Saturday, November 7, 2009

Quinn 'slummed it' in Queens?

From City Hall:

While much of the city’s Democratic establishment was on the dais at the midtown Hilton Tuesday night to celebrate Bill Thompson’s near-stunning upset of Mike Bloomberg, Christine Quinn spent her evening at a dive bar in Queens.

The Council speaker arrived at Woodhaven House, an Irish pub in Rego Park a half hour before most of the other people who came to celebrate Council Member Liz Crowley’s victory over Tom Ognibene. Quinn waited for Crowley—and her cousin, county leader Joe Crowley—to arrive, kibitzing with district leaders and campaign volunteers about the early returns.

As the too-close-to-call mayoral race unfolded on a nearby television, Quinn went to stand alongside Queens Democratic Party elected officials honoring Crowley’s win.

“Helping Liz keep this seat was incredibly important to me and the whole City Council,” Quinn said.

A bagpiper came on to serenade the crowd, while Queens Democrats commiserated over the losses of Kevin Kim, Yen Chou and Frank Gulluscio. Quinn stayed past 11:30.

Political consultant Hank Sheinkopf (who spent the evening at the Sheraton, celebrating with Bloomberg, his main client for this election season) said that Quinn’s presence in Queens demonstrated her need to retain the support of Queens Democrats as she seeks to retain her speakership.

You know, I was going to make a comment about Quinn. But what's with the "dive bar" comment? Woodhaven House is definitely not a dive bar.


Rick D said...

I agree. Woodhaven House doesn't even come close to "dive bar" standards, even when compared to some upscale Manhattan bars. It's a nice place.

Anonymous said...

Liz likes Quimm?

The Man With No Name said...

Significant that she would retreat from the angry faces in Brooklyn and Manhattan to sulk out here in the hinterlands with that sorry assed lot called “Queens politicians.”

She knows that they won, but its a Pyrrhic victory, which defined as "a win with devastating cost to the victor."

The once vaunted media in NY, which did a silly jig for his every whim and notion, is now a laughing stock, little more than a cast-off old painted whore mumbling in the corner.

The Democratic Organization, a well honed juggernaut since at least the Civil War, that gave us Roosevelt and Kennedy, and shook off the stigma and Tammany and corruption, is now exposed as a bunch of grasping second stringers out of touch with the future, interested not in the calling of American democracy, but in a sordid grasping of money to line their pockets as they go about callously and senselessly destroying the most remarking accomplishment of civilization: the City of New York.

Like Napoleon at Borodino in Russia, the shear weight of massed columns can carry the day, but the American public, angry and embittered at being betrayed in politics and having their communities overrun with the locusts of development and the tweeded, have melted into the steppes.

They will be back.

And their vengeance will be bitter.

Anonymous said...

Pyrric Victory (from Wiki)

The armies separated; and, it is said, Pyrrhus replied to one that gave him joy of his victory that one more such victory would utterly undo him. For he had lost a great part of the forces he brought with him, and almost all his particular friends and principal commanders; there were no others there to make recruits, and he found the confederates in Italy backward. On the other hand, as from a fountain continually flowing out of the city, the Roman camp was quickly and plentifully filled up with fresh men, not at all abating in courage for the loss they sustained, but even from their very anger gaining new force and resolution to go on with the war

Anonymous said...

Liz likes Quimm?
Shhhh! Loose lips...

Anonymous said...

Definitely not a dive bar, but I miss the old Kate Cassidy's that was there before Woodhaven House. That was becoming a bit of a dive before it closed, but what a great atmosphere. They even had Joe Crowley singing along and playing guitar with the band on Thursday nights.

Anonymous said...

Shhhh! Loose lips...

now lets keep it clean. this is a family website.

Anonymous said...

"now lets keep it clean. this is a family website."

Good one. Got any more zingers?

Anonymous said...

A dive bar?! The place is also a very nice restaurant. Many folks have after funeral dinners at that place due to it's close proximity to the cemetery.

Just another example of the media lying.

Sully said...

OUCH as if 'slumming it in Queens' wasnt bad enough as a 27 year Queens resident, 'dive' with the only NICE pub in Queens I frequent was a real slap in the face.

Queens Crapper said...

Actually, there are a few nice pubs in Queens. I was told this reporter lives in Williamsburg, which has no shortage of dive bars for comparison.

Anonymous said...


this is all you get of the occassion?

a discussion on the quality of pubs in Queens. have i wondered on to

no, but it explains how these 3rd stringers stay in power.

smarter than the people they rule, thats how.

Queens Crapper said...

Eh, take it easy. It's obvious from the piece that Quinn was kissing Crowley's ass to stay in power.

It's not like that requires further analysis. I took the "dive bar" comment to mean because it was in Queens, it was considered to be a dive bar. The same place in Quinn's area would be called "homey".

Anonymous said...

Who cares about whether the bar was a dive or not. The fact that Quinn wasn't with the Bloomburg campaign that night with her lips pressed against his ass speaks volumes. She's worried about her position as leader of the city council and is kissing up to the Crowleys. Please dump this dyke as leader. It's bad enough we are stuck with her for another term. Please listen to the people and dump her as speaker.

Anonymous said...

Crowley better do the right thing. We don't want Quinn as speaker.

Anonymous said...

Crowley better do the right thing. We don't want Quinn as speaker.

Anonymous said...

It's attracts a Dive Bar crowd, stay away. It looks better than it is.

ChristineQuinn said...

I'll go down on Crowley's carpet to keep my Speakership. It'll be more enjoyable after years of sucking up King Bloomberg.

Anonymous said...

I'll go down on Crowley's carpet to keep my Speakership. It'll be more enjoyable after years of sucking up King Bloomberg.

Oh. And loose lips is obscene? Read MY lips, douche!

Anonymous said...

Come. Come. Let's not make that a pubic issue.

Anonymous said...

I sure wish that Brian Merritt could have licked Quinn.

Anonymous said...

It's been said that Brian Mc Lauglin
had kissed Liz's - - - or - - - - long before Chrissy Q. ever got to it!

Anonymous said...

Is that a gay bar?

Anonymous said...

Is that a gay bar?

Well it wasn't too happy that Quinn was in the house.

Anonymous said...

THe bar has a nice decor,but the service and food are merely ok.I'll stick to the establishments that line Metro.

Anonymous said...

Maybe more of a dive crowd. Too bad Bridies up the block was sold and gutted. That was a real Irish pub and the likes of a place who would have spanked Quinn for insulting her ancestors.

Good luck Lizzie get rid of your spoiled cousin - the Irishmen is an ugly farter.

Anonymous said...

yes yes yes,

lets talk about the merits if its a dive bar...

Anonymous said...

"Come. Come. Let's not make that a pubic issue."


Anonymous said...

"Come. Come. Let's not make that a pubic issue."


Anonymous said...

"Come. Come. Let's not make that a pubic issue."

You get me! ;-)

Cornfuscious said...

Wise man say that some hold their liquor and others lick their holder!

Anonymous said...

If they were looking for a "dive bar" they should have gone to the Assembly Bar on Cooper Ave.

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