Thursday, July 23, 2009

Bloomberg: "Do as I say, not as I do"

From WCBS880:

Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who has pushed an ambitious green agenda and cast himself as a national environmental leader, routinely runs afoul of his own anti-pollution policy by letting his official SUVs idle, sometimes for more than an hour.

In spot checks over the past week, The Associated Press timed idling periods for the mayor's city-owned SUVs, which shuttle him around the city or trail him when he takes the subway. The parked vehicles idled at least eight times for periods of 10 minutes to over an hour.

The mayor earlier this year strengthened the city's anti-idling law, which allows three minutes of idling, into what advocates call the nation's toughest and promised a public-awareness campaign. The bill limited idling to one minute in school zones and mandated education for taxi driver applicants.

Bloomberg's SUVs are exempt from the law because they are considered emergency vehicles, but the city is trying reduce idling, spokesman Stu Loeser said Wednesday.

The SUVs have devices enabling heat and radios to run without the engine and are supposed to be parked in the shade when possible, Loeser said. Nearly every time the AP noted the idling vehicles, temperatures were mild and they were parked in the shade.


Anonymous said...

Wouldn't want those first grade Detctives to break a sweat now,would ya?

Anonymous said...

Waiting the Green Party to say something - but I bet they would not!

Bloomberg Lite I call them. I bet Bloomberg is supporting them knowing they will pull support away from Tony Avella.

Anonymous said...

Lets hear the waterfront groups or the bike nuts say something.

You, know, the ones that gets lots of support from him?

Anonymous said...

So even when the mayor takes the subway, he has his SUVs trailing him? Kinda defeats the purpose, don'tcha think?

Anonymous said...

If dat short white brother come through my hood on the "A" train...da Bloods kick his ass fo sure!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
If dat short white brother come through my hood on the "A" train...da Bloods kick his ass fo sure!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Right on, bro.

Say. Don't you know thast dialect went out with "Amos and Andy"?

Anonymous said...

Are there no limits to his hypocrisy?

Anonymous said...

sadly, it seems that there isn't. Maybe that is the one thing that will help the Mayor's opponents. The sheer lack of humility or sense of other people that the Mayor exhibits.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Folks - the rules don't apply to him. He's in charge, he's king and he can do whatever he wants to do. This is his domain. If someone disgrees with him, he'll just pay them off. Sad, but true. If you agree with me, please vote this creep out in the next election. If we don't get rid of him, you won't recognize this city. He will decimate it.

Anonymous said...

hmmm...why doesn't he take a bike?

If its good enough for the Queens of the Netherlands, its good enough for a self-styled Napoleon.

Anonymous said...

Hypocrisy is synonymous with poltics.

Chumley McSnide said...

Lets hear the waterfront groups or the bike nuts say something.

As a bike nut, I'll speak up here.
I'm disgusted. I've already let his campaign know he needs to put his money where his mouth is on jobs, and today I gave them a piece of my mind on this hypocrisy as well. Not only because of the idling, Bloomberg will not have my vote.

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