Monday, November 9, 2009

Building violations death toll rises

Man dies after plummeting down freight elevator shaft in Williamsburg loft
BY Elizabeth Hays

A 34-year-old man plummeted five stories to his death early Sunday after he tried to jump out of a stalled freight elevator in a Williamsburg loft.

Police said the man, who has not been identified pending notification of his family, fell after his clothing got caught on something as he jumped about 12:45 a.m.

The victim was rushed to Bellevue Hospital Center, where he was pronounced dead about 3:30 a.m.

The Dept. of Buildings is investigating the incident. It is not yet clear if the victim lived in the building, a converted factory that includes residential lofts, or was visiting.

At least one swanky benefit party was going on inside the building at the time of the accident, according to reports.

The building has more than 40 open violations, including an unspecified elevator violation from April.

The ironic news is that it's elevator safety awareness week!


georgetheatheist said...

It doesn't pay to drink and leap.

Anonymous said...

This is terrible!

Anonymous said...

Well those hipsters not only know that those lofts are illegal, they love that fact. And let's face it, the world can live with one less film maker / poet / artist / webmaster / musician / rapper / skinny hipster trustafarian. Lets call it thinning the herd.

I'd be upset if it were a pakistani medical student who could actually add to this society but then again they're not so obsessed by being cool that they throw thousands of dollars at hasidic slumlords for illegal "hip" dwellings.

Anonymous said...

That is a horrible thing to say!!

Anyone dying like that is a tragedy, doesn't matter who it is.

Anonymous, you need to have some compassion. Someone's family & friends are in mourning right now.

georgetheatheist said...

"We should only affect compassion, and carefully avoid having any." - La Rochefoucauld, 1658

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Well those hipsters not only know that those lofts are illegal, they love that fact. And let's face it, the world can live with one less film maker / poet / artist / webmaster / musician / rapper / skinny hipster trustafarian. Lets call it thinning the herd.

I'd be upset if it were a pakistani medical student who could actually add to this society but then again they're not so obsessed by being cool that they throw thousands of dollars at hasidic slumlords for illegal "hip" dwellings.

Monday, November 09, 2009

Well what a surprise some loser would make some asinine comment on here when he doesnt even know the person.
He was not a trust fund kid and many many buildings like that have problems with freight elevators and always have even when they were first built.

We wont miss you with your dumb meat head comments when you know nothing about this person. He was an excellent 34 year old drummer and a very nice guy. He was at a benefit for others.

And George do you have any clue what your talking about? Of course not as always self righteous guy.

Does this blog deserve compassion when something happens to their friends and relatives?

Anonymous said...

A "benefit" for what? Most of these hipster trustafarians throw benefits in their illegal non code lofts to benefit themselves. Benefits for their rent or their drugs. I hope the family of the deceased drummer sues the living crap out of the I'm sure very wealthy family of the offending trustafarian who threw the bogus "benefit".

For the record, I'm a musician, I've played many benefits. They were at LEGITIMATE nightclubs or venues. I've never once played a gig at an illegal trustafarian loft. Whoever associates with these asinine hipsters gets what they deserve.

Anonymous said...

Needy children in India? What's wrong with donating to needy American children?

Anonymous said...

its a shame.
Not that it'll make a difference but this guy was just living life, and died way too young but but all you guys want to do is take an opportunity to make fun of him.
Where's your humanity?

Queens Crapper said...

No one deserves to die because the shitty DOB is corrupt and inept.


Anonymous said...

not only is this cowardly anonymous commenter a complete heartless piece of shit, he is anti-semitic in stating that hassidic people own all of these illegal lofts. And for those two things i say to him that i hope he needs a benefit for when i break his legs. My condolences to the Fuchs family and anyone who knew him.

Anonymous said...

Mostly Hasidic people DO own those illegally converted lofts. It's not anti-Semitic to point that out if it's true.

Anonymous said...

please tell me what your basing this statement on. if you can give me a fact, figure, source for this aside from your being a biased asshole i'd love to hear it

Anonymous said...

I'm basing this statement on the multiple stories where kids were kicked out of their lofts by DOB and the landlord was Hasidic. There was even one that had a matzo factory in the basement.

georgetheatheist said...

"...i hope he needs a benefit for when i break his legs."

Oy vey. Gewalt.

