most likely, the predatory DEP, pushed on by the predatory Commissar is just out to collect - and, simultaneously demonstrate to all others: Don't fuck me us. We'll take your home. We will destroy all who even question.

Our Commissar, the titan of Commerce, the financial genius who never saw this recession coming, has spent our tax dollars on his wealthy developer cronies to the ruination of this city.

Now, to hide his imbecilic incompetence, he will cheerfully savage middle class homeowners to collect ever more money for himself and his cronies.

No matter. The imbecilic voters decided they wanted more.

Anonymous said...

You bet the woman has a leak? Did you watch the video? Her bill spiked up and then went back to normal for no reason.

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