Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Kevin Kim loses NJ Council race & a lot of money

Korean Americans Reflective After Election Upset in NJ
NOVEMBER 13, 2009, Donga

Korean Americans in New Jersey are reflecting on their relations (or lack thereof) with other ethnicities in the wake of a shocking election defeat.

Democrat Kevin Kim, who ran for the New York City Council, lost Nov. 3 in the District 19 City Council long controlled by his party. He lost because he failed to get support from Caucasians.

In the wake of Kim’s defeat, Korean Americans agree that they must reflect on their behavior.

Along with Los Angeles, New Jersey is a hotbed of Korean Americans, especially Flushing (19th electoral district). A gigantic Koreatown is located in the district.

Kim was expected to become the first Korean American to be elected to the city council. Yet he lost with 12,830 votes (47 percent), 1,300 less than the winner, Republican Dan Halloran.

Kim’s family immigrated to the United States when he was five. Because he graduated from law school at Columbia University, Korean Americans had high expectations for him. In his or her own electoral district, a New York City councilor has substantial influence, comparable to that of the New York mayor.

Korean Americans have to visit Chinese-American councilors whenever they have complaints because of the lack of Korean Americans on the council. Korean Americans for months had believed that Kim would be the first ethnic Korean to serve on the council, and were shocked by his election defeat.

The loss has made Korean Americans reflect on their past behavior. Kim enjoyed several advantages since he was a Democratic candidate in a district long dominated by his party. Many experts, however, say he failed because Korean Americans are not recognized by other ethnic groups and other problems.

The head of the Korean-American Voter Center, Kim Dong-seok, said, “Since Korean Americans are not good at English, they don’t try to communicate with other ethnicities. Also, they dine out only at Korean restaurants and mingle with only ethnic Koreans even at church. They have to try to break down barriers set between Korean Americans and others, including Caucasians.”

Korean Americans are also known not to try to clear up the notions that they run illegal bars, drink excessively, and make a lot of noise.

Min Byeong-gap, a professor at Queens College of the City University of New York, said, “Ethnic Koreans hardly communicate with other races. Only few other Asian races take the same course. Among Asians groups in the U.S., ethnic Koreans rank only fifth in population following Chinese, Filipinos, Indians and Vietnamese. To strengthen their influence, they have to communicate with other ethnicities and get more support.”

Others say the voter turnout of Korean Americans was lower than expected in Kim’s district and he had difficulty in fundraising. One suggestion is for Korean Americans to strengthen their unity as Jews have done.

Wow! Interesting to find out what closed communities are really reading and thinking, isn't it?

And the Daily News reports that Kim was the biggest loser:

This top 12 list is based on the latest filings with the Campaign Finance Board, including 24-hour reports required for the Nov. 3 election. Another filing is due Nov. 30. Here's how much they spent and how they fared:

1) $483,726: Democrat Kevin Kim of Queens won the primary for the 19th District seat being vacated by Tony Avella (D-Bayside), but was beaten in the general election by Republican Daniel Halloran, who spent $93,248. Kim spent $52,750 of his own money.


Anonymous said...

"long controlled by his party."
8 years? Ever hear of Frank Padavan?

"He lost because he failed to get support from Caucasians."
And Halloran was accused of racism???

"Along with Los Angeles, New Jersey is a hotbed of Korean Americans, especially Flushing (19th electoral district)."
Get this dude a map!

"Kim’s family immigrated to the United States when he was five. "
Kevin Kim for New York City Council in District 19, Northeast Queens
About Kevin Kim
Kevin grew up in Bay Terrace

"In his or her own electoral district, a New York City councilor has substantial influence, comparable to that of the New York mayor."

"Korean Americans are also known not to try to clear up the notions that they run illegal bars, drink excessively, and make a lot of noise."
The truth hurts?

"One suggestion is for Korean Americans to strengthen their unity as Jews have done."
I'm so glad that anti-semitism isn't going to rear its ugly head. Oh wait!!!

Anonymous said...

This post is an embarrassment. The original is published in somthing called "donga". I say throw this post out like on the "Gong Show" of yesteryear.


Anonymous said...


Do you mean the area in between your ears? Paranoid much?

Queens Crapper said...

This was my favorite part: "Korean Americans are also known not to try to clear up the notions that they run illegal bars, drink excessively, and make a lot of noise."

