Saturday, November 28, 2009

Parks chooses illegal aliens over children

From the Sunnyside Post:

Many Woodside residents claimed at Tuesday night’s 108 police precinct meeting that immigrants and day labors are illegally entering Hart Playground (65th and 37th Ave.), frightening local children and leaving the bathroom in a state of disorder.

The problem is particularly acute every Tuesday when a mobile food service truck from St John’s Bread of Life dispenses food outside of the park, residents said. Police were told that 250 people show up for a meal and then disperse all over the playground. They said half naked men could be found in the bathroom– bathing and washing their clothes. The plumbing is often backed up, resulting in a urine-soaked floor.

The residents said that they have no problem with the food service. However, they argue that the day labors should not be allowed to enter the playground. They claim that under the Parks Department rules, an adult is not allowed to enter the playground without a child. This fact was confirmed by another news outlet.

Unfortunately, recent developments have not pleased residents. The Parks Department, according to residents, said it would allow the immigrants to use the public bathroom and to allow them to congregate in a small designated section of the playground.

“So much for the sign that says ’no adult can go into the park without a child’,” said a distraught resident.


Snake Plissskin said...

A classic example of a pain in the ass middle class quality of life no win citizen vs a simple minded tweeded who doesnt vote, write letters to the editor, or complains about quality of life issues but makes good fodder for construction projects and cheap rent for landlords.

Guess who is more important.

PS Since you dont vote the bums out and therefor live in a one party state there is not a hell of a lot you can do about it.

Even moving out the island dosnt help cause the same shit is out there.

Anonymous said...

I can put up with a lot of shit but the assholes who say adults can frequent the same playgrounds as our children should be run out of town on a rail!!!

Taxpayer said...

Anonymous said...
"I can put up with a lot of shit but the assholes who say adults can frequent the same playgrounds as our children should be run out of town on a rail!!!"

- - -

And the manager asshole who now has instructed Benepe and Lewandowski to prevent children from using a playground is the Commissar himself!

Actually, no instructions to Benepe or Lewandowski were really necessary. They already believe that all parks are reserved for the Commissar and his special cronies.

And, if you failed to vote, or voted for this mental cripple, then, you should go out to the nearest playground and chase all the kids out to make room for perverts, illegal aliens, and other sex offenders like the Commissar.

Anonymous said...

Since all the adults are now in the playground, all the children better be safe at home.

I would not allow any of my nieces to mix with large groups of adult males, especially ones who are stripping and washing their clothing in the bathroom sink.

Remember that golden quote: "Defining deviancy down?" Hmm, ahead of his time.

Anonymous said...

And, if you failed to vote, or voted for this mental cripple, then, you should go out to the nearest playground and chase all the kids out to make room for perverts, illegal aliens, and other sex offenders like the Commissar.

Actually, if you didn't vote for Thompson, you voted for Bloomberg. Get rid of all Sunnyside and Woodside elected officials.

Anonymous said...

I was about to move into that apartment complex and probably still will. It beats Flushing which looks like something out of Mortal Kombat.

Anonymous said...


I peess on de restroom floor to keel all dee cockroaches.

"I luv to be in America...evry theeng free in America!

Anonymous said...

lets have a protest ill be there thats bullshit the residents dont want it and the city says we dont care what u want and do the opposite it time to start a new web site to get rid of the incumbents in the next election vote them out each time. lets start going back to the old days protests

The cucaracha said...

Where's my umbrella?"

Auntie Invasion said...

during the black out there were food and ice trucks at this park every day. 3 meals, snacks, ice and bottled water It took me days to find this out. but the illegals knew about the food trucks way before they arrived.

A lot of those people who took advantage of the free food either had electricity or don't live in the neighborhood that was affected by the black out. Who made the idiotic decision to set up the emergency center at Hart Park? It should have been on Roosevelt Avenue so locals could know about it. Thank you again Eric Gioia for doing nothing for the people who voted you in.

Stop the free food truck and 250 illegal drunk, threatening males will not be in the park. Stop putting out crumbs for the rats and rats will go where the food is. Makes sense to me.

They're drunk, they're taking jobs from Americans and they are reproducing to create anchor babies. Then they can live off their children's welfare benefits.

This is the difference between Americans and illegal aliens. The Americans have a sense of pride and do not want to take hand outs. The illegals demand them, they have an over developed sense of entitlement.

The story about the illegals was published in the Indymedia rag/propaganda sheet so the liberals could be moan the men who are taking jobs away from them. Indymedia readers do not live in Woodside. They do not have to walk past drunk angry illegal aliens or deal with their feces and urine.

