Friday, June 12, 2009

Retired tweeders costing taxpayers loads of $$$

From the NY Post:

Pension costs for elected politicians, mayoral appointees and their staffers are forecast to shoot up 26 percent over the next five years, according to city budget data, with top officials cashing out for yearly sums at or near six figures.

These appointees, ex-council members, city commissioners and their aides required a taxpayer infusion of $57.9 million this year to cover their retirement benefits.

That number will grow to $73.9 million by 2013 -- a hefty 9 percent of the city's total obligations.

By 2010, the city's entire pension burden will be $7.8 billion, or 11 percent of the projected $70 billion budget.

Pols and their staffers can receive an early retirement at age 55 and full benefits at age 62.


Anonymous said...

Bloomturd's buddies must continue to live in the manner at which they are accustomed. You gotta a problem wid dat?

Anonymous said...

Do what they do in the private sector - eliminate pensions - period!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The "Vallone & Vallone" law firm advertises in Italian language newspapers that are distributed overseas in Italy as well!

Those f-----g dons don't need a city pension!

Anonymous said...

Great idea #2...
Bloomberg is always pushing for privatization.

Trim the fat off those bastards' pensions right down to the basic bones or let that multi billionaire pay them out of his own pocket!

Anonymous said...

La Famiglia Di Vallone...long established city milkers!

Anonymous said...

All the retired city workers are costing taxpayers a ton.

Anonymous said...

Robbing Peter to pay Paul?

Anonymous said...

I want to see the lists. The Lists! How much are these bastards taking from us? Transparency!!! Where? How?

Anonymous said...

All the retired city workers are costing taxpayers a ton.

And I laugh all the way to the bank.

Anonymous said...

All the retired city workers are costing taxpayers a ton.

And I laugh all the way to the bank.

At first I thought that this was from Gene Kelty but then I saw that it said retired and not retarded. Sorry. My bad.

Anonymous said...

Pensions are not funded by taxpayers, they are funded by employees who (for the most part) make less than they would in the private sector.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, sure Peter Vallone Jr. You would make more in the private sector. Sure. Thats why you and that goomba brother of yours, Paulie the Brainless Wonder, cant even make a living at a law firm your father handed to you. Yeah, hair transplant Peter, the private sector is screaming for you.

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