Monday, November 30, 2009

Bloomberg spent >$100M on re-election campaign

From the NY Times:

To eke out a narrow re-election victory over the city’s understated comptroller, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg spent $102 million of his own money, or about $183 per vote, according to data released on Friday, making his bid for a third term the most expensive campaign in municipal history.

And the $102 million tab is likely to rise: the mayor has not yet doled out his storied bonuses to campaign workers, which can top $100,000 a person. That spending will not be reported until after his inauguration.

He has now officially spent more of his own money in the pursuit of public office than any other individual in United States history.

Data released on Friday showed that, from Oct. 22 to Nov. 26, his campaign spent $18.6 million, much of it on last-minute television and radio advertising.

After the mayor’s campaign team discovered that a large block of undecided voters in the city either favored Mr. Thompson or planned to stay home on Election Day, the campaign scrambled.

A few hours before polls closed on Nov. 3, the campaign issued a flurry of telephone calls to registered voters, with recordings in which Mr. Bloomberg requested that New Yorkers pull the lever for him.


Anonymous said...

"Michael R. Bloomberg spent $102 million of his own money, or about $183 per vote, according to data released on Friday, making his bid for a third term the most expensive campaign in municipal history."

Is that what it takes to dumb people down these days? I'll bet Bloomturd thinks he got a bargain! After all, he got the results that he wanted and he still has most of his fortune intact!

Anonymous said...

The assholes who voted for him should've atleast got the money for their troubles. The Lord knows, they are gonna need it with this greedy bastard in office for another four years.....

Sarah said...

Let's see he came into office with his total fortune reported to be about $5 billion. After 8 years his total fortune is reported to be about 20 billion. So he invested a hundred million more with an expected increase in personal wealth (during a recession) to be about 7 billion. I am no economic genius but that sounds like a really good investment. And you get to go to Whitehouse State Dinners with an invitation and a really tall date.

Anonymous said...

It's his money. He's allowed to do with it what he pleases.

Queens Crapper said...

I feel the same way about my money, but Bloomberg and the City Council seem to think they not only have a right to it, but they know better than me how it should be spent.

Suzannah B. Troy artist said...

Disgusting, obscene and sub-zero trickle down -- my term for he should have just gone out on the streets and handed out 102 million and don't forget the bonuses. How can you give campaign staff bonuses for delivering the most expensive and humiliating win in NYC history?

Anonymous said...

"How can you give campaign staff bonuses for delivering the most expensive and humiliating win in NYC history?"

OMG that's so true!!

Sarah said...

Yes it is his money, but what if he gave it to groups that might harm our country or organizations that are in a scam to hurt our families, would you then say the same thing. If he uses his money to buy a position of influence and then uses that influence to enrich himself at the expense of the people of NYC is that Ok. It’s exactly that dismissive attitude toward all our politicians and their policies that has gotten us in the mess we are in. There is no accountability, no vigorous press to report and investigate. So little by little higher taxes and corrupt public employees erode our freedom. It's not Ok just because it's his money.

Anonymous said...


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