Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Observations about Flushing

From the Daily News:

Downtown Flushing is the Big Apple’s second-largest Chinatown, and the Main St. district is its lifeline. Both the 7 train and Long Island Rail Road have stations on the bustling block, drawing scores of shoppers and commuters to the chain stores and local shops that sport bilingual signs. It’s easy to forget you’re in New York. “Being here is like being back in China," says Carol Tseng, 58. “Everyone talks in Chinese. You can eat Chinese food. The signs are in Chinese. It feels like home."

How can Downtown Flushing be "vibrant and diverse" if everyone there comes from the same place and speaks the same language?


Anonymous said...

ALL IMMIGRANTS.They call the others abc's.........american born chinks! Is that being nationalistic or can you be racist to your own people.

panzer65 said...

How am I supposed to read that sign? People who read and speak English do business here too!!

Babs said...

I can't read the sign.
All I kno is that it's an advertisement for State Farm.

I guess Sate Farm doesn't want English speaking customers.

OK - I can take a hint. I'll stick with Geico or AllState.

Anonymous said...

ALL IMMIGRANTS.They call the others abc's.........american born chinks! Is that being nationalistic or can you be racist to your own people.
mod, why do you allow this to be posted?

Anonymous said...

I guess you haven't noticed that comments are no longer being moderated. Furthermore, reporting what goes on within a closed society and questioning biases of newcomers is not racist and should be explored.

Kevin Walsh said...

Nicole Lynn Pesce usually writes about Paula Abdul, Britney Spears, Jon Gosselin, Kate Hudson and A Rod, and Lindsey Lohan.


So, it's likely they put some talking points from John Liu's office and some Time Out New York restaurant reviews in front of her and told her to mash something together.


Kevin Walsh said...

That link in my previous comment doesn't work, so just click on Pesce's name on the Daily News article, and you'll see what she usually writes.


Anonymous said...

Depending on how you look at it but generally speaking 85% of the people living in and around Flushing don't speak English.

85% of the people living in and around Flushing don't NEED to speak English because the neighborhoods are set up that way.

R.I.P America.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...



OK, since this is word recognition day, lets try


What happend to Elmhurst of Jamaica is a shame. What happened to Flushing is a crime.

Snake Plissskin said...

I know East Asians that would not live in that slum.

Poster child to bring back urbran renewal.

Disgusted! said...


public urination

Anonymous said...

"85% of the people living in and around Flushing don't NEED to speak English because the neighborhoods are set up that way.

R.I.P America."

Maybe Dan Halloran can change that.

Anonymous said...

You mean Peter Koo.

And I doubt it.

Anonymous said...

I'll just borrow a move from Crapper's playbook here:

You must have horrible reading comprehension. Nowhere in the article does it mention "vibrant" or "diverse."

Your complaint is that Chinatown is populated mostly by Chinese and has a bunch of Chinese signs? Do you have the same complaint on Mott Street and in San Fran?

Anonymous said...

wait for it, wait for it...OOH A POST ON FLUSHING! LET THE HATE RIP!
and that ladies and gents is how it goes

Anonymous said...

o trip to Flushing is complete without a taste of Peking duck, and Corner 28 (40-28 Main St.) boasts the best deal on fowl around. “One piece for $1," brags manager Dragon Cheng. “We’re the only ones in Flushing with that price."


Yeah, gimme some of that $1 duck. Im sure its the finest quality available and prepared in only the most sanitary of conditions.

I saw a guy out back of a Chinese place breaking up a head of lettuce. with his shoe. on the pavement.

They take PRIDE in eating what the rest of the wouldn't feed their dogs. (but then again, the rest of the world wouldn't eat their dog afterwards, either).

Queens Crapper said...

I'll just borrow a move from Crapper's playbook here:

You must have horrible reading comprehension. Nowhere in the article does it mention "vibrant" or "diverse."

Where did I say it said that in the article? You want us to ignore the fact that every other article written about the new Chinatown uses those exact phrases ad nauseum? I also guess that the article throwing in references to Korean, Indian and Halal foods is supposed to fool us into thinking this is some kind of melting pot.

Anonymous said...

"Vibrant & Diverse" is the new code for overcongested, overpopulated urban sh*thole

Anonymous said...

