Monday, August 31, 2009

Did the 104 go apeshit on horn honker?


Anonymous said...

Comstat. Cops always lie about their busts.

Anonymous said...

They all lie in the NYPD that is their MO.

Anonymous said...

Disorderly conduct is code for "Cops are lying", asak any judge off-the-record and see what he says.

Anonymous said...

I don't know, it sounds like there is more to the story than this guy and his lawyer are telling. It sounds like they are slanting it for the benefit of heir innevitable lawsuit. By the way, it might have helped if he had some working knowledge of the english language.

Anonymous said...

The 104 consists of some of the worst cops in the city.
The NYPD sends three types of cops to the 104:
The rookies that were at the bottom of their graduating cadet class.
Being that the NYPD is still more prejudiced then not, all suspected gays, and a dissproportionate amount of non white officers.
All cops that have significant behavior problems or internal citations against them.
Why the 104 you may ask? It is a low profile enought precinct that they will not be noticed with a fairly apathetic if not ignorant populace that will not report them if they mess up.
It is close enough to the city not Manhattan not to be considered a cushy assignment.

Anonymous said...

the 104th actually did something?

Jeff said...

On the one hand, I would love to see everyone who honks when there is a traffic delay get ticketed. It's adolescent and annoying. On the other hand, cops should be able to deal with irate citizens without physical violence.

Anonymous said...

When you speak about the NYPD you're speaking about the bottom of humanity.

Try the 109th precint, they're the worst of the worst of the worst of the worst of the worst of the worst!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

People who don't speak English well are more likely to be targeted, so his lack of English may have helped provoke the assailants

Anonymous said...

People who don't speak English well are more likely to be targeted, so his lack of English may have helped provoke the assailants
Or maybe it was his out-of-control behavior. I've seen cops trying to apprehend people who are so enraged that that they are flailing around all over the place, like a crazed animal. They end up doing more damage to themselves than the cops holding them down do to them.

Anonymous said...

I thought you guys said that the 104 are a bunch of lazy do-nothings. Well, here they are addressing one of your quality-of-life complanits.

georgetheatheist said...

There is a scientifically proven measure of time that is faster than the nanosecond.

It's the NYC time that transpires from when the red light turns to green and then someguy behind you honks his horn.


Anonymous said...

Yeah ,he accidentally hit the horn. I'm guessing he layed on the horn and took a major attitude after getting 2 tickets,the norm for non-english speaking savages. He escalated the situation and got what he deserved.This happened in broad daylight with numerous cars/ people witnessing the incident.Odd they have no witnesses.For the rest of you cop haters,please don't call 911 when you need help,call fat Al

Anonymous said...

As expected honking near a retirement home like the 104

Anonymous said...

Take the victim and the officers who pounded him in the concrete and send them all to Greenland.

Anonymous said...

I thought you guys said that the 104 are a bunch of lazy do-nothings. Well, here they are addressing one of your quality-of-life complanits.

Funny, but it must be the end of the month and they need to make thier quotas on tickets? The do nothing pigs are the dirt on the bottom of my shoe. The po po in the 104th pct. are living proof that assholes exsist....

Anonymous said...

For the rest of you cop haters,please don't call 911 when you need help,call fat Al
In case you have'nt heard but The Daily news called the 104th pct. and it rang 129 times. If I have to call 911 , I'd rather call fat Al.

Anonymous said...

Almost all of you here HATE cops but when something happens, you guys would be the first to call 911. 104 pct T/S munber is NOT 911, is for not emergencies and pleople call for the biggest nosense that's why its always busy. Motorist commited violation - cops took actions - motorist escalleted by challenging the officer and he ended up in hospital. YOU WILL NEVER WIN WITH THE POLICE, they are the biggest gang in NYC. So.. learn the rules/laws and then obey them and you will never have a problem with police. I have been living in NYC for 15 years, never had an issue with police.

Taxpayer said...

What rules do the police follow when encountering a deaf person?

Do the police expect deaf people to obey spoken commands?

How do the police know they are dealing with a deaf person?

How do the police know they are dealing with a non-English speaking person?

How do the police distinguish between the deaf and non-English speakers?

Honking the horn does not call for a violent response by police.

Did the police make any effort at all to understand the situation?

Isn't it natural for a person from a country where any encounter with any police is always trouble, to get upset or nervous in any police encounter?

Especially if the police demonstrate a tendency to violence?

Put me on the jury. I'll give the victim of this police brutality 10 billion dollars.

In the criminal trial, I'll put the police in jail.

Anonymous said...

I don't think the cops wait till the end of the month to write their tickets. If I were a cop, I would ba able to write about 50 a day in this city, no problem!

Anonymous said...

It always baffles me why people call the precincts instead of 911, and then complain that they can't get a cop to come to their big emergency.