Anonymous said...

contant calls to 911/,ask for chief pizzutti at the patrol boro.Also ask for community have to embarrass these officials who hide under their desks hoping you and your problem will go away! Don't give up and don't give in!

Anonymous said...

When one of these illegals rapes a child in the rest room area, hopefully things will change. Children are always last in this city. Adults just don't care. I think the food trucks should accommodate these illegals, but they should park and serve meals in front of police precincts or better yet, City Hall. Mike loves them so much, let him see how many there are in his Sanctuary City. Leave the playgrounds for the children to enjoy them. Let these criminals bathe and wash themselves at the local police precincts. Maybe then, the police will arrest them, because they are here illegally and they are criminals.

Anonymous said...

It's the church's fault. Why are they feeding these people?

Brittanicus said...


The open border movement has started a drive to get those who approve of another disastrous AMNESTY, to send postcards to Washington. Well anti-illegal immigration, pro-sovereignty and--NO--Comprehensive Immigration Reform can do-one-better? Opponents of AMNESTY should call their politician at 202-224-3121, or go there in person to their offices. SPELL OUT TO THE SCREENER OR AID, to take your name and phone number, stating decisively--NO AMNESTY. Then every American, black white, red or brown person, who see this as a treasonous portrayal of American and legal immigrant workers, should also buy a postcard and bombard your Senator or Representative. We can stop this travesty to our immigration laws, because under President Obama, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, Sen.Gutierrez D-IL, Sen.Harry Reid (D-NV), Speaker N. Pelosi (D-CA), Sen. Diane Feinstein D-CA, and the rest of the cast of Un-American characters, will have us paying billions of dollars, to support the 20-30 million plus already here, and then the rolling uncountable numbers that will attack the border once the word is heard from Belize to China.

Another Amnesty will just start a stampede, which all taxpayers will have to support. As the fence is now, the underfunded barrier will not stop the human deluge. It is a catastrophe waiting to happen and a matter of survival in America. A majority of tourists who overstay their tourist visa are illegal aliens. Neither crossing the border or overstaying tourist visas, is a violation against THE RULE OF LAW. Unlike other countries--entering America without permission is a minimal offense/'.This is thanks to globalists, business organizations that politicians have catered to for generations. If our laws--WERE ENFORCED--from the beginning, not weakened or dismantled by previous White House occupancy we would not have been--INVADED? NOW WRITE YOUR POSTCARDS AND REMEMBER TO PUT A STAMP ON IT. GOOGLE--your local and state policy makers or find their electoral address, email address and phone numbers. Even your local phone book has this information. THE OTHER SIDE THINKS WE DON'T HAVE THE MAJORITY OF THE PEOPLE, TO STOP THIS CRAZY MOVE TOWARDS THIS ILL-CONCEIVED AMNESTY? THEY WILL SOON FIND OUT THAT THEY ARE--DEAD WRONG!

Brittanicus said...

We can derail the open border zealots, ACLU, Council of Foreign Relations, Catholic Church, and other congregational faiths and the business owners--NOT FORGETTING FOREIGN NATIONALS--AS WE CAN BEAT THEM AT THEIR OWN GAME? Want to save America from OVERPOPULATION, rising illegal immigrant crime, paying for all their education, health care and other unrevealed government ENTITLEMENTS? VOTE THE MORONS OUT! VOTE SEN. HARRY REID, JOHN McCAIN OUT NEXT YEAR Demand E-Verify as a permanent addition to 287 (g) local police restriction, ICE audits of piratical business. Demand E-Verify to eject illegal workers taking your jobs, so they will leave when unable to obtain a job. EVERYBODY IN THE WORKFORCE MUST BE IDENTIFIED--THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN EMPLOYED FOR YEARS--AND NEW HIRES--EVERYBODY? OTHERWISE IT'S A GOOD EXCUSE FOR OPPONENTS TO FILE A DISCRIMINATION LAWSUIT AGAINST BUSINESSES WITH DEEP POCKETS. THAT WAY THE COMMUNIST (FOUNDER) ACLU WILL BE UNDERMINED BY THEIR RELENTLESS PURSUIT OF DESTROYING E-VERIFY, 287 G, ICE RAIDS AND OTHER ENFORCEMENT PROCEDURES.

