Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Helen has hired the Parkside Group

From the Queens Campaigner:

Attorney Marc Leavitt’s campaign got a big boost from the Campaign Finance Board yesterday when he received $261,619 in matching funds towards his bid to unseat incumbent Helen Marshall.

Marshall is by no means in poor financial standing, as she has raised approximately $119,803 thus far. Campaign spokesman Gregory Joseph of the Parkside Group said Marshall will be ramping up her fund-raising efforts in the coming weeks and will file for matching funds on August 20 — the second date candidates can do so.


Anonymous said...

go helen go... you are the queen of queens

Anonymous said...

when evan and company are led away in handcuffs, may you be a link in the chain

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

go helen go... you are the queen of queens

This is the contribution of a troll or a very sick person!

Anonymous said...

House "N" for the damned developers!

Yassir mass'r...sho nuff!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I pop in on a regular basis to see what's new on this site but its the inappropriate references like the one above that takes away from the legitimacy of the discourse. Too bad.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for weighing in, Evan.

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