This country needs to make English the official language. It will be the one thing that could unite us.

This country is not a melting pot, it's a salad bowl.

Anonymous said...

BTW, this is starting to happen in Little Neck and Douglaston too.

georgetheatheist said...

"...breaking up a head of lettuce, with his shoe..."

Lettuce pray.

Anonymous said...

All signs should be in English. I don't have a problem with a sign in a different language, as long as the English translation is on it as well. By posting these signs in foreign languages, it leaves the American people out. This is OUR country after all, and these people are on OUR turf. Tell your politicians to stop pandering to these foreigners. It's our country and they are free to live here, but they need to speak our language and adhere to our laws. If not, they should go home to where they feel more comfortable.

Anonymous said...

All signs should be in English. I don't have a problem with a sign in a different language, as long as the English translation is on it as well. By posting these signs in foreign languages, it leaves the American people out. This is OUR country after all, and these people are on OUR turf. Tell your politicians to stop pandering to these foreigners. It's our country and they are free to live here, but they need to speak our language and adhere to our laws. If not, they should go home to where they feel more comfortable.

Anonymous said...

the above poster, not all americans speak en...ah screw it.

Queens Crapper said...

All Americans do speak English. It's required to take the citizenship test.

Anonymous said...

I meant the Flushing going up Northern Blvd. into Bayside and beyond. I HATE looking at the Asian signs. I saw a new building going up on Northern and all the writing was in Korean. It's so obvious they don't want my business. This has to change.

I wonder if Dan will take this on.

Anony2 said...

I doubt Dan can, look at what happened to Julia Harrison when she tried to enforce the law. Yes, NYC law does require English translation on the signs.

Anonymous said...


public urination

I raise you

used scumbags
unidentifiable food scraps

georgetheatheist said...

If Halloran wants to take on the "Asian menace", he's got to hire staffers that are Asian so that when, and if, he takes this bull by the horns, he's not labelled racist.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't go as far as to say "menace", but it's certainly a problem.

If signs are in a foreign language, how are police and fire fighters supposed to respond to emergencies if they can't read the signs? It should be a safety issue.

Now, if signs all over were only in Italian, it would be the same thing. It's wrong.

English. And not dual language signs. English.

JO said...

I am done with this site. Unless you were on the mayflower, your people were probably discriminated against too when they came here.

I am happy to leave all of you at the bus stop without a ticket. goodbye.

Anonymous said...

Hey Crappy
If you need to speak english to become a citizen then WHY ARE ALL THE BALLOTS PRINTED IN DIFFERENT LANGUAGES????? I'm outta here.

Queens Crapper said...

I've been asking that same question for years. It has to do with enabling voter fraud, I'm sure.

Anonymous said...

I am happy to leave all of you at the bus stop without a ticket. goodbye.

Don't let the door bang your ass on the way out, although you might be the type to enjoy that sort of thing.

Anonymous said...

Ah, the bigots and racists are still with Crapper.

Ms. Italy has the nerve to complain about Asians with name like "italiangirl". What a hypocrite.

Crapper, Queens is diverse. That means many different types of neighborhoods. It doesn't mean each neighborhood has to be broken down into micro-neighborhoods for diversity. Do you get the picture?

Queens Crapper said...

I get it. Apparently the people who write about Flushing do not. And that's the point.

Anonymous said...


Flushing Street Fair Celebrates Diversity

Anonymous said...

Flushing loves diversity as long as you're Asian.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Loser

Not complaining about Asians. Just complaining about foreign langauge signs. They have got to go. Period. And since I live in the District 19, it's the Asian signs that are predominantly the problem. If it was Greek, Spanish or Indian signs that were the problem, I'd say the same thing.

English only thank you.

Anonymous said...

No wonder I enjoy going there, just getting away from boring Rego Park and Forest Hills does it for me.

Queens Crapper said...

So why don't you move there? Then report back to us again in a month or so.

Anonymous said...

Whitestone is now 30% Chinese thanks for flushing being next door

panzer65 said...

These Asian writing only signs have a "Great Wall" mentality to them.

Anonymous said...

Ah, the bigots and racists are still with Crapper.

Ms. Italy has the nerve to complain about Asians with name like "italiangirl". What a hypocrite.

