Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Relative of Assemblymember and Councilmember arrested for embezzlement

From the NY Post:

The nephew of a Bronx City Councilwoman and his associate were arrested today for stealing federal money from a non-profit to go on an expensive shopping spree, pay for trips to Puerto Rico and donate to political campaigns, the Department of Investigation charged today.

Richard Izquierdo, the nephew of City Councilwoman Maria del Carmen Arroyo and the grandson of Assemblywoman Carmen Arroyo, and his business partner Margarita Villegas were charged with embezzling $200,000 from the South Bronx Community Corp., a non-profit that helps low-income disabled and elderly tenants, DOI said.

They also are accused of spending $48,000 on travel expenses, including trips for the councilwoman; $34,000 on car rentals and $5,500 on florists.

They used the non-profit's money to make campaign contributions to the councilwoman's mother, Assemblywoman Carmen Arroyo (D-Bronx) and paid $3,800 to install floors in her district office.

So why haven't the pols been arrested, too?

More from the Daily News.


Anonymous said...

Relative of me was Jesus. Where's my heavenly bailout?

Anonymous said...

The Councilwoman will no doubt plead ignorance, and who could argue with that?

Anonymous said...

Isn't the corruption getting a little ridiculous already? They're so open about it.

linda said...

this bitch was at the council meeting and questioning us why we didn't want a school and the "best" we should thank liz crowley for fighting for us, to have a local school, HA! arrest her along with her family, a bunch of fxxking lying crooks. OH PLEASE DON'T JUDGE US WHITE FOLKS.... where's MR BARRON I hope he's next. please lets get rid of these bastards.

Anonymous said...

Barron is on the down low........

Anonymous said...

Ay Caramba!!!

Dios Mio!

Anonymous said...

I wonder who else is behind this. Richard Izquierdo Chariperson of the SBCSICA charter school and Margarita Villegas President of the Alturo Benitz League. Both Board members of Victory Schools. Crooks running our kids school.... Has anybody investigated Evelyn Hey????? Principal of SBCSICA.... How embarrassing!!!!

linda said...

lmao, barron's on a low down, bet he is... everyone is so sick of all of the council crooks and after he called me and my neighbors a bunch of white racist folks, i want his black ass on a plate. there! now i'm just like you mr. barron.....

Anonymous said...


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