Thursday, June 11, 2009

Thugs kill sleeping man in Flushing

From the NY Times:

Walking down a street in Flushing, Queens, long after the lights had come up on the Friday-night movie they had gone to see, a group of teenagers spotted a double-parked Lexus sport utility vehicle with a man asleep inside. The authorities said they hatched a plan to break into the S.U.V., put the man — a marketing executive for a Chinese-language newspaper — in a chokehold and steal his cash and car.

It was not the first time the youths had preyed on Asian men in Flushing, the authorities said, but this time it was more than robbery.

On Wednesday, two of the teenagers, Chris Levy, 17, of Harlem, and Cory Azor, 16, of East Elmhurst, Queens, were arraigned in Queens Criminal Court in the strangling of the man, David Kao, 49, early Saturday. Mr. Kao, 49, worked for The World Journal, which bills itself as the largest Chinese-language newspaper in North America.

A third suspect, Keron Wilthshire, 17, was charged with possession of stolen property, the Lexus.

If they only targeted Asians, then why were they not charged with a hate crime?


Captain Renault said...

Chris Levy, 17, of Harlem, and Cory Azor, 16, of East Elmhurst, Queens, were arraigned in Queens Criminal Court in the strangling of the man

The usual suspects!

Bring back "The Chair"!

Condolences to the family of David Kao, RIP.......

Anonymous said...

Levy? A usual suspect???

Captain Renault said...

Levy? A usual suspect???

Do you seriously think there are many Jews named Chris Levy living in Harlem?

When Captain Renault was in police school at the Académie Gendarmerie Nationale, one of the things he learned is that stereotypes are usually grounded in fact. The second thing, is that sometimes appearances may be deceiving.

Anonymous said...

They were not charged a hate crime because they were likley Black. I heard of Black Levy's.

Only white people get hit with Hate Crime and madia attention.
Interesting if they are black, have to keep checking

Queens Crapper said...

They certainly look black in this report.

Maybe a real racist assumes the last name "Levy" means they gotta be Jewish.

Anonymous said...

If DA Brown doesn't have the courage to call this a hate crime, he should be voted out. Justice shouldn't be about political correctness.

Anonymous said...

After watching the channel 7 video, I couldn't help but wonder if the "World Journal" has a thing against hiring non-asian employees. They even have a Kim Jong-il lookalike working there. I think the office of equal employment should look into this.

Anonymous said...

Maybe a real racist assumes the last name "Levy" means they gotta be Jewish.

maybe somebody was being sarcastic?

Anonymous said...

"It was not the first time the youths had preyed on Asian men in Flushing, the authorities said, but this time it was more than robbery."

That's what i don't understand at all. Why were they out on the street?

Anonymous said...

Yep they are all Black.
One even confessed and ratted on the 2 others that it was racial !

That chicken shit DA Brown has a problem with his job and needs to be removed.

Let me get this right:
White man/homless fire = 10 years
Georgian/DWI 2X Murder = 2-1/2 years

Wade Nichols said...

After watching the channel 7 video, I couldn't help but wonder if the "World Journal" has a thing against hiring non-asian employees. They even have a Kim Jong-il lookalike working there. I think the office of equal employment should look into this.

If you're trying to be funny, it ain't working!

The stupidity never ceases!

There's a reason why the World Journal only hires people that look like Jackie Chan and Kim Jong-Il. Maybe it's because people that look like Bruce Lee tend to speak Chinese. The World Journal is a Chinese language newspaper.

I'm sure they would love to hire someone who looks like Obama. Problem is, there ain't many people who look like Al Sharpton that speak Chinese. You can count them on one hand.

Taxpayer said...

"After watching the channel 7 video, I couldn't help but wonder if the "World Journal" has a thing against hiring non-asian employees. They even have a Kim Jong-il lookalike working there."

If you know any non-Asian people capable of working for a Chinese language newspaper, have them prepare a resume - in Chinese, naturally.

Your Kim-Jong Il comment indicates that you are just one more "They all look alike" racist.

-Joe said...

Bring back "The Chair"!

Exactly !!!
The system is all screwed up !
About 4 years ago this old bitch Judge Judy type at jury duty wanted to put me on a 2-3 week case mugging case where an old man was put in a coma. It made no difference to her being self employed it cost me thousands $$.
She told me "that's nice" why are you wearing one Red and On green sneaker ?
I told the Judge I sometimes get confused.---well damn that didn't work too

i finally had to say you dont need an expensive 2-3 week trial judge ??
Look at this guy, I grew up in Bushwick and seen plenty like him. I don't need to listen to a 3 week trial driven by lawyers.

I went on a rant telling her I have an engineering degree. I rather buy I come back here with a transformer, wooden chair and some wire lets just fry the guy.
I'm self employed 3 weeks here could break me will pay for the materials and "Cleanup"

The judge took me up on the "offer to provide a service to the county" but on her terms.
I got contempt of court 3 days sweeping garbage in an orange corrections vest at some slum Roosevelt.

It was pretty interesting, I actually liked it. I met a lot of interesting people and it went fast.

Justice...There is no Justice. Just appointed tower people by tower people behind desks

Anonymous said...

Your Kim-Jong Il comment indicates that you are just one more "They all look alike" racist.
Hey asswipe, before you go barking up the tired old racism angle, try watching the eyewitness news video. One of the deceased's colleagues, one Ryan Chang happens to bear a VERY strong resemblence to the North Korean dictator. Baseless accusations of racism aren't going to change that.

Anonymous said...

There's a reason why the World Journal only hires people that look like Jackie Chan and Kim Jong-Il. Maybe it's because people that look like Bruce Lee tend to speak Chinese. The World Journal is a Chinese language newspaper.
Yet every english speaking company in this country has to bend over backwards to accomidate non-english speakers. And I get labeled a racist for simply pointing out a blatant double standard.

