Thursday, October 22, 2009

LPC votes to designate Schleicher Mansion

From the NY Times:

Over the objections of the property’s owner, the Landmarks Preservation Commission voted unanimously Tuesday morning to protect a 19th-century Queens mansion in College Point that now serves as a seven-unit apartment building.

The owner, Robert Cunniffe, had asked the commission to postpone the vote so that he could hire a lawyer to represent him. He said he did not even know the vote was scheduled for Tuesday until 9:30 p.m. the night before. “I got there halfway through the hearing,” said Mr. Cunniffe, who bought the building on Sept. 23, after a public hearing on whether to declare the property a landmark had already been held.

The commission decided, however, to proceed with its vote.

Mr. Cunniffe said he was disappointed, though he said he knew the building was under landmark consideration when he bought it.


Esperanza Rita Douglas said...

Oopps,that's funny...didn't you tell the news that you loved that it was to be ''Landmarked'' say one thing,and mean something totally opposite...mmmmm,not good..Anyway,Robert Cunniffe...thank you for your certified letter,raising my rent to $2850.00...looks like you are trying to force me out of the home i have fought ssssoooo hard to get back too..And 16 months later,we still do not have any gas...your deadline was Sept.25,2009..what happened???another lie????lie,lies,lies!!!It is funny,my lawyer got engaged,pregnant&her baby is due in Nov,of this year....and we still do not have gas....Thank you so much,Judge Ressos&the Head in charge of legal services in Civil Court,Queens...April Newbauer,you are all doing such an outstanding job for us tenants,we don't know where we would be without your help....I guess we will get another news story on the Mansion....but will we ever get our gas restored???Come on Christine us,you said you would,what happened???I THINK IT IS TIME FOR SOMEONE LIKE ''Steven De Castro...

Anonymous said...


If not it will rot!

Like so many of their designations in Queens, in particular, LPC ignores them.

Rarely do they enforce their own regulation.

Oh...but in Manhattan...EXPRESS SERVICE is always given!

Esperanza Rita Douglas said...

Thank you,Councilman Mr.Tony Avella,Susan K.Brustmann,Poppenhusen Rocks!!And to The College Point Civics Association,for all the support in helping to see that our Herman A.Schleichers Court Mansion get the signatures we needed for our petition...and to my neighbor Mr.Steven Gonzalez,for bringing me back at least 500 signatures!!thank you so much!!Iwas told that my new owner of the Mansion said that Mr.Avella and the tenants did this as a publicity sad...the lies this person keeps making up...But on a positive note....We ALL did it!!!We are now New York City ''Landmarked''The Schleicher's Court Mansion''will stand forever now&always be a part of our College Point History!!After all,that was what this was all about....Preserving our history!!And this Mansion,indeed has history!!Now my ghosts are all happy!!!the spirits can always come back to their famous ''Grand View Hotel!!!

KG2V said...

want to bet what will happen? A "walk away" - don't pay the taxes, send the keys to the city/bank, and say "it's YOUR problem now"

Bart Schwarzbek said...

Love the fact that this old gem is getting preserved! I lived in the building a few years ago on the first floor when they had the main entrance closed off so we had both enclosed porches and the entire floor. It was an awesome and unique place and but for personal reasons I might still be there today. I am back "home" in Ohio now but caught all the news on the internet and am very pleased. Hope everything works out for all!

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