Saturday, June 13, 2009

Plover babies hatch at Riis Park

From Citybirder:

Piping Plovers are relatively common along that stretch of coast, but what I didn't expect was to see two, absolutely minuscule hatchlings following the adults piping calls. My words cannot sufficiently describe these diminutive creatures. They seem to defy all odds as they saunter along the beach, feeding themselves while avoiding predators and gargantuan human sun worshipers. Adult Piping Plovers weigh, on average, 55 grams.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love them. Obviously no identification of where to keep idiots at bay.

If you see them, respect their space so they don't abandon nests. Don't let your dogs on restricted beaches or ride your car there.

The maximum fine is $25,000, although I don't know how often it is assessed.

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