Anonymous said...

Levy is also French Caribbean as "Lévy"
It was an abundant slave surname suger cane trade.

Louisiana also has many names like Lefwi, Laevius, LeVee and around Lévy

Anonymous said...

Maybe we should not tie up the court wondering whether it was a "hate crime" or not, and just recognize that Felony Murder is murder with special circumstances and is as serious as it gets.

Anonymous said...

What was his relation to Johnny boy Liu

Anonymous said...

What was his relation to Johnny boy Liu

Anonymous said...

What was his relation to Johnny boy Liu

Anonymous said...

"What was his relation to Johnny boy Liu"

You realize when you ask a question like this, it makes you look stupid.

Anonymous said...

I like how the mother of the murderer is wearing a lexus cap

Good to see what values she put into him wasn't lost, at least he murdered to get a lexus

Anonymous said...

It's amazing that these savages have no idea the difference between right and wrong.As far as them "going aftert asians",the predators are victimizing immigrants of all races because many fear the police.

Anonymous said...

This is nothing !

In 2-5 years the citys going to have around a half million more just like them if not worse.
Ask any NYC school teacher.

Ohhh Boy, wait till this winter !

Anonymous said...

Yes, in addition to fearing police, the Asians are physically smaller and some are new arrivals who would have trouble communicating with English speaking good samaritans.

Bullies everywhere know how to spot the timid and the week and that's who they home in on.

I hope the next Asian they pick knows ten martial arts and beats them like a drum.

Anonymous said...

Joe, I would have dismissed you from jury duty as soon as you stepped off of your short bus.
You'll always get a pass from me sir.

Anonymous said...

Poor soul. Rest in peace. A tragedy for his family.

I'm fearful of nodding off in the subway during the wee hours.

I'd never sleep in my car.

Anonymous said...

animals, plain and simple. and the mother clearly knows her son is a murderer based on her reaction. will be interesting to see how brown plays this given the obvious racial targeting. fair is fair, hate crimes should not only be applied against white people.

Anonymous said...

No being a cowardly P@ssy isn't a hate crime. They went after him because he was small and they were gutless.

Welcome to Rikers where they can get a proper welcome.

Anonymous said...

F all yall who are bad-mouthing Chris & Cory. It wasn't a hate crime, they were in flushing, otherwise known as the chinatown of queens, who else would they rob.? & they didnt mean to kill him. The guy was intoxicated so he couldn't take the trauma to his head.

Anonymous said...

One was hispanic and they lived in a asian neighborhood. They were not racial against asian people. Flushing is majority asain people. Don't believe everything you read.

Anonymous said...

The guy was extremely intoxicated, he was drunk he was not just taking a nap. They had no intensions on killing him. They were not racist.

Anonymous said...

Not racist. Just very wicked and very cowardly. Felony murder is first degree murder, murder with special circumstances. It is the appropriate charge and I hope that it is applied.

How dare anyone excuse this as "only a robbery." My mother had her head split open in "only a robbery" and in her addled state she walked home a mile bleeding. She was lucky not to die.

Those creeps deserve what they get.

Anonymous said...

first of all fuck all of yall. i know cory and keron the third person ok these kids that are teenager did not mean to kill this man they probly meant to rob him but not go that far as killing him .the guy was sleeping and drunk cmon of course hes gonna die he died after they droped him of because he had a pulse. and of course he was chinese its fuckin fluching cmon asian central chinatown. i know its fucked up to the guys life they just ruined but cmon ur ruining more lives by giving these boys 25 to life in prison there sentence should be lessened and tryed as minors. like cmon its not a hate crime it was just a late night in town hangin around seein what to so and just happened to rob and unfortunately led to murder. it all probly happened in a matter of couple minutes. funny how ur life changes in a minute but theyre good do fuck all of u

NWA said...

I can't believe people actually are saying that this man's death was somehow less tragic because he was drunk. A tenet of law is you take your victim as you find them. Maybe Chrissy and Corrine should have picked a less fragile victim.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Cory and Keron's posse found their way to our little neck of the woods. And by their attitudes, it looks like it is only a matter of time before they find themselves reunited with their boyz in orange jumpsuits. Rikers Island, holla out yo!

Anonymous said...

No F*ck you. Those two boys are cowardly murderers. There is no constitutional right to rob anyone and if an Asian neighbor with a weapon or fighting skills broke them up or murdered them instead it would be justified.

People who excuse evil are evil themselves. They set bad examples. It says in the bible, "as ye sow, so shall ye reap." Also, "the way of the wicked shall not prosper." You are not "f*cking us" but you are trying to "f*ck" God and he will get the last laugh on all of you.

Anonymous said...

the crazy thing about this whole mess is i know chris and cory and they did the same thing to me thank god im not too old and know how to fight or it would have probally been my life.

Anonymous said...

I know them too without ever meeting them. Their face is the face of every cowardly predator to disgrace the earth.

Even an armed robber is entitled to some grudging respect because that takes balls.

Two hulking teenages drunk-rolling a tiny Asian man and using enough force in the process to kill him are the lowest of the low. Only child molesters and rapists are worse.

Anonymous said...

"like cmon its not a hate crime it was just a late night in town hangin around seein what to so and just happened to rob and unfortunately led to murder."

that is the most retarded-ass ignorant comment i've ever heard. "just happened to rob". now i know y'all black youth were raised wrong. when robbing becomes a casual hobby.

hey, what did you do after school yesterday?

did my homework, played some ball, robbed someone, ate dinner, played some xbox

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