Crapper, Queens is diverse. That means many different types of neighborhoods. It doesn't mean each neighborhood has to be broken down into micro-neighborhoods for diversity. Do you get the picture?


Look get real and stop being patronizing.

Most immigrants I know consider Queens a stepping stone. Many do not want to raise their kids here.

The only people that think its great are patronziing whites and that crowd in NE Queens (Clair, et al).

georgetheatheist said...

And where does Peter Koo stand on this signage issue? Hmmmm?

Jordan ARMADA NYC said...

I really don't give a crap about their Peking duck, the fact that no one speaks English or none of the signage unless you are of Asian descent...

The thing that irks me every damn day when I have to travel through Downtown Flushing is:

1. I've never seen a ruder group of people in one area than Downtown Flushing. People slam into you, run over you, etc. and never, not once do people say "excuse me", "i'm sorry" or "pardon me". I'm a big guy (6'3') and I've had Asian grandmas slam into me and laugh...would it be funny if I slammed into them and they went flying? No, I'd go to jail and be deemed a 'racist' or some bullshit. I'm not asking you folks in Downtown Flsuhing to master the english language but at least learn some basics: "Excuse me" and "Sorry"

2. Ok, Downtown Flushing is an urban area, with god knows how many bus routes, the 7 and the LIRR. It's not gonna be spotless nor will it smell like roses anytime soon. But why, OH WHY does it smell like rotting asshole all the time? Especially on hot summer days and right after it rains. Food waste is constantly on the ground, garbage all over the place, people not properly ventilating there businesses, etc. The Dept. of Sanitation needs to do some snooping around this area and start handing out fines and closing down places or something. Cause ya know what, Times Square is an urban area, Union Square is an urban area, shit, 125 St. in Harlem is urban.....but none of them smell like a damn shithole the way Downtown Flushing does!

"vibrant and diverse"

whoever made this comment cannot be talking about downtown Flushing. It's a decrepit area that stinks, has really no good stores or shops and most of the food spots suck. Diverse? Stand at the intersection of Main and Roosevelt midday, do a 360 turn and give me a rough estimate of the racial makeup of what you just saw. I'll give you mine: 90% Asian, 5% African American, 5% Hispanic. Not that I have a problem with that racial makeup, but sorry, that isn't 'diverse'.

God...I wish they had LIRR in Whitestone

Anonymous said...

I'm fine with the signs as long as they have an English translation. It would be nice if more immigrants tried to assimilate into American culture instead of creating their own enclave and wanting nothing to do with America besides making money. Immigrants pre-1970's were more willing to assimilate... not that I would know because that was 20 some-odd years before my time but just from reading I've gathered that.

Many of you are racists, your salty and mad. Your scared because they are different. You don't understand them. But to play devils advocate they do need to make more attempts to be more American. Being more welcoming to the people already here would be a great first step instead of pushing us out of our own community.

When I say American I am referring to Whites, Blacks, Hispanics, Asians.. anyone who speaks English and is proud to live here and understands its a privilege.

Anonymous said...

No one here is scared of immigrants. The racial makeup of communities tends to gradually change over time. What we are scared of is our neighborhoods turning into places we no longer recognize and where we are no longer welcome because we actually were born here. That's happening rapidly.

Adam said...

Dan Halloran's 19th City Council District is not in Downtown Flushing i.e Main Street. Learn Your district lines people.

And the Real Issue behind the Scenes is not racism--- It's Safety.
First responders like firemen when running into a burning building to save lives-- don't know if they are walking into for example a grease factory or chemical supply house. Many addresses are also not in display that further confuse and disorient our first responders putting their lives, and the lives of others at a greater risk.

We have to work with local merchants and building owners to bring awareness to this situation.

Please remember, the meat of this issue is safety, not racism.

Anonymous said...

Reading some of these comments are ridiculous. Funny, but ignorant at the same time. Yeah there's alot of asians,but there's a good number of Hispanics and African Americans in the Wasteland PJs, 40 Road, and Pomonok. You also got the Jewish people all around Queens College, specifically Melbourne Ave. Yeah its diverse, but usually asians will stick asians, jews will stick with jews, and so on and so on. Sucks but it is what it is

Anonymous said...

