Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Katz campaign commercials unintentionally hilarious

I'm Melinda Katz. I have a baby! I also passed a law many moons ago when I was in the assembly regarding Ob-Gyn care. Neither of these have anything to do with managing money, but I'm a dyed-in-the-tweed bullshit artist, so I thought I'd mention them. I have been a city councilperson for the past 8 years, but I've accomplished absolutely nothing during that time and continually ignored the pleas of my constituents because I was too busy taking legal bribes from developers. Their contributions are what allowed me to make these commercials. Hey - that shows smart money management! Therefore, I am qualified to be comptroller.

I'm Melinda Katz. I usually wear pantsuits, but I am running for office now, so I thought I'd show a little leg and have my hair styled. Weeeee! I'm riding a school bus! Vote for me!


Anonymous said...

Hi I'm Melinda Katz,

I've said repeatedly that developers are the people who care the most about this city - and I've put my money (theirs, actually) where my mouth is.

I've continued to ignore any and all pleas about quality of life issues from the community, because people who live in this city just don't care like developers do. Most of them live on Long Island, but believe me, they know what is best for you. So they and they alone will continue to line my pockets and pull my strings. The democrats know this, which is why they endorsed John Liu.

So read all the lies on my website and remember to vote for me for.. ... what am I running for again? Well, it doesn't really matter, as long as I can keep the cash coming in.

Anonymous said...

and bloomberg is her god
she probably lives in long island

Anonymous said...

where "fighting hard" to get a good mayor

Tony Avella for mayor

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The only downside to her losing this race would be that she would get a nice fat job with the QBP's office, like she did last time she was between elected office. I would love to see her working out there in the real world, slaving away at a large law firm, working until midnight in totaly obscruity in the law library.

Anonymous said...

Politians were always known to kiss babies, new style is to carry one with you everywhere. Reminds me of Paris Hilton.

Perhaps the other candidates can rent one.

Unknown said...

I work in advertising, and those spots cost a pretty penny.

i wonder where she is getting all those dollars from?

oh yea her developer frds.

go suck a lemon katz

Anonymous said...

She doesn't live on Long Island but a few blocks from Alan Hevesi who she will get good advice from.

Anonymous said...

she blows the developers!

Anonymous said...

Only if they're women....she's a lez!

Where's My Pa? said...

Lil Snookums: Mommy, don't you have a picture of Daddy in that big book?

Katz: He's on the next page.

Lil Snookums: Waaaaaa! That's not a man! That's a turkey baster!!!

President Grover Cleveland said...

"Ma, ma. Where's my pa?"

"Basting the turkey. Ha-ha-ha!"

Anonymous said...

Next time Melinda, run in Astoria. The locals will be too clueless, too polite, and too stupid to say anything except to ... stammer... that .. you must ... somewhere ... help your community ... somehow...

Anonymous said...

bbbbbbbb Katz All Folks! Say goodbye to her -- she's a goner!!!

Anonymous said...

Wish she'd shown more leg.

Anonymous said...

"I told him to stick it."

Nice. Just the type of uncivilized discourse that we need more of...especially coming from someone so eminently unqualified for the comptroller position.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Katz spent all of a single year at a whitebread law firm doing corporate law. How does that even qualify her for the position she currently holds, which she performs so miserably.

Give this non-entity the heave ho she deserves.

Anonymous said...

I like going through the photos with 'Dick Jr.' The dear sweet addled seniors should vote for her overwhelmingly thinking that daddy is missing and likely in Iraq.

Anonymous said...

Dos she have a cat?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Only if they're women....she's a lez!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


And you know from personal experience?????

Anonymous said...

"Does she have a car"?

Did have one but gave it away "she didn't have time to take care of it".

Anonymous said...

She showed up at the concert held at Asser Levy in coney island,where marty gave her a big push..............she was completely ignored..........pathetic.

Anonymous said...

meant "cat" not "car". Sorry.

Anonymous said...

She's not a lesbian. She hides behind that because it doesn't raise questions about how she's spent her nights these past 16 - 17 years in politics.

There's no shame in being a lesbian. What Katz does is shameful.

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