Anonymous said...

In a way I feel sorry for Kim. He trust people he thought were competent and they ran the worst campaign ever. If they just put up signs and endorsements and didn't go (tribune rogue) negative he would have won. But he trusted county and they took the pin out of the grenade without throwing it.

I feel bad for Kim, he started with good intentions and a solid base and wound up with a bigger anti-Kim base.

Anonymous said...

I feel bad for Kim, he started with good intentions and a solid base and wound up with a bigger anti-Kim base.

He's a grown-up with a brain and a law degree - he knew exactly what he was getting into, he just didn't think it would trun out that way - becasue no democrat in this city ever thinks that they'll lose to a republican. too bad!

The Observer said...

I feel bad for Kim, he started with good intentions and a solid base and wound up with a bigger anti-Kim base.

That's what you get when you agree to be the machine's puppet and you let someone else pull your strings. I'd love to see the thank you note that he sent to Multi-Media Advertising. Right, Gary and Mike and Mike and Mike?

Anonymous said...

"Kevin grew up in Bay Terrace"

But went to PS 150 in Woodside? Get him a map as well!

Anonymous said...

"But he trusted county and they took the pin out of the grenade without throwing it."


Anonymous said...

The bottom line is Kim raised a lot of money, but from questionable sources. THAT's why he lost the race. People smelled a rat. Halloran didn't thrill many people either 1) because he's a Republican 2) he's a pagan. But he was the better choice to replace Avella in order to help fight overdevelopment and preserve what's left of our neighborhoods.

To Kim:
If you ever want to run for office again, do NOT place huge signs on construction sites. That's a no-no. And your contributions should come from INSIDE the district. OK?

Anonymous said...

"But he trusted county and they took the pin out of the grenade without throwing it."


Grenade blew up in their face

georgetheatheist said...

Sheee-yit. Even Sonny Carson didn't like them.

Anonymous said...

"But he trusted county and they took the pin out of the grenade without throwing it."


Grenade blew up in their face


STILL not making sense. Where did you learn Engrish? "He trusted county"?????????????????????????????????????

Klink Cannoli said...

Another perfect example of the double standards applied to stereotyping and profiling. It's quite okay for minorities to engage such usage, but watch out if you're Caucasian. The branding of the Scarlet Letter "R" (racist).

I was honestly shocked to read some of those comments written. The brutal honesty was refreshing and dare I say validating in many of my experiences with my South Korean neighbors. Diversity is a faulty ideology.

It's my belief Kim's loss is more about his party affiliation than his ethnicity. Perceived hardships are the current party's fault. Hence votes run to the opposite party. The whims of a democratic society as learned through the ancient Athenians. Our Founding Fathers were pretty "progressive."

Anonymous said...

County - probably short for the Queens County democratic party. WHo played a big role in his campaign after the primary where their handpicked candidate lost.

Anonymous said...

primadonna said...
The bottom line is Kim raised a lot of money, but from questionable sources. THAT's why he lost the race. People smelled a rat. Halloran didn't thrill many people either 1) because he's a Republican 2) he's a pagan.

Remember this from November 2nd?

The Political Pagan

This is a blog that comments on both Paganism and politics in the United States, from a leftist-liberal point of view.

Anonymous said...
Turns out the pot may be calling the kettle Black. I am a Flushing native and quiet pagan and I heard through the grape vine that when Congressman Ackerman was asked what Kevin "Dukun" Kim practiced he laughed and declined to answer. A neighbor explained to me that Kevin is an adopted named and that Kevin Dukun Kim - Halloran's Democratic opponent is named after his paternal grandfather a powerful Dukun. A native belief system indigenous to Java, it has spread all the way to Korea where Kevin Dukun Kim was born. Superficially an Islamic faith it has a very strong and ancient belief in animism, ancestor worship, animal sacrifice and shamanism. The Dukun are respected and feared figures even in the most orthodox areas. Some Dukuns are feared for being very powerful practitioners of dark magicks.
A dukun is consulted when a person perceives they have an issue that has a supernatural or paranormal association. If a dukun is not known to the individual, their family or friends, word of mouth often creates a situation where the dukun will appear as if summoned, most especially in the case of possessions. Many highly prominent and highly educated Asians, even those with Western doctorate and masters levels degrees still employ dukun or soothsayers. Dukun are known to have curative powers. They may use incantations, herbal medicine, animal parts, inanimate objects, spiritual communication or guidance, prayers, offerings, the keris or any combination to effect their curatives. Dukun are believed to be able to communicate directly with malevolent and benevolent spirits. A Dukun practice involves drawing a half circle of food offerings, including opium and incense and weapons in the form of nails, glass and needles. The dukun then chants a spell and actually asks spirits to embed the items in the victim’s stomach. So the difference between Halloran and Kim is that Halloran did not hide his faith. Either way though people in this North Eastern Queens neighborhood are going to elect a pagan.