Anonymous said...

let me get this straight; you found a story about one man who clearly did something illegal, happened to be a hassid, and this is your beacon of light to spread the bigoted statement that you made above. wow. lest we forget that you are the same person who said that you felt nothing for someone who passed away today. GET IT TOGETHER anon

Anonymous said...

You're wasting your time on someone who so insensative, bigotited etc. Falling on deaf ears. Bet a million dollars he's a rotton musician also. Losers can really be mean and vicious because they hate themselves.

Anonymous said...

Nope, didn't find one story, I told you I read multiple stories. I just cited one example. Look up 1717 Troutman Street for another example. The most infamous slumlords in the city can be traced back to a mailbox place on Lee Ave in the heart of Hasid central.

Facts are facts and sometimes they suck, but they are verifiable reality.

Queens Crapper said...

Ah, 1717 Troutman Street. One of my favorite stories. Forced to Vacate, Tenants Seek Housing, and Answers

Anonymous said...

georgetheatheist said...

"...i hope he needs a benefit for when i break his legs."

Oy vey. Gewalt.

Monday, November 09, 2009

What a surprise! Some violent nonsense from then obvious.

Anonymous said...

what your saying is that based on multiple stories a *fact* a finite truth. YOU ARE WRONG. once again i beg of you to present figures to back up your claim. I am done here because its ridiculous that im putting in even the slightest effort to type when clearly im addressing someone who is a complete idiot. The comments here should be focused on condolences to someone who passed not anything or anyone else.

Anonymous said...

And your purpose in coming here is...?

Don't like people expressing themselves, don't visit.

It really is that simple.

Anonymous said...

George actually was responding to the violent nonsense posted by someone else.

Anonymous said...

Let the record show that "Brooklyn, NJ" removed his comment about breaking George's legs and then made the same comment anonymously.

Anonymous said...

Those stories are facts, I didn't write them. They don't keep stats on the religious affiliation of slumlords. (Could you imagine the howling if they did?) But if we are going to say that most diamond dealers in the city are hasids (based purely on observation) without people's knickers getting in a twist, then likewise we can say they are slumlords when stories such as those cited present themselves.

Anonymous said...

another one bites the dust

ironic i thought only project buildings had elevator problems

Anonymous said...

There are elevators all over the city that don't work and the landlord never seems to suffer because of it.

Let's not even get into the MTA's elevators, which are supposed to provide access to people with disabilities.

Anonymous said...

His hoodie killed him.


Anonymous said...

"lest we forget that you are the same person who said that you felt nothing for someone who passed away today."

Actually, no I'm not. Totally different commenter. Just backing up what the other guy said about slumlords. I don't like to see or hear about anyone dying.

Anonymous said...

Mona Gora was the owner. Yep some hassid's wife. And the drummer? Well thank god it wasn't Steve Gadd or Jack Dejonnette or anyone else who could actually play.

And they were going to a PARTY not a BENEFIT. Also, if you've looked for apt's or especially lofts you will know that the worst offenders the worst slumlords of them all are the Hassids. And I'm jewish. They embarrass me with their greed and corruption. Go to housing court in brooklyn any day and watch them fighting tenants.

georgetheatheist said...

Not to worry. The anonym commenting upon "breaking legs" referred to the limbs of another anonym. (All members of Anonyms Anonymous?) No one will ever break my legs:

Gerhardt Fuchs. Requiescat in pacem.

Shit happens.

bgdthedefender said...

Hey anon musician: How do you know all the nightclubs you played were "legitimate" (in other words: did not have any violations)? I am in a touring band, and have been for years. When our tours are booked, we're told they are all great legitimate venues, and I can guarantee you that some of the best around the country have multiple code violations.

You said the world could live with one less musician. Sadly, you're right. And while we're accepting that cold, hard fact, I nominate you to be the next. If we're going to be losing musicians, we ought to go ahead and lose one who's hateful, arrogant, and ignorant (among many other things, I'm sure).

Anonymous said...

Most likely the clubs most musicians play in have C of Os to be clubs. Not factories.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...

Let the record show..."

that's comedy gold.

Anonymous said...

Just for the record Jerry Fuchs played hundreds of times in regular venues all across the U.S. and in Europe. He was a solid, precise, jazz prog type drummer who played in numerous bands over the last 15 years.

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