Monday, November 9, 2009

Aides fret that smaller margin of victory = smaller bonuses

From the NY Times:

Michael R. Bloomberg prides himself on importing traditions from Wall Street to City Hall. But he did not count on introducing this one: end-of-year bonus anxiety.

The mayor’s unexpectedly close re-election could jeopardize the quadrennial payouts — some as high as $400,000 — that he has routinely showered on his campaign workers, a highly unusual perk in municipal politics, a world not typically associated with lavish pay.

Mr. Bloomberg, a former bond trader, considers the bonuses a reward for hard work and successful results: as his election-night victory margins have grown, as they did from 2001 to 2005, so have the checks he writes to his staff.

But on Tuesday, his margin of victory dropped by three-quarters, compared with 2005 — not exactly cause for a cork-popping celebration.

So like investment bankers stung by a poor earnings report, some of the mayor’s campaign operatives are fretting over a potentially diminished windfall.

Photo from the Daily News


Fed Up said...

I guess he feels that he'll do better next time?!!?!!?!!?

Gary the Agnostic said...

....And he's not asking why his margin of victory was smaller than expected?

Anonymous said...

Poor spoiled brats.

So the aides will continue to kiss Emeperor Mike's ass for less pay.

Even a whore's spread sheet shows less earnings during hard times.

Anonymous said...

Poor Kevin Sheeky, my heart bleeds for him, and the Haggertys.

Anonymous said...

Pay for performance makes sense and that's why I voted for Bloomberg. Thompson would throw money at teachers, unions, etc. You work hard and produce results you get paid. You don't well...

Anonymous said...

Pay for performance makes sense and that's why I voted for Bloomberg. Thompson would throw money at teachers, unions, etc. You work hard and produce results you get paid. You don't well...

Agreed - but by that logic the mayor, who spent more per vote this time than ever before should fire himself!

Mayor Bloomturd said...

Bonus? I thought you said boners!

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