Saturday, November 14, 2009

BSA grants noisy club a cabaret license

From the Daily News:

A controversial Forest Hills catering hall has finally secured a cabaret permit after months of fierce opposition from a local co-op that feared noisy, late-night partying.

But the city put so many conditions on the Royal Palace - such as restricting its hours and mandating the installation of a sound barrier wall - that neither side is declaring total triumph.

The board [of standards and appeals] granted a permit for music and dancing on the catering hall's first floor. But it expires next year, whereas many permits run for three, said Jeff Mulligan, the board's executive director.

The city also limited the eatery's operating hours: Sunday to Thursday from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m.; Friday from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.; and Saturday from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m.

To combat noise spreading onto the street and to nearby co-ops, the board required Royal Palace to install a floor-to-ceiling plexiglass wall and an automatic volume control on its sound board.

And to satisfy gripes about early-morning garbage pickups that locals claim jolt them from sleep, the city banned trash collections between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m.

Goidel said he was "happy" the board imposed such rules - and "hopeful" but "not optimistic" the catering hall would follow them.


Snake Plissskin said...

It will take the club a few weeks to discover the 'rules' are panaceas to keep the community happy and will not be enforced.

Anonymous said...

This is what happens when one civic fights a problem.

They get nowhere except frustrated.

Anonymous said...

where is karen koslowitz or Katz?

Once their future is set they disappear

Anonymous said...

The club is owned by Bukharians-- the same people who lined Katz'pockets with $millions over her 8 year stint in Forest Hills...remember?

-Joe said...

automatic volume control on its sound board
That and the other solutions are a total joke.
A DJ or soundman can simply raise the gain structure or turn up the signal feeding the power amps and speakers after this useless device.

Do they really expect Bukharians to obey the law ?
BTW-Those people got that license because they are Jewish.

I'm from ridgewood and played music since 1976 and dont know of anbody being granted a new non grandfatherd caberet license in Forest Hills ever.
Katz must have a stash of diamonds or million$$ in an off shore account by now.
Queens really needs the feds to come in, these political crooks are out f control.

Anonymous said...

Where is Heidi Chain on this, she usuaully buts her nose in where it doesn't belong!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous -Joe said...

automatic volume control on its sound board
That and the other solutions are a total joke.
A DJ or soundman can simply raise the gain structure or turn up the signal feeding the power amps and speakers after this useless device.

Do they really expect Bukharians to obey the law ?
BTW-Those people got that license because they are Jewish.


While I agree that the Bukharians may have some political capital available to get a deal like this, their religion has nothing to do with it. Your mention of "Those people got that license because they are Jewish." smells of racism to me. If they were, say, Hindu and had political influence then it would be the same thing.

Anonymous said...

Except that the reason they have political influence is because they are Jewish. You don't see Indians running places like this.

Anonymous said...

Probably with the help of that skeevioso Michael Nussbaum.

He'll be a regular customer there no doubt!

Mike's getting tired of Flushing's Asian whores!

Manes' ghost said...

Hey Mike...remember when we used to all f--k together in Taiwan about 28 years ago?

Mike said...

I sure do...hubba, hubba, hubba....Gary too!

The Other Mike said...

I hear that Kevin Dukun Kim is gonna hook us all up good with some fast club girls in appreciation of the work we did for his campaign.

Gary said...

I can't cover up for you boys taking a trip to Korea for that kind of stuff you know!

You'll have to get your jollies locally.

"Moby" Toby said...

Hey you guys...I'm a loyal Democrat in need of pleasuring.

Can you help me out with one mercy f--k at least?

"envious" Evan said...

Now you got me all hot and bothered!

"granny" Willets said...

I'll remove my dentures and see what I can do!

UpChuck A. said...

Where's my cut?

Gene K. said...

Me first!!!!!

Kevin said...

What did I miss?

Melinda K. said...

Where can I get a new set of knee pads?

Anonymous said...

what is excatly a Caberet? Is it going to be a lcub thing like or a strip joint?

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