Saturday, June 6, 2009

Ognibene, civics file suit vs. SCA

From the Forum West:

Middle Village attorney Thomas Ognibene has joined up with two local civic groups to file a lawsuit against the School Construction Authority to prevent the city from immediately moving forward with its Maspeth high school project.

Thomas Ognibene, who is running for City Council in November, announced on Monday that he has joined up with civic groups Communities of Maspeth and Elmhurst Together and the Juniper Park Civic Association to file the lawsuit. The civic group’s participation was necessary, he said, in order to give the lawsuit standing – something he expects the SCA to challenge instead of addressing the “substantive issues.”

“The primary goal is to ensure that kids don’t wind up going to school in a highly-toxic environment,” said Ognibene of the lawsuit’s intent. “Unfortunately, the City Council should have stopped this – that’s why we have a City Council.” He accused the DOE of providing the City Council with a “false and misleading report” and said the public was left with no alternative other than filing the lawsuit.

The City Council voted 38 to 10 in April to approve the Department of Education’s plan for a 1,100 seat high school on the former Restaurant Depot site at 74th Street and 57th Avenue. The vote came despite overwhelming opposition from Councilwoman Elizabeth Crowley (D-Middle Village), who voted against the plan, and local residents. The civic groups charge that it wasn’t until after that vote that the full extent of the site’s contamination was revealed to the public. Last month the city paid $16,250,000 for the site, which was recently listed for $15 million.


Anonymous said...

PHONEY! Will never forget when at City Hall during the Lead Paint Law Hearings, Ognibene voted against it and said "It was not needed mothers just had vacumn more" I wanted leap off the balcony and throtle him.

Anonymous said...

What does that have to do with the SCA?

Anonymous said...

If he can get this High School deal squashed, he has my vote. They want to build this on a toxic site and nobody cares. At least the civics realize this and I'm glad he is willing to fight for the people of Maspeth and Middle Village.

linda said...

sca took the property and paid well over the asking price... they also covered up the fact the property has contamination. if ogibene, comet, juniper park and etc can stop this, well i'll be the first to say thank you.

i don't want mercury venting into my backyard......

was at that meeting and i was so happy to hear finally something will be filed against the city.
i also learned that night 19 schools have problems with contamination. we need to stop the city from doing this.

Anonymous said...

What does that have to do with the SCA?

I guess you don't know that lead paint is toxic - causes permanent brain damege to children. That is also why you elect worthless people. They can say one one day and say something totslly opposite the next and you believe it

Short memorary problem or do hear only what you want to hear?

As others have said "You deserve what you get". But not the children.

Anonymous said...

He's got my vote... = )

Anonymous said...

Just a campaign promise...a tactic to get votes.

Mr. "O" is a phony

But if the lawsuit brings to light this blatant travesty and stops the school from being built...I applaud the efforts.

linda said...

don't know why your a hater, but i did not get that opinion from him at all at the meeting. he was truly sincere about his concerns and is doing the right thing for our community. did not see ms crowley make any efforts, besides demanding a school for local children. when contamination came to light, she down played it and repeats that she wasn't in favor of the school.. no you weren't in favor of the school when you didn't get your way. she made no efforts to stop this school from venting crap into our air and then talks about going green.. tom has my vote and i hope everyone follows.

Anonymous said...

Goody, goody. Vote for him or the other do-nothing and he will be in position to collect more bribes (short memories?).

Anonymous said...

Liz Crowley is nervous. Her blog comments have a desperate tone. Hey Lizzy, what are your qualifications for the job you now hold? It's obvious by your words and actions that you are in WAY over your head. Bye bye.

Sarah said...

The Ognibene/Crowley debate is going to be classic. Tom is a lawyer, scholar and former majority leader of the council against Elizabeth who has difficulty placing two sentences together; ah I wouldn’t miss it for the world!

Anonymous said...

"The Ognibene/Crowley debate is going to be classic."

Thomas Ognibene is a proven leader and understands city government.

Crowley is so outclassed that it is almost pathetic.

Anyone who supports Crowley over Ognibene is either deaf, dumb and blind or really doesn't give a shit about Glendale.

Anonymous said...

Lawyer doesn't automatically mean smart either (or honest for sure). But lots of voters think wealthy means intelligent and honest.

Anonymous said...

Lawyer doesn't automatically mean smart either (or honest for sure). But lots of voters think wealthy means intelligent and honest.

No it doesn't. And I don't like Tom. But whe he's on fire in a debate, there's no stopping him. The sad part is, Crowley will NOT debate him. Mark my words - it'll never happen.

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