A Queens lawmaker under fire for living in a posh Long Island mansion instead of her district admits she has another problem - her "abysmal" attendance in Albany.
Assemblywoman Ann-Margaret Carrozza told the Daily News Editorial Board Monday that "personal issues" led her to show up for work just 36% of the time this year.
Carrozza, who pulls in a $79,500 annual base salary plus a $16,500 stipend as deputy majority whip, has attended 25 of 69 legislative session days this year, Assembly records show.
Last year, she made it to Albany 61% of the time.
"If I had to grade it," Carrozza said of her attendance, "I would say that the last two years were abysmal."
Invite Annie to rep Elmhurst - she is a real female - take her for mousey AC/DC?,M. Katz any day.
I am STILL waiting for someone to tell me one thing that she has done for her constituency. ANYTHING! Can she be impeached?
Nice suit. Is it tweed?
"I am STILL waiting for someone to tell me one thing that she has done for her constituency. ANYTHING! Can she be impeached?"
She's been a very cute representative from Bayside for all these years. Is that not enough?
How could she do anything when she is hardly ever in Albany?
Resign already!
Hey guys, I think she's advertising that she's "available", since she and her husband are now maintaining separate residences.
This is what happens when you live in a one party state.
Of course the newspapers will not report this.
Kind of explains why the boys tell you not to go on Crap. The only jerks that believe it are the apolitical Tower Kids living off your tax revenues.
She's not in my district, but I don't think it's wise to make rash judgments. We do not know what the personal issues are and they may be serious. I would give the situation some time.
I recall a entertainment channel making fun of Christina Applegate the actress for coming out of a plastic surgeon office. Only to find out a few date later she hate breast cancer and was there to find out about removal and reconstruction.
So we really don't know what her personal problems are, know one does but her.
Remember, you can't know someone problems unless you walk in their shoes.
So lighten up.
Lighten up? Why the hell should we? I do live in her district and she has deeply offended my neighbors and me by not doing her job. She also tried to double dip on the STAR program but she got caught! If she has so many personal problems that she is unable to do her job properly, she should damn well quit!!!
PS She's no Christina Applegate and your point was totally irrelevant.
In her defense... she is pretty hot.
I wasn't saying the she was Christina Applegate. I was saying the you do not know what her personal problems may be. She does not have to quit her job, would you want someone to make you quit your job(if you are employed) over personal problems. Leaves of absence are granted to other professions.
If you want someone else to represent you , then vote for someone else in the next election.
"She's not in my district, but I don't think it's wise to make rash judgments. We do not know what the personal issues are and they may be serious. I would give the situation some time.
I recall a entertainment channel making fun of Christina Applegate the actress for coming out of a plastic surgeon office. Only to find out a few date later she hate breast cancer and was there to find out about removal and reconstruction.
So we really don't know what her personal problems are, know one does but her.
Remember, you can't know someone problems unless you walk in their shoes.
So lighten up."
She's an elected official who is not living in her distirct and is not going to work. And she's a lawyer? Is she ignoring her private clients? why don't you tell them to lighten up. She is and should be held to a higher standard than someone who toils away in a factory and is too sick to come in. Troll!!!!!
"I wasn't saying the she was Christina Applegate. I was saying the you do not know what her personal problems may be. She does not have to quit her job, would you want someone to make you quit your job(if you are employed) over personal problems. Leaves of absence are granted to other professions.
If you want someone else to represent you , then vote for someone else in the next election."
You are am amazing asswipe!!! She was elected by a constituency who is not being served. This is not an ordinary job. Personally, I never voted for her and never will but that's beside the point. If she can't perform her duties she should quit. What part of she is wasting taxpayers' money don't you understand? Also, I feel that I am not represented in the NYS Assembly. Get it or get gone.
"Leaves of absence are granted to other professions."
Sure - but NOT to ELECTED OFFICALS! Why do you think they step down when something happens? Like an indictment? It's b/c they can't do their job! She's not doing her job - so step down!!!
What Long Island mansion ?
Its an average house, however it does sit on a NICE property with lots of green in Glen Head.
I beleive its her husbands he's had it for years.
Her house IS in Bayside.
Italian Girl- She curbed some tweeding in Little Neck with zoning.
