Tuesday, June 9, 2009

OT draining the MTA coffers

From the NY Post:

While straphangers suffer from higher fares and decreased services, six grease monkeys at a Long Island Rail Road maintenance facility in Queens ratcheted up their incomes by more than three times their base salaries through enormous amounts of overtime and other perks in 2008, according to payroll records obtained by The Post.

The mechanics, all union members, each easily cleared more than $200,000 in income last year -- for a grand total of $1.5 million -- giving well-paid MTA suits a run for their money.

The biggest payday went to Ronald Dunne, a car repairman who pulled down a staggering $283,373 in total compensation, making him the fifth-highest-paid employee in the entire transit system. Only MTA head Eliot Sander -- who made $364,989 in salary and perks -- and the presidents of the LIRR, New York City Transit, and the Bridges and Tunnels division made more.

Dunne's base salary was $62,976 but, incredibly, he hauled in an additional $220,397, mostly from overtime.


Anonymous said...

The cops do the same thing with DWIs.
They simply hang out near a bar at the end of the shift and pop somebody coming out.

It takes an average of 4 to do paperwork & process somebody.

Four a week = 200K+ a year easy

Anonymous said...

don't we want the trains to be safe?
reminder - when the MTA was testing out the train to the plane, two employees inside the train died. this delayed the opening of the train direct to JFK

when the subway workers first organized going on strike, management took over running the trains. The suit at the wheels caused a train crash the minute he got on board, killing & injuring a train load of passengers.

we all should be making these kinds of salaries, working together to get them, not working against each other

I'm amazed by the anti worker attitude in the papers.

Anonymous said...

why give it all to 1 guy hire new employess and to the previous post wait till this guy retires and we have to pay his pension based on his salary for 10 to 20 years thats why the car companies collapsed u think this is any different

Anonymous said...

the TWU is a cancer

these people and their apologists (like comment #2) disguist me

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
don't we want the trains to be safe?
reminder - when the MTA was testing out the train to the plane, two employees inside the train died. this delayed the opening of the train direct to JFK

That was the Port Authority. The MTA doesn't operate the Air Train.

Anonymous said...

Actually it was neither. The company involved was Slattery, the Construction Contractor. This incident took place before the train was even online.

The JFK train was designed to be automated, so the death occurred when the train was not being operated as designed.

I was an office manager on the project, but I left for another job before the tragedy occurred.

Anonymous said...

the TWU is a cancer
What do you expect from a IA run by West Indies gang of racketeers & criminals.
Arent Mafia's illegal ?

Anonymous said...

Jesus, Joseph and Mary...they make more than President Obama!

No wonder the MTA has had to bamboozle their way to a fare increase!

Anonymous said...

And the former president of the LIRR is now acting head of the MTA!

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