Monday, November 16, 2009

Silver nixes new license plate fee

From the NY Post:

The controversial plan to require state motorists to spend $25 for new license plates they don't want appeared to be dead in the water last night.

Gov. Paterson said yesterday that he's willing to reconsider the fees he wanted to charge for new retro blue-and-gold plates if lawmakers can come up with ways to save the $129 million Albany would have collected by forcing people to purchase them.

Democratic Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver (D-Manhattan) said yesterday he and Minority Leader Brian Kolb (R-Canandaigua) are ready to repeal the mandatory license-plate replacement.

"The plan to issue new license plates for all vehicles will not go forward," Silver said in a statement.

"We understand that the governor is committed to this repeal, and we will work with him."


Anonymous said...

Good to hear, It was no more than an instant-tax.

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't the governor make up the budget short-fall by cutting the salaries of the lawmakers up in Albany who do nothing for the people they represent? That would be a good start and show the people that he is serious about making up money in the budget deficit. Instead of taxing the people for every little thing, make the lawmakers, who do very little, help out and balance the budget.

Anonymous said...

Having to pay for it aside, I kinda liked the new license plate design...a bit retro. Would this have eliminated the rule that vintage cars were able to have the license plate style that was in place as per the vehicle's model year?

Anonymous said...

If they told us to go back to the statue of liberty design from the 90's, I would be okay with this.

PizzaBagel said...

What is with this "special session" of the state legislature that the governor was forced to call? During what times of the year is it normally supposed to meet? Is this the fall recess or something? They don't pay these bums enough for all the time they put in. And when they do meet they accomplish very little of substance. Just pass a lot of laws to tax us to death and allow the state bureaucracy to expand unchecked.

Anonymous said...

one wonders how many n.y.c. convicted "legislators",who are democrats were assigned to make these new license plates?

Anonymous said...

I like you Silver :)

Anonymous said...

All snark aside, this was a good thing.

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