She's not a bad person for a Democrat.
I know this for a fact since I hung out with her in the 80's before she was married.
Whats with all the stone throwing.
The F_ Mayor Baggie pants lives in Boston been scamming and screwing New Yorkers for years !!
Carrozza, 42, who has represented the 26th Assembly District since 1997, bought the mansion on Nassau County's Gold Coast in June 2008, taking out a mortgage for $1 million, property records show.
There goes that "her husband has owned it for years" argument...
"Italian Girl- She curbed some tweeding in Little Neck with zoning."
Yeah? I find that hard to believe, especially since zoning is not a state matter, is it? What has she done for the rest of her district? I suggest that you stop defending that loser because you will NEVER win!
"Whats with all the stone throwing."
Why not? She is disrespecting us by being a terrible elected official. I certainly think that we can use this blog to vent because the media won't tell the truth...just like you are trying to deceive Queens Crap readers. I guess you didn't take into account that we are smarter than the likes of you. If she can't take the heat, she should step out of the spotlight which, by the way, is not a bad thing for you to do as well.
It's kinda funny that she could be living it up in her fancy house in Glen Head and like a loser she has to live in that stupid condo for appearances.
I'll bet the reason her attendance was pathetic in Albany because she was likely renovating/decorating her new home which can be time-consuming and stressful.
What the hell is the matter with everyone? She doesn't live in the district she supposed to represent!
Neither does Joe Crowley. Are you stupid or don't believe the truth?
a blow job is sex, (Clinton), Glenhead is out of Bayside (Carossa), and Virginia is a different State that Queens & Bronx is not included,(Crowley).
There is no Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, or Tooth Fairy. All we have in Queens are Politicians who are screwing the people and getting paid! Get her out and let Joe Crowley follow. Time for a revolution.
There goes that "her husband has owned it for years" argument...
I read that Crappy it doesn’t mean SQUAT
1 -Consider the source
--The Daily News?
2-It’s not a mansion but typical 2 floor Colonial. (A little tacky with the brick Euro-fucco IMHO)
Husband bought it from his parents.
The Daily News as usual didn’t want to see certain facts to egg the sheeple on.
Its a shame how many sheeple read and beleive this rag.
That’s why Queens can’t use their brains and place people like Bloomberg and Katz in office.
They been spoon-fed sh*t so long they think its a meal.
To many sheep, to much brain atrophy
Speaking of true professional journalism It official this country no longer has any.
Walter Cronkite just bought the farm. Luckily NY-1's Jenifer Slaw I had the pleasure of speaking with him at the Hall of Science (when it was a Hall of Science) Rocket Park Re- Opening.
We also drove gold carts around the park to show him the old World Fair remnants. The things Walter spoke about especially the Apollo launches were just mindblowing.
(His assistant/nurse was pretty upset with us for for filling his request for the joyride)
This was some 3 years ago with .
- Nice guy.
Journalists these days have been reduced to PC Policed puppets whose strings are pulled (or snipped) by corporate interest.
Oh the thinks I saw and learned when I was a musician at NBC.
Almost everything you read is edited like a Canadian newspaper
"To many sheep, to much brain atrophy"
Hey Einstein...it is too not to! Who's atrophied now???!?!?!?
Anonymous #14 said: "She's not a bad person for a Democrat."
I love the qualification "for a Democrat." Kind of like the cream of the crap.
The Daily News hammered Annie in an editorial today (Saturday) called "Lost in Space":
What has she done for the rest of her district?
Exactly---She looks good and keeps her mouth shut.
We dont want Democrats to do ANYTHING !!
Change = Bad
If anything they could REVERSE BAD THINGS
In the bible in "End of Days" evil becomes good and good becomes evil.
Look at the activist sh*t judge Obama nominated to the Supreme Court.
The Dems are setting up the dominos to ram a French or Canadaian like doctrine down our throats.
Wait till the hate speech bill passes -- giving all the sodomites, perverts, freaks and illegal parasites special protection.
No more bright ideas from Democrats, they are best doing NOTHING !!
Between this site and others ,there's a lot of pissed off folks in this city.Even my 22 yr old super lib is having a fit 'cause she can't find a decent job. She regrets voting democrat and has gone from idealist to realist.
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