Sunday, August 30, 2009

Landlord: Blacks need not apply

From The Real Deal:

Housing advocates said they will seek punitive damages in federal district court against a Queens landlord who allegedly refused to rent to African-Americans.

Vyacheslav Uvaydov, the owner of a house at 71-04 171st Street in Fresh Meadows, allegedly told a tester posing as a potential renter that "he lived in a white neighborhood and there would be complaints if he rented to a black person," according to a charge of discrimination issued by the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development August 17.

HUD found "reasonable cause" that Uvaydov had violated the Fair Housing Act by making discriminatory statements, according to documents issued by the department. The charge comes after an investigation of complaints filed by non-profit organizations National Fair Housing Alliance and Long Island Housing Services, which dispatched a "tester" to contact Uvaydov in August of 2007 after receiving a tip from an anonymous caller who had attempted to rent from him.


Sergey Kadinsky said...

On my block, the family to my right is Colombian, and to my left is an elderly Jewish lady. Across the street is a Chinese couple. An Afghan and a black family also call my block home.

Somehow we all get along. This idiot landlord should be brought into the 21st century.

Anonymous said...

Is anyone surprised? He's right. There would be complaints if he rented to a black family. It's not right, but that's the reality.

Anonymous said...

What is this the 1980's in howard beach?

I guess the Russians/eastern europeans are becoming the new italian/racists.

Anonymous said...

a landlord has a right to rent or not rent to whomever he or she wants. A real estate is not allowed to play those games.

Anonymous said...

Bogus lawsuite to harass him
Its not a apartment house he should have the right to decide who will be living in it.
He should have just run a credit report.
It can take a year in lost rent to get a bad family evicted in NYC housing court. 2 years if a pregnant female is involved
The judges always side with the single mother of 6 with 6 different fathers.

By the time you get the house back your out all the rent and need to do $20,000 in repairs.

We had a elderly German Jewish lady who lived next door in Ridgewood. She sold her house to Puerto Ricans to spite my grandfather. They put chickens and rooster in the yard, sold used cars in the street.
The Bank eventually took the house from them, its was 2 years of hell.

Anonymous said...

What is this.1980's howard beach?---
--------------------------------- Yuo probably live in a mostly white neighborhood,no.Go live in a mostly black won't be welcomed,you are consdered an interloper............stfu!

Anonymous said...

By the early '90s,support in the federal courts for the central work of BROWN-racial integration of public
schools-began to rapidly expire.In a series of cases in
Atlanta,Oklahoma City and Kansas City,Mo.,
frustrated parents,black and white,appealed to federal
judges to stop shifting children from school to school
like pieces on on a game board. The parents wanted
better neighborhood schools and a better education for their children,no matter the racial make-up of the
school.In their rulings ending court mandates for school integration,the judges,too,spoke of the futility
of using schoolchildren to address social ills caused by adults holding fast to patterns of "residential" segregation by both class and race.Had Mr.Marshall ,the lawyer,made a mistake by insisting on racial integration instead of im

provement in the quality of schools for black children? Author: Juan Williams,Op-Ed,nytimes,6-29-07,"DON'T MOURN BROWN V. BD.OF ED." Re:Supreme Court sharply limiting use of race in assigning pupils to K-12 schools.

Repeating the social engineering failures of the past will only bankrupt the U.S. evenmore.The uncivil rights gang will never stop.

Anonymous said...

A landlord should be able to rent to whoever he wants. It's his property, who cares!

If someone didn't want to rent to me because of my color - I'm fine with that. I don't want to spend my money anywhere I'm not welcomed. Why force yourself somewhere where you're not welcomed??? There are so many places to live, find one where you will be appreciated!!

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