“I don’t know why he did it. I had pickets outside my house for geese last night. We are sending some of these geese for well-deserved rest up in the sky, wherever geese go.
"But the bottom line is, we can make fun of the geese but they’re a danger to human beings flying. And we’re doing what's appropriate, and I’m sure what the president thought about was that particular fly might be spreading something like the H1N1 flu and he was going to risk his own life with hands - bare hands, without Purell - and he protected the public by hitting that fly, and we owe him a great debt of gratitude. I'm sure he’s laughing about it right now."
There's more from the NY Times:
After announcing a new plan to help Hispanic-owned businesses in Washington Heights, the mayor was asked about a report that the city intended to sell the Canarsie Cemetery in Brooklyn.
He seized the opportunity to crack a joke. “I didn’t know we were selling a cemetery. Is it full of people or is it empty?”
The room erupted into nervous laughter.
Upon deeper reflection, the mayor sought to clarify his remarks: “Our prayers go out to those who are in the Carnarsie Cemetery,” he said.
This is exactly how an empty-headed dullard speaks. He is so isolated from any reality, he speaks imbecilic gibberish.
He still cannot find anyone, anywhere on this planet who can control the geese without harm?
Because he won't look.
Because killing is his first and only instinct.
This creature has devised the final solution. Gassing his enemies, and then babbling like a blithering idiot about his joy.
Does the Commissar spend his evenings watching films of the geese in their final agony?
Let's put an end to his killing spree on September 15.
I've told you all many times before ...Mike's suffering from rich man's dementia!
That's what puts him out of touch with OUR real world.
Does NYC really need this effete senile mayor for another term?
I think not!
Gas the Kurds and gas those damn geese!
At precisely twelve midnight, after consuming about a half pound of fava beans, everyone aim their butts at hizzoner's townhouse and blow one big
harmonious one together on cue.
Gas his ass out of NYC!
Watch me on the steps of City Hall explain why we need to vote the little emperor of NYC out of office and vote for Tony Avella!
Watch my series and give me 5 stars!
Thanks Queens crap!
Suzannah B. Troy
"I didn't know we were selling Long Island City. Is it full of people or is it empty?"
Think about that Tower People when you tell others you 'improved' the community.
After announcing a new plan to help Hispanic-owned businesses in Washington Heights, the mayor was asked about a report that the city intended to sell the Canarsie Cemetery in Brooklyn.
He seized the opportunity to crack a joke. “I didn’t know we were selling a cemetery. Is it full of people or is it empty?”
is this troll for real? what the fuck! didn't know the city can sell a cemetery and not give a flying fuck that their are bodies there.... and to crack a joke and the media nervously laughs what the hell is wrong with everyone... why didn't the media attack him for this new one. i can't take it anymore "let gas his ass in november"
Yeah, he's not speaking well to the point. I'm a pilot. Geese are bad for aircraft. People get killed. Get rid of them ASAP. End of discussion.
home demo at 6pm today
Date: Friday, June 19, 2009
Time: 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Where: Bloomberg's Residence - 17 E. 79th St. (off 5th Ave)
If you cannot participate in the prote
Bloomberg is clearly demented.
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