Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Please pass the barf bag...

From Newsday:

Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who's sometimes perceived as cold and unfriendly, sought to warm up his image at an event with women voters on Monday.

Bloomberg, a divorced billionaire who has two grown daughters, sat on a stage bathed in purple light next to a bouquet of flowers and took questions from the invited audience. He sought to emphasize his family side, starting with an introduction from his 30-year-old daughter, Emma.

"He loves this city, and no one will work harder for us and achieve more for us," she said.

The 67-year-old mayor also made sure to mention that he had just spoken with his 100-year-old mother on the phone as he headed to the event. He joked that she doesn't work in his administration because "she's got too many other things to do."

Better make it an extra large barf bag...


Anonymous said...

is this the baby that Bloomberg told his female employee to abort?

Anonymous said...

Bloomberg is NOT AN INDEPENDENT, stupid dumb people. Bloomberg plays the partisan game and his deputy mayor Quinn has deliver to the king a 3rd term. Leonora fulini sat on the steps of City halls and stated how appalled she was with Bloomberg lack of reform and his bill to extend term limits without a public referendum. She stated how Bloomberg will not have her party endorsement on those steps at the hearing for the term limit bill. Shame on her. She is a SELL_OUT. She has no shame to sell out her beliefs to Master Bloomberg. fuck her.

Sarah said...

Money, lots of money, that's the new apple.

georgetheatheist said...

Barack Obama is the Foreign Occupier in the Oval Office.

Obama show us your real birth certificate stashed in the vaults of Hawaii. What are you hiding from the American people? You've already spent $900,000.00 on lawyers keeping it under wraps.

PizzaBagel said...

So now he has one of his daughters shilling for his campaign, under the guise that she speaks for all women NYC voters?

And the story states that he was "bathed in purple light." What? Focus groups and extensive polling determined that pink light would have been too obvious a grab for female votes? But to his credit he did stick with the flowers. I'm sure that he didn't skimp on the bougainvillea and the baby's breath. You go, girl!

Anonymous said...

Barf bag?

I just pulled out a 30 gallon lawn & leaf bag!

You really need a mega-vomit sack for this one!

Anonymous said...

Bloomberg is independently wealthy though!

Anonymous said...

Oh "George" get off your (yawn) same old same...old Obama track 'n move to Idaho posse-ville where "real" Americans' family trees don't fork, 'n first cousins of the male gender butt f--k each other when the female ones won't give 'em snatch!

NRA all the way or Not Responsible Anymore!

Brain's stuck on rerun!

Anonymous said...

georgethefetishist, you don't have to continue questioning Obama's citizenship to get attention. You're already the last person on earth to buy the Ayn Rand philosogizing.

georgetheatheist said...

(yawn)..your yawning is so boring and old hat...(yawn)...Giddyap horses! Leave the mangy curs to their howling and baying...My caravan moves on.

Anonymous said...

georgetheatheist said...
(yawn)..your yawning is so boring and old hat...(yawn)...Giddyap horses! Leave the mangy curs to their howling and baying...My caravan moves on.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Don't forget to wear your tin foil hat when you move on, George. You need protection from the gamma rays.

"Paranoia strikes deep"--Stephen Stills

Anonymous said...

Hey Atheist,

Take your stale Rand worshipping shtick and get that caravan moving far, far away from the administration you so revile. Good riddance.

BTW, wasn't that Melinda Katz's al=purpose prop kid that Bloomturd is cuddling?

Anonymous said...

"Atlas Shrugged" hs exploded in popularity in recent months. Book sales are higher than at any time in the novel's 52-year history.

This school year, the Ayn Rand Institute shipped 350,000 free copies of Anthem, the Fountainhead, and Atlas Shrugged to high school teachers across North America. The ARI estimates that more than 1 million students studied Atlas Shrugged in 25,000 classrooms last year.

32,000 teachers and 1.4 million students have participated in the program.

Reports from trade sources indicate that consumer purchases of Atlas Shrugged have tripled in the first 4 months of 2009 compared to the same period last year.

More than 6,500,000 copies of Atlas Shrugged have been sold to date.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"Atlas Shrugged" hs exploded in popularity in recent months. Book sales are higher than at any time in the novel's 52-year history.

This school year, the Ayn Rand Institute shipped 350,000 free copies of Anthem, the Fountainhead, and Atlas Shrugged to high school teachers across North America. The ARI estimates that more than 1 million students studied Atlas Shrugged in 25,000 classrooms last year.

32,000 teachers and 1.4 million students have participated in the program.

Reports from trade sources indicate that consumer purchases of Atlas Shrugged have tripled in the first 4 months of 2009 compared to the same period last year.

More than 6,500,000 copies of Atlas Shrugged have been sold to date.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

And they've sold a lot of copies of the paintings of the dogs playing poker as well.

Queens Crapper said...

Dogs playing poker was also shipped to schools? Wow. Well, that would explain the state of our public school system. Klein's gotta go.

georgetheatheist said...

I say "curs". You say "paintings of dogs".

You see, you live for my every rumination. I control your thought process. Monkey see; monkey do. I pull the strings, puppet.

Anonymous said...

georgetheatheist said...
I say "curs". You say "paintings of dogs".

You see, you live for my every rumination. I control your thought process. Monkey see; monkey do. I pull the strings, puppet.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
A wingnut with delusions of power who needs desperately to get a life.

CJ said...

I'll bet they had to photoshop that smile on his face. Is that phoney or what?

georgetheatheist said...

I need a life? Moi? You respond to me. Look in the mirror.

Anonymous said...

georgetheatheist said...
I need a life? Moi? You respond to me. Look in the mirror.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
And you responded to me. Your point being?

georgetheatheist said...

My point, puppet, is you've got a point on top of your head.

Anonymous said...

georgetheatheist said...
My point, puppet, is you've got a point on top of your head.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
And my point being that you're a paranoid wingnut.

Anonymous said...

"Atlas Shrugged" hs exploded in popularity in recent months.

Well, between foisting 350,000 copies on schools, and the ARI re-purchases of the book, it's no wonder!

You know, L. Ron Hubbard's group does the same exact thing to keep Dianetics "up" in sales. They surreptitiously purhase copies off bookstore shelves and hand them out in places like the subway at Times Square.

Rand worship = Scientology

Anonymous said...

The Ayn Rand Institute does not re-purchase the books. They are disseminated through the largess of members' contributions.

There is no "cult" of Rand. Objectivism is a philosophical movement.

Anonymous said...

If you cover over Bloomberg's pasted on smile with your hand you'll soon discover that his eyes aren't smiling...in fact his right eye is squinting.


He looks as happy as if he were holding a leaking sack full of shit!

(Ha, ha) our poor mayor works so hard trying to improve his cold, aloof image.

Quick...somebody summon "Batman".

Light up the bat signal beacon...Bloomberg's really "The Joker"!

Anonymous said...

"Old hat"?

You must be way past 55 to use such an antiquated term.

Don't spar with me. I've got a good classical eduction too!

Next time I'll fart instead of yawning just to please you by George!

But we must both agree on what sound I should use.

How about"p-p-p-p-p-f-f-f" for a small one?

Anonymous said...

Instead of getting out there to become a master of the universe in order to follow the trash barfed out by his heroine, George sits on his poor old ass in front of a computer in Queens, deluded in the sense that he thinks he's setting the world afire. All you people with nary a pot to piss in all fancy "The Virtue of Selfishness" whilst you cannot even pay your bills. Tell me, who's deluded here?

Queens Crapper said...

Why do you assume we cannot pay our bills? I certainly don't have that problem.

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