Anonymous said...

The po po in the 104th pct. are living proof that assholes exsist....
I don't think it is possible to be able to enforce the law and have everyone like you. I admire the cops because they do what they know has to be done. They make what they know are going to be unpopular decisions, and they don't worry about what crybabies think, because they know they are doing what they are supposed to be doing.

Anonymous said...

wow first the man didn't look so bad in the hospital, didn't see anything but him handcuffed. but then the 104 pct may of taken it a bit too far. the man doesn't speak english, and they should of calmed him down instead of throwing him down to arrest him. the 104 pct does suck! they never answer the phones and are lazy. so i'm surprised they even did this!!!

Anonymous said...

looking closely at the drivers body photos ,i really did
not observe any signs of a bruises,cuts,
skin swelling,scabs etc. i will give the police officers the benefit of the doubt.
i was in traffic court for a seatbelt violation. an asian man ,with his interpreter,was claiming that he was not
speeding on Queens Blvd. and that the officer had
discriminated against him.the judge had his violation
record showed three speeding tickets at speeds over 80 mph. the judge revoked the asian man's license on the spot.
i was the only motorist dismissed,after waiting the entire session. the officer did not show up!!!

Anonymous said...

where is CM John C. Liu when you need him? he must
be investigating the SWEATSHOP industry in every
borough of n.y.c. .

Anonymous said...

I don't think it is possible to be able to enforce the law and have everyone like you. I admire the cops because they do what they know has to be done. They make what they know are going to be unpopular decisions, and they don't worry about what crybabies think, because they know they are doing what they are supposed to be doing
You must be related or dating a po po cause you are as much as an asshole as they are..... Please, if the po po cared anything other than collecting their pay and throwing their weight around when it comes to the citizens, maybe I would have some respect for them. But until that happens, I am sure there are alot of us who feel they are just ASSHOLES.

Anonymous said...

Cops are not joining because of the salary. They're megalomaniacs, control freaks and power hungry, angry individuals who never had any respect in their lives.

If you did not call 911 and a police officer encounters you, it's not in a cops best interest to keep you safe or free. They are there to harass you and find (or make up) any little thing to take you to jail.

Anonymous said...

How do the police know they are dealing with a deaf person?

How do the police know they are dealing with a non-English speaking person?

How do the police distinguish between the deaf and non-English speakers?
Do you think before you write?

Anonymous said...

No matter who's at fault, cops are to difuse situations, not help them to escalate. If there was a language barrier, call a cop who speaks the language in order to help. Incidents like this will result in lawsuits paid out by the city, and higher taxes for all to pay these bills.

Anonymous said...

You must be related or dating a po po cause you are as much as an asshole as they are..... Please, if the po po cared anything other than collecting their pay and throwing their weight around when it comes to the citizens, maybe I would have some respect for them. But until that happens, I am sure there are alot of us who feel they are just ASSHOLES.
And you must be one of those assholes who walk around the streets and hang out on the corners aimlessly, and get stopped by the cops and "harassed for no reason". Maybe it is your attitude that gets you in trouble with them. Judging from your comments here, you seem to have a very difficult time getting along with anyone. Sounds like your bad attidude gets your ass kicked regularly, and not just by the "po-po".

Anonymous said...

Undercover cops are even worse. With their tattoos and piercings, the not only look like gangstas, but behave like them, too.

Anonymous said...

Cops are not joining because of the salary. They're megalomaniacs, control freaks and power hungry, angry individuals who never had any respect in their lives.

you're right mosto f these cops are joing for the work experience so they can leave and serve at a better paying city with a better neighborhood when they rack up a few years of experience.

Anonymous said...

Put he blame where it belongs.Bberg runs the nypd like a business,it's all about revenue.Kelly the midget has lowered standards and demands his superior officers squash any index crime to a misdemeanor or a non-crime.blame the chiefs,not the indians.Remember,all promotions after Captain are not civil service,they are appointments.Some people will do whatever it takes for a promotion............

Taxpayer said...

Anon said:
"How do the police know they are dealing with a deaf person?

How do the police know they are dealing with a non-English speaking person?

How do the police distinguish between the deaf and non-English speakers?
Do you think before you write?"

- - -

So you cannot answer the questions?

Anonymous said...

So you cannot answer the questions?

Why don't you ask a cop or Bloomburg or Kelly to answer them. To me, your questions are just rhetorical blabberings.

Anonymous said...

This guy must be lying. We all know that cops from the 104 never get out of their cars unless its to get lunch.

Anonymous said...

Cops LIE! A police officer lied under oath about my "disorderly conduct". He lied through his teeth. Cops make me sick. They are the very people who probably couldn't add in school. Great, now we just give them guns. Cops are idiots. Some aren't, I'm sure. But too many re.

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