Saturday, August 1, 2009

Bloomberg on another term limits extension: "N.O."

From the Daily News:

Mayor Bloomberg said he "thought it was a joke" when NY1's Josh Robin asked yesterday if there's a "guarantee" the mayor won't seek a fourth term if he's successful in winning a third this fall.

"I couldn't believe it," Bloomberg told WOR's John Gambling during the duo's weekly radio show this morning, while stressing that he thinks Robin is "a nice guy."

While he didn't rule out the possibility when Robin posed his question, Bloomberg told said the answer "would be 'no' - N.O. Under any circumstances." (As the DN's Celeste Katz pointed out, this isn't the first time Bloomberg has been so emphatic on term limits).

"I'll work very hard for a third term, but 12 years would be quite enough," the mayor insisted.

"...I would be 71 and running. Not that there's anything wrong with that. But when I'm 71, I will have a different career. Hopefully not when I’m 67...I think there's a point at which you can't do anymore. You get tired and bored."


Anonymous said...

Yeah...sure...he thought it was a joke.

Emperor Bloomberg was just caught with his Napoleonic aspirations pants down again or he's beginning to lose his marbles!

He'd love to be crowned and draped in royal ermine while holding onto an orb and scepter.

Moronus doofus!

Kevin Walsh said...

When he says N.O. he means, in 5 years, you're a disgrace if you ask thim that sort of thing.

Snake Plissskin said...

I have an answer for this liar:


Taxpayer said...

We all now know that when the Commissar says "N.O.", he means business!

Should we take time to list all the statements this liar has made to emphasize his determination to not commit a crime, all while he's in the very act of committing it?

How about we say: "N.O." third term to the liar who broke the law to run for one?

Let's say: "N.O." to this lying jerk on election day.

Let's say "Y.E.S." to Tony Avella on election day.

Let's say "Y.E.S." to keeping our property, our money, our lives and most of all the health and welfare of our kids safe from this sociopathic liar!

Anonymous said...

That friggin' asswipe has a God complex...but he's the devil in disguise!

CJ said...

We were only kidding when we called you an evil megalomaniac. And one of us is lying.

Suzannah B. Troy artist said...
The New York Post editor is acting like a thug -- in today's editorial -- the editor asks us to help put yet another small business out of business -- to help evict a Mom and pop and their children --

Mike and his thugs want us all out of here -- one way tickets just like the homeless people if we are openly critical.
They guy called Quinn a whore and the editor is offended by the word whore but she and Bloobmerg are sell outs!

check both my blogs

Anonymous said...

Liar, Liar -- His pants are on fire!!

PizzaBagel said...

"...I would be 71 and running. Not that there's anything wrong with that. But when I'm 71, I will have a different career. Hopefully not when I’m 67...I think there's a point at which you can't do anymore. You get tired and bored."

Bloomberg at 71: "Ho hum. I'm bored with running this city into the ground. It's time for me to make a run for the Presidency -- and money is no option. (It never is, for me.)"

Nip him in the bud at 67 on November 3.

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