Anonymous said...

County - probably short for the Queens County democratic party. WHo played a big role in his campaign after the primary where their handpicked candidate lost.

If a person can't make a comment that makes sense, why bother?

Duke Snider said...

Peace Now. No Dukes.

John the Duke Wayne said...

Ya wanna duke it out?

Duke Ellington said...

Not me, I'll take the A Train.

Anonymous said...

Ya wanna duke it out?

Are you a Dukun?

Kevin Duke Kim said...

Hey Nussie, can I get my money back?

Nussie said...

Hey Nussie, can I get my money back?

Sorry. I spent it all on my Asian whores. I thought you knew that! Wink Wink

Anonymous said...

"Kim’s family immigrated to the United States when he was five. "
Kevin Kim for New York City Council in District 19, Northeast Queens
About Kevin Kim
Kevin grew up in Bay Terrace

According to his website he went to PS 150 which is in Woodside! Do any of these people know how to read a map?

Tattle Tale said...

Better be careful or Kevin will tell Ackerman on you!

Anonymous said...

"lost because he failed to get support from Caucasians"
How can you claim this? Supporting data? Most likely voters are concerned about the overdevelopment heading their way. Hardly think Dist19 residents (already ethnic/relig. mix) care about the ethnicity of neighbor/shop owner. They care about quality of life and living environment - like all the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

That district was not long controlled by his party, Tony Avella held it for 2 terms, before that it was in republican hands.

Dukun of Earl said...

Are you a Dukun?

What's it to you?

Anonymous said...

The reason Korean Kevin lost was because he ran a nasty campaign against Halloran and only worked to gain Korean votes. When you live in the US, you are supposed to assimilate. Next time Kevin runs, he needs to reach out to all voters and run an honest campaign. After all, if he is running for office, he is supposed to represent All the People, not just Koreans.

Anonymous said...

I didn't trust him because of all the development along Francis Lewis Blvd. There are signs in Korean so obviously Korean developers are engaged in these projects on Francis Lewis. I felt Kim would keep on promoting and aiding these developers. We don't want all these 4 and 5 story buildings. There's very little parking; some lots warn non patrons of cars being towed. I also didn't like the fact that supposedly he grew up in Bay Terrace but went to school in Woodside. Halloran just appeared more transparent than Kim.

Anonymous said...

Caucasians? Unless you're talking Armenians or Georgians, you must mean whites, or European-Americans.

Anonymous said...

So long Kim Chee!

PizzaBagel said...

Caucasians? Unless you're talking Armenians or Georgians, you must mean whites, or European-Americans.

Can whites declare "Caucasian" a derogatory term? After all, "Oriental" is officially a no-no. And don't dare say "Afro pick!"

Anonymous said...

i think K.kim hangs out at the "DUKUN DONUTS" in bayside.

i believe that the queens voters are expressing their disgust with the national democratic party,that is leaning far left.

10.2% unemployment. out of control spending. sending a family to jail for not buying government health insurance. our congressman running scared and refusing to hold town hall meetings.

i think CM koo in dist. 20 is a american- korean ,republican. they replaced dem. liu(american-chinese). many asian voters must realize the dangers of a one party system. liu had the support of the left wing s.e.i.u. union and acorn and leftwing "workers party", in n.y.c.. he was a member of the city council minority caucus.

Anonymous said...

"i think CM koo in dist. 20 is a american- korean ,republican"

No, Peter Koo is Chinese.

Anonymous said...

our congressman running scared and refusing to hold town hall meetings.

Has anyone heard anything about the request for that ethics investigation of Ackerman? Didn't someone write a letter to congress about the Kim election and Ackerman's role as part owner of the Tribune?

Anonymous said...

