Monday, August 10, 2009

Parking in front of crap

"Parking in front of a construction site is not allowed between 7am to 6 pm. If you do, you will be given a $60 ticket. This construction site located on Booth Street between 64th and 65th Roads in Rego Park has been allowed to leave 3 big concrete blocks on the street for months and none of the authorities tell them to remove it.

I am wondering if this site gets any traffic tickets on Fridays between 8:30am to 10am for street cleaning. Since those concrete blocks are big enough to take up 3 car parking spaces, that should mean 3 separate tickets for them every Friday. Also, those blocks were exactly in front of their site, but for some reason, their delivery trucks were not able to park properly, so they pulled those blocks away from their site.

Some desperate drivers still try to parallel park next to those blocks as you can see from the pictures. The blocks should be removed from the street to allow people to park properly on their own street." - anonymous

Couldn't resist looking up what was there before...

So, so sad...


Anonymous said...

Anything with class is subject to destruction in NY. Indeed very sad!

Anonymous said...

This block is represented by Melinda Katz. Good luck getting her attention.

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