Monday, June 1, 2009

Things looking up in Bayside church fight

From the Times Ledger:

A group of 17 Bayside families has filed a lawsuit against the developer of a Korean church being constructed on 210th Street on the grounds that the structure would not comply with the city’s zoning and administrative codes.

In addition, City Councilman Tony Avella (D−Bayside) said the Emigrant Mortgage Co., which provided the loan for the church, plans to begin foreclosure proceedings at the site.


Honest Citizen said...


Anonymous said...

I think Iannece is right. This project is "as of right". What the need to change are the laws covering community facilities. This is going to go on and on.
Asians(building churches) are probably starting to realize that as they move east, they are going to find greater opposition to their churches.

Anonymous said...

Way to go!

The mortgage holder, or the insurance company (if you can find out who they are), is the best way to get any action.

By the time you wait for DOB...Elephants will be growing wings!

I've been telling this to the overly polite, backward Broadway Flushing Homeowners Association for years now.

Anonymous said...

Iannece is on the payroll of developers.

He represents builders..."Italian girl". Wise up all of you!

Unfortunately I'm going to find myself being forced to vote for Paul Vallone instead of that smarmy smiling chooch Jerry!

Steve Behar, probably the best bet to replace Avella, is a total shadow figure with no brand identity on the supermarket shelf of politics.

Better get out there Steve and make yourself known!

Vallone has already plastered his campaign posters all over the place already!

Where's yours?

I think, unfortunately, that Behar is "unelectable".

Anonymous said...

Is Avella grandstanding with unwinable causes like Don Quixote again if tis is truly an "as of right" project?

panzer65 said...

To the Korean church: The old St. Saviours church site in Maspeth that was abandoned by some other Korean "church" still sits empty minus the trees...

Anonymous said...

Oh let those smug Baysiders get f----d up the --- for a change!

It will give them a sense of sympathy with us Flushingites!

Time for their turn in the barrel!

Queens Crapper said...

Building a church in a residential zone is "as-of-right." Building it without the required parking is not.

Anonymous said...

"Building a church in a residential zone is "as-of-right." Building it without the required parking is not."

Thanks Crappy! Now I understand what is happening in Liu's council district.

Anonymous said...

"He represents builders..."Italian girl". Wise up all of you!"

You're probably right. But he's telling the truth.
I hope they can fight this project. I know the street and it's a shame to see it crappified.

"Oh let those smug Baysiders get f----d up the --- for a change!"

Nice attitude.

From what I understand, a church must provide parking when it has seats that are bolted in. If they use folding chairs, don't need parking.
Makes sense, right?

Anonymous said...

K girls are hot.

Anonymous said...

yeah Vallone has his poster plastered on construction sites. what an idiot !

Anonymous said...

Vallone's posters are plastered EVERYWHERE!!!!

Anonymous said...

yeah Vallone has his poster plastered on construction sites. what an idiot !

Vallone's posters are plastered EVERYWHERE!!!!

Complain to CB#7. Ask for Chuckie. Or call up the Vallone campaign office. Ask for Chuckie.

Anonymous said...

whos chuckie?

Anonymous said...

Well that part's true "Italian girl".

For years Baysiders thought their shit was ice cream and never supported their surrounding nabes even though those same surrounding nabes came to Bayside's aid on numerous occasions!

Payback is a bitch!

Anonymous said...

But even you have to admit Bayside IS nicer than Flushing.

Anonymous said...

"Building a church in a residential zone is "as-of-right." Building it without the required parking is not." The zoning allows for a waiver of an amount of spaces below a minimum number. In this district it is 10 cars. This building requires less than 10 cars therefore it does not need parking. There was no variance, no illegality. Do not be upset at the church for building something within the guidelines of the zoning.

Abused Taxpayer said...

One issue that needs researching is to determine when there is an oversaturation of "community facilities" to the extent that the tax emempt status impacts the amount of property taxes that everyone else must pay to make up the difference.

Anonymous said...

Far nicer than downtown Flushing maybe..."Italian girl"...but
the good parts of the Broadway/Murray Hill/Auburndale area is comparable to the good parts of

Anonymous said...

And where is the waiver then?

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