Friday, November 13, 2009

LIC development nightmare going on for years

August 13, 2009

Dear Queens Crapper,

I have lived in Long Island City all my life and let me tell you it has gotten so bad. I used to have to deal with prostitutes and johns in cars on my block - which was bad, but now I have worse things to deal with. One is the traffic agents who patrol my block like a hawk looking for prey. Then there is the property at 45-64 Pearson Street (across from the storage place), that is a mess. These developers bought this property at the height of the housing boom for $16 million. They claimed that they were going to build a 20+building. They demolished the property years ago and now the property is just sitting there. No people are living there, but there are things living there among the garbage, debris and 10 ft. high weeds - rats, rodents, raccoons - you name it - it lives there. I have complained to the Health Dept., Sanitation Dept., Buildings Dept., Community Board 2, Eric Gioia and George Onorato. These agencies are useless. My community board contacted me months after my initial complaint. George Onorato didn't even respond. The only one who tried was Gioia. I guess unless you are an FOB (friend of Bloomberg) - nothing happens. I guess even if you are a hard working, taxpaying citizen - you need to have lots of $$ to get something done. These developers are shady people and this city lets them get away with leaving neighborhoods in shambles.

Thanks for listening!

A Concerned LIC Native

August 13, 2009

Don't give up yet.

1) Get me a photo.
2) Call a Sanitation Supervisor at 718-326-9803 and tell him the situation.

Also, try contacting Gioia's potential replacements, esp Deirdre Feerick (, David Rosasco ( and Jimmy Van Bramer (

Keep me posted.

- Crapper


August 13, 2009

I sure will get you that photo. Thanks for your encouragement. I love your blog and I am avid reader - I look everyday for new posting. Keep up the great work!

A Concerned LIC Native

September 19, 2009

Has this been taken care of yet?

- Crapper

November 12, 2009

Sorry that I did not contact you sooner - the answer to your question is no - things have not gotten better. After trying my councilman, the community board, and my state senator I got nowhere. I called 311 - I contacted the department of health via their rodent complaint form and the DOB via their complaint form and nothing happened. I even contacted the dept of sanitation - nothing happened. In July, I wrote a lengthy letter to the commissioner of the dob and after months (September) - I received a letter stating that the property received several violations (I checked the DOB site). I then took the same approach for the department of health and wrote to the commissioner. I then received a letter stating that they will give the property a warning and then eventually a summons if they don't clean up the property, but that is what the DOH health said back in 2008. No one came to clean up the lot and no one came to clean up They were supposed to get a DOH summons over a year ago, but the DOH did not follow-up. In the mean time the rats have taken over. I have secured my garbage cans (I have the big plastic ones), but it does not make a difference. They patrol my block - in front of my house and in my backyard. My husband killed one with a stick and my dog killed another one. Also, now that it gets darker earlier, the rats start their patrol earlier. I guess it doesn't make a difference, my neighbors have said all along that they also have seen the rats during the day.

Bottom line - this city doesn't care about its citizens. These developers came - tore down a perfectly good building and left a piece of unattended crap for the community to deal with. This is disgraceful.

Here are a couple of things I have learned from this experience:
Local government is a joke.
311 is even funnier.
Taxpaying citizens continue to get shafted.
The end.

See attached photos.

A Concerned LIC Native


Anonymous said...

Get in touch w/ the local Community Board, think it's no pun intended, I swear to God, it's #2!
as in CB 2.

PizzaBagel said...

The icing on the cake for this person would be for her husband to get arrested for killing a rat with a stick. I remember such an incident publicized several years ago. So you can't take it upon yourself to clean things up. Same with graffiti removal. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

So be careful. And thanks, Bloombucks, the Mayor of the Middle Class. Middle-class rats, maybe.

Anonymous said...

No one will help you.

Bricklayer Onorato gave $20,000 to Dutch Kills for what? promote the area for developers? but doesn't return your phone calls. (one way you can get revenge is to stay on that juicy item)

There is not one elected official, or one newspaper, that does not have substantial ties to developers.

Community preservation in NY? Forgettabaoutit! Unless you live in Brooklyn Heights or the like, they will not give you the time of day to help organize your community to curb these abuses.

In short, you have no recourse - but do have one option:

Get in touch with the some delegations at the UN. Really.

There are a number of nations what would love to showcase how America treats its citizens - within sight of that body.

Thats how you will get attention.

Anonymous said...

That is disgusting!

How about writing to the Senator there?
Or maybe try the new Public Advocate..

Anonymous said...

How about writing to the Senator there?
Or maybe try the new Public Advocate..


Anonymous said...

Well, now you have tried the community board, 311, your politicans, letters to the editor, presevation organizations you still have a few options left to get attention:

1. tell everyone you are putting in a 15 story building.

2. win the megabucks lotto.

Anonymous said...

Call Fox 5, Channel 2,4, wahtever media you can on it. They love this stuff. Turst me, I called Channel 5 once for the crap developers left in my backyard. They called me the next day, sent a camera crew over and we went searching for the developers. We found them at the construction site and before the cameraman could switch on the camera, they sent guys over to clean out my yard. It's worth a shot. Good Luck.

Anonymous said...

Hit or miss at best.

I still have the video from about 10 years ago of a construction crew removing asbestos two blocks away in the air, and a picnic going on in a back yard next door.

Anonymous said...

Hit or miss at best.

I still have the video from about 10 years ago of a construction crew removing asbestos two blocks away in the air, and a picnic going on in a back yard next door.

forgot to mention, called the news to send a truck. never came.

you need stonger medicine to solve this problem bub.

Helen said...

Dear Mr. "Crapper" and "A Concerned LIC Native"~

Why not go to the top of NYC gov't? You can contact the mayor himself:

Am not a particular supporter of Bloomberg but he didn't earn his billions by sitting on his duff

Hope this helps, it's worked for me in the past

PS This has to be the best blog ever about "Queens Crap"

Queens Crapper said...


Oh yeah, I've tried that multiple times and gotten the same canned responses from his agency heads that I would have gotten by calling 311.

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