I love the part where it says that other ethnic groups (the chinese) have reached out to other races.

yeah right. They are just as closed as the Koreans are. In fact, i would have guessed the reverse until this article.

And its not because they failed while trying, or even want to. they WANT to be separate, to have their own little closed society. This is the one thing that makes the current waves of immigrants different than the waves of the past.

People used to come here with the dream of becomimg Americans. That does not happen anymore.

Alan Gross said...

"Has anyone heard anything about the request for that ethics investigation of Ackerman? Didn't someone write a letter to congress about the Kim election and Ackerman's role as part owner of the Tribune?"

That would be me.


So far, I have not heard from the ethics committee, Pelosi, or Boehner. However, last week I did get a response from Cong. Ackerman himself. The letter skirted around my concerns and did not satisfy me. I have since replied to his letter...and it was a good one, if I do say so myself. By the way, Ackerman admitted something to me in the letter but failed to make it publicly known!!!

I believe that the only way to move this forward is to get the media to pay attention to the issues that I addressed in my correspondences. In order to facilitate this, I have spent the last few weeks organizing my information. I have now prepared a comprehensive look at the Halloran/Kim election from a unique perspective. If there are any serious media representatives who wish to contact me, they can email me. I give permission to the Crapper to provide my AOL email address, if the request is legitimate. Queens Tribune personnel need not apply.

PS My motivation in pursuing this is to call attention to the nasty accusations and alleged racist overtones so that these affronts to democracy never happen again!

Anonymous said...

Alan we need people like you in the DOE.
No, instead what we have is people who are terrified to get the little midget billionaire upset. And what the billionaire wants is the numbers to improve because numbers is all he understands. He puts a stupid little lawyers masquerading as an educator telling us what we need to do. It will take YEARS to undo the damage done by these idiots.

Anony2 said...

I think the Kim supporters made an error by counting the entire Korean population instead of the few who are eligible to vote.

Anonymous said...

In my area, people didn't vote for Kim because of the racist attacks on Hollaran. Almost everyone's a White Democrat where I live and everyday we got mailers about how Hollaran's a racist and wants to kill Christians. It was disgusting. So glad the real racist Mr. Kim lost. I do feel bad that he lost of $50,000, as he is a nice guy, but his mudslinging was just awful. He would've won without it.

cherokeesista said...

PizzaBagel said...
Caucasians? Unless you're talking Armenians or Georgians, you must mean whites, or European-Americans.

Can whites declare "Caucasian" a derogatory term? After all, "Oriental" is officially a no-no. And don't dare say "Afro pick!"

I couldn't agree with you more:) I'm bi-racial but I look caucasion, I get tired of being called White I think it to should be a racist term just like ORIENTAL!!! But as you know NO ONE GIVES A CRAP ABOUT THAT AND THE WHITE MALE IN MY OPINION IS DISCRIMINATED AGAINST MORE THAN ANY OTHER RACE BUT THAT'S OK:( LIBERAL BULLSHIT!!!!!

cherokeesista said...

Anonymous said...
The reason Korean Kevin lost was because he ran a nasty campaign against Halloran and only worked to gain Korean votes. When you live in the US, you are supposed to assimilate. Next time Kevin runs, he needs to reach out to all voters and run an honest campaign. After all, if he is running for office, he is supposed to represent All the People, not just Koreans.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Anonymous said...

Koreans don't want to do business with any other race it seems. Their shops all along Northern shows this. Their windows are blacked out, not wanting any patrons that are not Korean. From what I gather, the Chinese don't employ such stealth business practices. The Chinese are certainly messier though. Koreans think of themselves as the superior Asian race, looking down on the Chinese, Filipinos, etc. They will always let you know right off the bat that - "I am Korean." Basically don't confused me with the other lowly Asian races like the Chinese, Filipinos and Vietnamese. They black out their store windows, hide their tour buses so that non-Koreans won't find out. (Has anyone else noticed these buses? Maybe I should take a picture next time.) At least the Chinese tour buses are wide open for all races. I see the ones in Chinatown, lined up with Hispanics, blacks, Chinese, European tourists. No discrimination or hiding there. Koreans are a snooty bunch.

Take a look at this, classic Korean behavior: http://gothamist.com/2013/06/28/midtown_club_fined_20k_for_discrimi.php

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