Monday, June 8, 2009

What horror - Hipsters forced to actually work!

From the NY Times:

Famed for its concentration of heavily subsidized 20-something residents — also nicknamed trust-funders or trustafarians — Williamsburg is showing signs of trouble. Parents whose money helped fuel one of the city’s most radical gentrifications in recent years have stopped buying their children new luxury condos, subsidizing rents and providing cash to spend at Bedford Avenue’s boutiques and coffee houses.

It can be hard to see the signs of financial troubles in Williamsburg because residents are so loath to show that they had money in the first place. Robert Lanham, author of “The Hipster Handbook,” said in an interview that many newer residents tried to blend in with the area’s gritty history and dressed “half the time like they’re homeless people.”

But parental help was obvious in the intersection of residents with low-paying jobs and $3,000-a-month apartments.

“You can put two and two together, that they have money coming in from somewhere else,” Mr. Lanham said.


Anonymous said...

Tsk, tsk, tsk...
imagine that soft milk skinned lovely hipster girl with callouses all over those dainty hands?

What a crime (heh, heh)!

Taxpayer said...

Some things never change.

Another generation of lazy, spoiled, trustfunders who claim to hate money, wealth and capitalism, but who always have money and wealth.

With zero plans to EVER part with any of it or their spoiled luxuries.

Anonymous said...

Cut the kids a break. Everyone in their twenties is not a "trustafarian" and starting out in the workforce with no money and few contacts is one of the hardest times in your life.

It's a shame that people are so divisive. They tell the older people that the kids are just rich bums, and they tell the kids that we baby boomers are unfairly holding on to the jobs they need.

Life is a struggle for everyone lately.

Anonymous said...

Goodbye hipster Williamsburg. Bring back the days of the REAL hardworking LEGAL immigrants, and the old gin mills they used to blow off steam in.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous Anonymous said...

Goodbye hipster Williamsburg. Bring back the days of the REAL hardworking LEGAL immigrants, and the old gin mills they used to blow off steam in.

Monday, June 08, 2009"


See, this is where most of you lot are just pissing in the wind.

It's never going back to those days. Without the hipsters there, it will go back to what is the current version of those days you long for. That is: some hard working legal immigrants, some hard working illegal immigrants, some crime-committing legal immigrants, some crime-committing illgal immigrants. They'll have their own version of gin mills as well.

Actually when you think about it, it's much closer to those days you long for than I initially thought...

...except the skin color of this current immigrant lot is most likely not to your liking.

eh, can't have everything, can you? Now fuck off with the rest of your lot to New Jersey and/or Long Island.

Anonymous said...

haven't you heard of credit cards?

Anonymous said...

Ha! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. I gotta say I was waiting for this moment.

And going out to "see this is where most of you lot is pissing in the wind". You may be right, but if I keep pissing in the wind I might get some on you. Don't give up hope, there still are a few "Legal" immigrants left in this city who are changing shit, even if it's this small...

Art-full Dodd-ger said...

No comment Wade?

Anonymous said...

...except the skin color of this current immigrant lot is most likely not to your liking.




Anonymous said...

Its funny, I always thought the
"gentrification" in North Williamsburg was fueled by very successfull young people with great jobs and hip independent lifestyles. Turns out, its all
an illusion, nothing more than a bunch of rich kids being subsidized by their parents! The whole concept of trying to turn Williamsburg into a "luxury" area was absolutely retarded in the first place. Bring it back to what it was, hard working, plain and simple. Not a hipster, or should I say, dispster paradise.

Anonymous said...

Please let me now when you have an article on corrupt politicians using our tax payer money like a sugar daddy or Gov Paterson's daddy getting big pay out from unions and like wow Gov Paterson happens to make sure the unions get everything they want...
no wonder these un hip politicians want to stay on and on....can anyone explain where all that slush money went, the mayors slush hand outs and Christine Quinn's scandal and again the tax payers are treated like a sugar daddy with her high priced defense attorney and her staffs as well...
I wish this was about corrupt politicians from up top to the low level screwing the people and confident no one will hold them accountable

Anonymous said...

These yuppie condo frontiers have their wine bars, and neuvo tapas bars to got to and could care less about politics. They love money which is very evident in that neck of Williamsburg with toddler shops and "antique" furniture shops.
90% of them are A political too or lean to the moderate right besides a few social issues.

Anonymous said...

Bring it back to what it was, hard working, plain and simple. Not a hipster, or should I say, dispster paradise.
Agreed. Unfortunately, those who disagree with this statement want to turn this into a discussion about how this will all backfire in the faces of us "Archie Bunkers", because the only hardworkers in NYC according to them are the new legal immigrants, who (shock) are of darker colored skin.

Anonymous said...

Our bloated, ever inflating economy was an attractive illusion until one fine day a pin pricked the balloon then...whoosh...REALITY
took it's place.

Now we've all got the sub-prime down in the cellar blues!

Anonymous said...

North Williamsburg, near Greenpoint has always been a majority white lower middle class, very solid neighborhood, where neighbors know eachother. Full of factories for the locals as well as yes, some immigrants. The factories closed, the white spoiled brat "artists"
(supported by their parents) invaded the area as they couldnt afford Manhattan and thus brought in a whole wave of gentrification. Yuppies as well as developers caught wind and thus the story goes. A very solid hard working white area has been transformed into a steaming pile of "neuvo riche" shit.

Anonymous said...

heard that same explanation about mummy and daddy footing all the bills for them a while ago,and am still fascinated
by this.
Guess it was/is the truth reading it again years later.

PizzaBagel said...

I knew something didn't add up money-wise with that bunch. One could only pull in so much as a barrista or a troubadour at some trendy hangout. And yet you'd see them at all hours of the day walking around carefree. No pressures of the world on them.

Well, the free ride is apparently over, kids. Better get crackin' and see what kind of real employment you're qualified for. I'm hoping to see a good number of them head back to their place of origin and leave what's left of Williamsburg to the long-timers. Gewd riddance!

linda said...

omg, mummy and daddy won't pay, am i suppose to feel sorry for them? get a real fucking job and start supporting yourself and stop expecting mummy and daddy. i have two boys and i teach them to do for themselves. no parent should spoil their children this way, all they will end up with is a bunch of spoiled cry babies. I would think you would teach your children to have respect for others and yourself. when you work and actually earn a paycheck you have self respect. old money should come into play later on in life, not at a young age...

Anonymous said...

Well, the free ride is apparently over, kids. Better get crackin' and see what kind of real employment you're qualified for. I'm hoping to see a good number of them head back to their place of origin and leave what's left of Williamsburg to the long-timers. Gewd riddance!
My sentiments exactly. May this be said for ALL of the new, unimproved homoginized NYC of the last decade!

Anonymous said...

This might be a blessing in disguise for these pampered little brats. In this economy, it is only a matter of time until the local denizens teach these little white-breds their low place on the urban food chain. If they have to get out of dodge now, they may very well spare their parents some funeral expenses.

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