This is a battle we must--WIN--against illegal immigration, but we must have an orderly flow of legal newcomers specially professional people in the highest pinnacle of Engineers, computers and other skills. We cannot, shouldn't accept anymore poor people, when our nation has millions of mixed gender at the bottom rungs of the employment ladder living in poverty. NO AMNESTY, but amendments to the 1986 (IRCA) can achieve this goal, even though the American people are constantly lied to by those in power. Prior to any new laws all those potential immigrants waiting in other lands, already processed should be given first priority in receiving a work visa. While we spend billions of taxpayer dollars on the incessant wars, some of The People's money should have been appropriated for the originally designed border fence, not the single-layer barrier that was underfunded, with no intention of stopping the rush of desperate humanity to satisfy the money-craving business community. Who is also behind pushing for BLANKET AMNESTY? George Soros! The far-left billionaire has donated big money to the ACLU, the New York Times, ACORN and open subversive border groups.

NUMBERSUSA will show you the illegal immigrant costs, Sanctuary State policies and the enforcement gradings of those in Washington. CAPSWEB will explain irreversible population growth in California and nationwide. Other sites of interest on Immigration enforcement is ALIPAC and AMERICAN PATROL and THE DARK SIDE OF ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. OH! DON'T FORGET THE 28 CENTS POSTCARD TO THOSE WHO THINK THEY CONTROL US.

Auntie Invasion said...

What does that church do for American citizens that have lost their jobs thanks to the illegals? is this the Korean church on Roosevelt Avenue near the overpass?

I hope that the Immigration Enforcement can arrest AND DEPORT the day laborers & any illegal aliens at Hart Park since they are all in one spot, waiting for the free food.

I like the idea of the church free food van being put in front of the various city council members homes. See how they like that crap when they come out the front door. Throw in some festive very loud hip hop music. See how fast the van is gone.

How about in front of the Boro Prez's home? every day... let them pee in her drive way, trample her garden.

Anonymous said...

I think the idea of the food van serving food in front of each local politician's front door is a great idea. Let them put up with the crowds, urination, noise and litter that the average Joe has to put up with. So sad that these criminals break our laws to begin with and then the local politicians and bleeding hearts bend them further so that citizens cannot even use the facilities we pay for with our taxes. It's time to stop the insanity and show these politicians that we are tired of eating shit and can't stand the taste anymore.

Anonymous said...

Where is the media in all of this? Take pictures of the food lines and the public bathrooms and the mess these people make. Publish these photos in all the papers. Send pictures to the city council. Don't forger Mayor Mike, the Sanctuary City Savior. This issue needs lots of publicity to make the politicians look bad. It's disgusting that children can't even enjoy their park space. Doesn't the police precinct have meet the captain meetings? I just don't understand why something can't be done. It doesn't make sense.

PizzaBagel said...

This is truly Bizarro World, with the inmates running the asylum.

Anonymous said:
lets have a protest ill be there thats bullshit the residents dont want it and the city says we dont care what u want and do the opposite it time to start a new web site to get rid of the incumbents in the next election vote them out each time. lets start going back to the old days protests

That's all well and good, but we should be prepared to be made to look like the bad guys by the media. "Oh, you're anti-immigration. Blah, blah, blah!"

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

there are pro-american rights groups already forming across the U.S.A and East group,OUR CAUCUS.COM can guide you to forming in your area.
some have prior experience with the high tax protesting, TEA PARTY EXPRESS group, which showed
the FEDERAL spenders in the citizens feel.
on saturday,a caller to the BOB GRANT SHOW said that
there would be a protest against the trial site for the AL Qaeda terrorists.N.Y. Cong. King andDebbie Burlingame(her brother was a pilot of the one hi-jacked plane) will host. Grant could be there also.

rally at Foley Square(at the courts) on

Saturday,Dec.5,12 noon, Manhattan.

bring notices of your specific n.y.c.complaints and you might connect with other concerned citizens.

i am sure Fox News will cover it.and possibly the "state networks".
we must organize in the metropolitan area. enough is enough, the CRAP is out of control.

Anonymous said...

These are not immigrants - they are illegal migrants homelss. Give them a free ride to JFK and onto a jet home.

Snake Plissskin said...

Where is the media in all of this?


Well talking about Tiger Woods, the gate crashers at the White House, and the latest ghetto hit and run or illegal conversion fire.

Check it out folks - bubblegum for the mind on the ol tube.

Anonymous said...

CAll help me howard at wpix,channel 11 .or the woman from ny1..............ny1,disregard that one...............

Anonymous said...

contant calls to 911/,ask for chief pizzutti at the patrol boro.Also ask for community have to embarrass these officials who hide under their desks hoping you and your problem will go away! Don't give up and don't give in!
What exactly do you expect the police department to do now? They have pretty much been told by the parks dept and by the city to not write anymore summonses or make any more arrests in the parks, and to let these interlopers do whatever the hell they want.

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