They're talking about downtown Flushing, genius. That's just about 99% Asian.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Whitestone is now 30% Chinese thanks for flushing being next door

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I'm Chinese and live in Whitestone. Lived around here since birth, went to elementary schools and JHS 194 here. What's the problem? My "Engrish" not good enough? Oh pooo. Guess I'm not good enough for Whitestone! Time to go back to China where I can't even speak Chinese!

Anonymous said...

Those well behaved Asians are extremely bigoted towards people of color....especially African Americans!

But who cares about people of color because they didn't arrive at America's doorstep carrying bags of money to buy pols like Ackerman!

Then these Asians have got names for the "whites"...
"ghost people and round eyes".

It's nice to speak a little Mandarin like I've learned to do...so now I know when I'm being discriminated against by the "slopes".

Call me "round eyes" and I'll call you "chink" right back!

What's good for the Oriental is good for the Occidental.

And no I'm not going to rename my Sarouk carpet an Asian rug...Grace Meng!

It's still an ORIENTAL CARPET...so f--K OFF NOW!

Anonymous said...

dear queens crapper im asian and i own property and business' in flushing and so do many of my peers we're not leaving unless you want to buy us out at a premium

with that said we dont hate you, you guys practically sold us the town.

resume bitching

Anonymous said...

and furthermore we're becoming 2nd 3rd, 4th, generation asian americans ..... with voting power woo hooo

Anonymous said...

Yes and the 3rd and 4th generations speak English and become doctors or accountants and not 99 cent store owners. They will welcome to and hire the round eye at their establishments or face the ACLU and EEO. Can't wait.

Anonymous said...

I'd gladly welcome living alongside better educated 2nd 3rd and 4th generation Asian/Americans...not the low class immigrants (both legal & illegal) that currently occupy the overcrowded unsanitary downtown Flushing cesspool!

Too bad we didn't get the more cultured class of Shanghai etc. urban Chinese coming to Flushing instead of backward provincials.

Oh well...they'll displace you backwoods dirt farmers in about ten years. I've got time.

Somebody just spit on the sidewalk.
What a slippery "clam"!

Learn to spell correctly...in English please...if you insist on commenting here.

Or post in your native Kon-Gee characters.

We'll get it translated.

You haven't graduated high school yet...no doubt!

Anonymous said...

Well it's not like the asians got all this property by welfare or any kind of government help. They paid fair market value for all this property. And it's not like the previous white owners were forced to sell it to asians by some government mandate. The previous white owners don't have to sell to asians. So I don't see why they are all upset. There was no handout or government help.

I live around whitestone and see white teenage kids tinkering with their fancy cars zooming down the streets. They really do not look like they study hard in school. So I doubt they will be the next generation of home buyers. Asians parents will throw their kids out the house before buying them a fancy car to play with in high school.

Sorry I do not like racial arguments. But just pointing out one point of view. I agree the over-development is crazy! I can't stand it. But it's not like these asians are robbing from us - like the government.

Anonymous said...

It's been said that the likes of... Tommy Huang (??? maybe)...burned out some property owners!

Remember the Great Eastern Bank was built on the ashes of the Continental Fruit Market!

Anyone remember Baccigallup's Restaurant on Main Street?

The adjacent site was deemed an arson fire by FDNY fire marshals!

Stop trying to rewrite history.

Check the Queens Tribune articles in the early 1980s...you asswipe!

Anonymous said...

The "Ghost Shadows" gang from Chinatown showed up in Flushing to extort protection money during the mid 1980s.

Nice little boys and well armed too...put a gun to a restaurant owner's head!

So cut the crap about the Chinese bringing cultural diversity to a once culturally varied town.

Now it's an overcrowded overpriced mono cultural stink pot where illegal gambling, prostitution and human trafficking still go on despite many police raids in the past!

Anonymous said...

There are so many discouraging and disgusting things written in the thread, and I don't have the sanity to take them all on. But to the dumb ass complaining about Grace Meng's bill... it bans the word Oriental when categorizing a person's race in documents, not your f--ing rug. Or do you even know there's a difference?

Anonymous said...

I can believe how upset people are because it's just toooo crowded here. But it's no reason to become hateful. If you don't like asians in your area then stop selling the houses to them, and buy back the rest.

