Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Schleicher tenants still denied services; house being sold

From the Times Ledger:

City Councilman Tony Avella (D-Bayside) put himself into the center of a bitter College Point housing dispute last week, demanding the landlord and manager at Schleicher’s Court restore gas service to their tenants after more than a year.

Avella’s call is just the latest chapter in a seemingly endless squabble between the tenants and the landlord at the College Point home. The more than a dozen tenants of the 19th century mansion, at 11-41 123rd St., have been embroiled in an at times fiery fight with Eva Rohan, the owner, since July 2008. The contentious situation left tenants of the building homeless for nearly eight months and without basic services, such as gas for more than a year.

On Friday, Avella called on Rohan to adhere to a court order to give inspectors from the city Department of Housing access to the home so gas service can be restored to the building. Tenants said Housing inspectors arrived at the house July 15 after a June court-order mandated the repairs be made, but Robert Cuniffe, a licensed contractor who said he expects to purchase the house in the coming days, would not let them into the building.

“This guy should go to jail,” Avella said. “Who the hell is he to deny access?”


Anonymous said...

This is a disgrace,she should be thrown in jail&they should let the tenants take over the building.

Anonymous said...

Wait till the Vallone$ come into your nabe, then the papers will be interviewing people that are against any preservation, and want to sell their home to anyone to maximize their profit and in the process, raping the community, destroying the values of the homes of those that want to stay, and stiking them with the infrastructure costs.

1. we love our home
2. we should sell our home to anyone because its our most important asset
3. the developer tore down the home
4. it breaks out heart.


why is it that the rights of those that want to dump the community is always more important than those that want to stay?

Anonymous said...

what a bunch of morons the people who rent are for continuing to put up with this - they should have moved out months ago...whats the point? they are not wanted. this house is a piece of shit.

Rita said...

It is not a piece of shit..have you ever been inside??i didn't think so..it is a piece of history&deserves to be ''Landmarked''I am not a quitter,this just makes me stronger to keep on fighting...thank you for your negative comment...it is the principle...we want justice&will get it!!

Anonymous said...

why is it that the rights of those that want to dump the community is always more important than those that want to stay?

I donno, ask the city wide preservation community. everyone knows this, but they are doing nothing about it....

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