Thursday, November 12, 2009

Nazli, Kelly & Bloomberg met with terrorist on Veterans Day

From NY1:

"I want to make sure that everybody in New York understands that the terrible tragedy at Fort Hood was an individual who snapped but it has nothing to do with religion," Bloomberg said.

Really? Well most media outlets are reporting that the guy had contact with Al Qaeda, attended the same mosque as the 9/11 terrorists and it's looking more and more likely that Hasan pre-meditated the attack and didn't just "snap".

From the Daily News:

Siraj Wahhaj was one of nine Islamic leaders who met with Mayor Bloomberg and Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly over fears of a backlash against local Muslims after the Fort Hood massacre.

The imam's past wound up overshadowing the get-together and the mayor's red-faced staff later said Wahhaj should never have been there in the first place.

In 1995, Wahhaj was named an unindicted co-conspirator in the World Trade Center bombing - meaning he was never charged but the feds believe he had some connection.

Later that year, Wahhaj appeared as a defense witness in the trial of blind sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman, who was convicted of trying to blow up the Lincoln Tunnel and the United Nations.

Good job, jackass.


Anonymous said...

If there's any truth to the rumor that Bloomberg's a "homo"...then maybe Natzli is really Kelly's "squeeze"...not Mike's.

She's sitting awfully close to the chiefs "gun".

One thing for certain...she's got to be bedding down with some heavy duty pol to be getting such a hefty pay check for doing little more than nothing!

Taxpayer said...

Parvizi and the Commissar. What a combo. Both hate the US Constitution and the law. Both hate law-abiding, taxpaying New Yorkers.

Bimbo caterer, the Muslim moron from Iran, and her beloved master, the bimbo from Boston, want to calm the Muslim "community" of its "fears" of a backlash that never before occurred - even after Muslim terrorists murdered 3000+ New Yorkers, military and innocent plane passengers within a few hours.

Notice, that the 3 morons, Muslim caterer Parvizi, Jew law breaking liar Commissar and Catholic Cop have no interest in calming the citizen taxpayers in New York that there will be no further terrorist murdering here.

No, they kiss the asses of killers to appease them from terrorizing more New Yorkers.

We deserve the consequences. We allowed these morons to stay on board.

It was our own fault for not dumping the toilet when we had the chance.

Get used to the stench.

Klink said...

There needs to be some honest and critical debating about Islam sans appeasement, political correctness or moral relativism. Only then can truth come to surface and a sound defense be undertaken.

After much research and studying the history and ideology of Islam, I've come to the rational conclusion that it must be defeated with impunity and obliterated for the sake of western civilization to continue and flourish.

Anonymous said...

Jeez Klink, a little harsh no?

hold on a sec.. said...

Well most media outlets are reporting that the guy had contact with Al Qaeda, attended the same mosque as the 9/11 terrorists and it's looking more and more likely that Hasan pre-meditated the attack and didn't just "snap".
with all due respect, most media outlets reported that a jumbo jet crashed into the side of the pentagon which resulted in a hole about 20 feet wide.

I'm not saying that this guy was innocent and that his extreme beliefs didn't factor in but they were quick to paint him with the al qaeda brush to lump him into a category ready for the public's consumption.
I'm just saying

Klink said...

Harsh? I'm afraid not. All successful wars since antiquity have been won by the obliteration of the conquered. One can't defeat the enemy just a little bit and hopes that it goes away. And it helps to know who the enemy is. Not what means the enemy uses (terrorism). The truth of the matter is we are at war with Islam and have been since the inception of this ideology by it's creator, Muhammad.

It's incumbent upon the citizenry of this nation to educate themselves about Islam. One may wish to start here...

Anonymous said...

"A backlash that never happened.", well put. How come every time a muslim kills someone, the only reaction from their community is about backlash against them? Isn't the acts of the attackers backlash by them against our society?

Miles Mullin said...

Wow, is "Klink" "Wade" reborn?

And they call this an "Archie Bunker" blog.

Archies run the Queens Weeklies.

Snake Plissskin said...

Its votes, guys, votes. Cultivate votes. They hang with the devil himself if they can get votes.

If they can displace Willets Point or Hunters Point, and go apeshit over the rights of community destroying sell-outs or the rights of the 'expanding your home' set (read illegal conversions), then voters, taxpayers, citizens, and indeed, even laws are just speedbumps on the road to buck$.

Anonymous said...

"they were quick to paint him with the al qaeda brush to lump him into a category ready for the public's consumption."

No, actually, they were quick to say he "snapped" because he was being sent to Iraq. Turns out the army had lots of prior warning that this guy was a threat. People who snap are not charged with 13 counts of pre-meditated murder.

PizzaBagel said...

Taxpayer, you hit the nail on the head, and said it better than I ever could. Why the heck did B'berg even hold this meeting? To reassure the Muslim community that they had nothing to fear about repercussions or backlash from the "infidels?" Get your priorities straight, jerkwad!

Yeah, we're certainly getting our dollar's worth with him. Worst. Mayor. Ever.

Anonymous said...

If you think our mayor has some explaining to do:

What about Congress, where Wahhaj delivered a prayer in 1991?

How about Howard University, where he taught?

How about the NYPD, which praised his anti-drug programs in Bed-Stuy back in the 1980s?

Anonymous said...

All of these were before the WTC bombing.

Anonymous said...

So much for Kelly being "Mr.Counter-intell"!

Anonymous said...

"with all due respect, most media outlets reported that a jumbo jet crashed into the side of the pentagon which resulted in a hole about 20 feet wide."

And somehow they got hundreds of witnesses, dozens of engineers and investigators to all agree on a hoax, which you now so graciously disclose to us.

One of those conspiracies which require thousands of participants, and you cant find one singular person that will admit to it - on the record, off the record, - NOBODY, NEVER.

I want al Qaeda. Get a dermatologist to remove these pustules.

Richard The Lion Hearted said...


Time for another crusade to rid the world of these extremist infidels!

Anonymous said...

Klink for Governor!

Anonymous said...

Trace Nazli's family tree.

Anonymous said...

Radical Muslims are infiltrating more than the public knows.

Anonymous said...

Trace Nazli's family tree.


EvilCondoDweller said...

If he would have pulled this sht a week ago we would have had a new mayor.

This story should be hand delivered to the doorsteps of every person that voted for him.

All the resources in the world, and the most advance terrorist prevention system in the Country... and they don't know this animal was indicted for 9/11???

You've gotta be shting me.

I feel really, really safe.

Anonymous said...

Isn't Bloomberg Jewish? Can someone from Israel sponsor him in lessons on what a terrorist is? Is this man so out of touch to say such things? Is he afraid of Muslims in NYC?

Anonymous said...

Dontcha luv Iranian caterer/CAU commish discussing terrorism? !!!

Maybe she knows where all of the uranium enrichment sites in Iran are located!

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