At least the asians are buying the property - fair trade, nothing illegal. The American Indians had their land ROBBED from them. I don't see anyone here lamenting that.

Yes, I don't like change either. But I'm just grateful it's asians and not .. hispanics, blasting their loud music! (Sorry I like hispanics, just don't like some of their cultural habits). Asians for the most part are a people that are not violent, works hard.

Maybe they do keep within their community too much, but I'm just glad they don't bring DOWN my property value.

This place is changing, no doubt. If you REALLY can't stand it move out to Long Island. There's no stopping this.

Anonymous said...

I find it disgusting that people here have to use foul language. (either side of the debate).

Anonymous said...

The Chinese blogsters have been assigned to squint at this blog item on a daily basis I see!

Oh...big achievement for Grace Meng..."campai"...I raise my glass to her...hee, hee, hee!

Anonymous said...

Then you must agree with a former assemblyman under the Stavisky clubhouse thumb....who said:

"Than God for the Asians. We don't want Flushing to become like the south Bronx".

Now will the real anti Latino bigot please stand up!

Anonymous said...

Was that assemblyman you referred to...Morton Hillman?

Anonymous said...

The population of rats have increased in the downtown area since the unsanitary practices of its new arrivals continue to abound.

But I guess that's preferable to having Blacks and Hispanics bringing down the value of Flushing's real estate.

Wasn't it "Kent Realty" who first invited the Asians to come to the "golden land" of Flushing?

Perhaps their intent was to just pimp up the rental price of their holdings.

Inflated real estate, rent gouging and multi ethnic bigotry are Flushing's dirty little secret!

Eh...Myra Baird Herce?

Now we don't want "the wrong element" spoiling business do we?

Anonymous said...

Yeah...move to Long Island the land of quadruple taxation and home to the nation's newest and most dangerous gangs!

I prefer northeast Queens.

No Asian horde claiming this turf!

Anonymous said...

This is a sizzling blog that takes on gritty issues and the language can be often quite "colorful".

So if you don't like the harsh words...go and read Scripture!

Tsk, tsk, tsk...Betsy Mc Call has been offended!

Anonymous said...

C-mon John Liu...you'll be taking on your duties as comptroller soon...so you no longer need to assign your adolescent blog police to check out "Queens Crap" each day.

Wasn't it Wellington Chen himself who was quoted in the press summing up Flushing as a "crappy little Chinatown"?

When this pillar of the Chinese community indicates that Flushing is low class and dirty it must be the truth.

Now is Wellington Chen anti Asian?

Anonymous said...

Wellington Chen lives in the Westmoreland deed restricted portion of Little Neck...far away from the stench of the downtown Flushing transit hub.

Smart man!

He just used that "crappy little Chinatown" to gain influence, make connections and money.

Anonymous said...

One does not have to observe Flushing.

You can smell it from the moment the #7 train pauses over the Flushing Creek prior to entering the tunnel into the station.

This is merely a nasal appetizer.

Upon emerging from the subway onto Main Street...the olfactory meal presents itself in full...Gag!

Rotting vegetables and fish "scent" rising up through the sewer grates.

How about some nice mystery meat char shu ding?

H-m-m-m...less rats seen lately.

Anonymous said...


When I was a little girl and raised in Flushing we were taught to be Americans and speak, read English. Our text book was called English is Our Language. Now my grandchildren go to a school which is divided into two cultures: Dual language funded by John Liu which consists 96% Chinese students who are fluent in Chinese and 4% non-English. The Chinese teachers are Chinese born. Which take away jobs from American born teachers. English speaking teachers who teach 1/2 the class. They must complete the curriulum in 1/2 day becuase the !/2 day classes are taught in Chinese. As you guess, my grandchildren are not in that group. The Monolanguage students get the left overs. Dual Language and Monolanguage classes are separate but not equal. The Dual Language gets the lion's share leaving crumbs for the non-Chinese students.

Anonymous said...

Flushing in the 1950's thru the mid 1970's was diverse and clean. Everyone felt they belonged in Flushing. Unfortuately, it's different now. It dirty and most non-Asians are not welcomed shopping or living in Flushing. Even in my granddaugher's school the lion share of resources go to the dual language program. Where only a few vocal parents are for this program. Now her school is separate but unequal. Thank you John Liu for turning the clock back.

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